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Posts posted by Asithappens

  1. I've looked in some other threads but was wondering what the latest word was on YouTube TV.

    Not just for some sports but other stuff, too. I've read they have a pretty good DVR system. 

    I canceled my satellite years ago and now have some streaming services.

  2. 2 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:

    Older kindly black man is my gut feeling. Handing them out at Wally world

    Maybe. But "kindly"? 

    If this is true then he is the devil. He is evil. He is helping to kill people. 

    Fuck that guy and all his "kindliness".

  3. 45 minutes ago, trauma babe said:

    Bobby Hill is not stupid; how dare you.

    I tell ya what, you are absolutely correct.

    Forget the last season when Bobby did look a bit dim, but by god he was genyouwine Buddha. And he gave it up for love. 


  4. 4 hours ago, Bookman said:

    I would like to take a second to grieve the deaths of all these antivaxxers.

    They are dying some horrible deaths, and at some level they're not at fault. They are not great thinkers. They never got past the denial stage. They get medical advice from odd places because this is America. Then they get on the Internet and see others who think like they do, and they feel empowered and emboldened. Many have profited off of this.

    It's quite sad, actually.

    With all due respect, that's bullshit.

    They are at fault. And they are not only killing themselves they are killing others. 

    I don't give a shit what their "excuse" is to be a fucking idiot. They are at fault. At every level. 

    • Hook 'Em 8
  5. On 8/21/2021 at 9:29 PM, SarkAfterDark said:

    I get the reasoning for rooting for Sam here, but long term wise, just not sure if its best for his NFL career to be thrown to the wolves this early. 

    Maybe. Sam is probably at best a reliable back-up in the NFL. 

    Being thrown to the wolves doesn't hurt that at all, imo. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I was born and raised in Missouri, and owned SRV's first three records before moving to Texas for grad school.  The world at large claims him, and I suspect most music fans would put him on the Mount Rushmore of rock guitar, likely with Hendrix, Page, and Van Halen, but others would of course be in the conversation (Clapton, May, Gilmour, Allman, Beck, Berry among others).

    Texans idolize him not nearly so much because he was a Texan, but because he was an absolutely iconic, beyond-prodigious talent.  So there you go. 

    Good post, but Texans idolize him more b/c he's a Texan, imo. 

    And I'm ok with that.

  7. 10 hours ago, bolverk said:

    Yo, Father, if you're looking for healing from Divine Providence, go get care in a fucking church instead of taking up needed space in a hospital.

    And while you're at it, and feeling so full of christian spirit and all, why don't you do something with all the pedo ass-raping priests?

    Just a thought. And for a final editorial comment: rot in hell, motherfucker.

  8. On 6/19/2021 at 12:07 PM, Hook1997 said:


    Karl Urban was in a (too) short-lived tv show called Almost Human with Michael Ealy and Minka Kelly.

    Anyhoo, there was an episode with a song by the Canadian group Strange Advance called World's Away. Maybe I was just in the right mood, but I thought that was one of the best matchings of music with the scene. Brilliant, I thought.

  9. On 8/10/2021 at 10:12 PM, huge said:

    Anyone else watch Val yet?

    Self indulgent but still fascinating.

    His current situation is not ideal but he seems to deal with it better than most would in his shoes.

    I saw it and it was pretty good. 

    But it was kind of cringy, to me, at least. Val came across imo like some high school theatre geek who had way too high of an opinion of himself. 

    The part where he was filming John Frankenheimer and Frankenheimer told him to put his video camera away? Give me a fucking break. That's chicken shit. And the more I watched the more I thought that Val is chickenshit, petty, and arrogant. He's a good actor but imo he's not THAT good. (and the interwebs buzz is that Kilmer burned somebody) Frankenheimer (of Manchurian Candidate and Ronin fame) shouldn't have to put up with petty actors like that. So, in that sense, fuck Val.


    ***One of the most famous stories about Kilmer’s attitude problem came from the set of the 1996 science-fiction horror film, The Island of Dr. Moreau, a notoriously difficult production. Kilmer reportedly showed up to set late, started arguments, recited lines meant for other characters, and, infamously, burned a cameraman with a cigarette. (Kilmer and the movie’s producers say it was an accident, but others say it was intentional.) ***


    And fuck the Christian Scientist approach to health care. Val didn't have cancer, he had a "suggestion" of cancer. 



  10. 7 hours ago, Hank Kingsley said:





    Wasn't there a Rick and Morty episode where some character said "God Damn!" a lot? 

    (Looked it up, it's Noob Noob).

    Anyways, after watching this, my first thought was a giant Noob Noob god damn.


    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 2
  11. 17 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    I guess the median is technically a type of average, but there is a real joke inside the joke there. 

    It's one of the three measures of central tendency, or at least that's what my freshman calc teacher said. 

  12. 8 hours ago, williemackgarza said:

    My kids last half of kinder and all last year of 1st grade have been wrecked by covid.
    He’s definitely behind in reading. Good to go in math, but during all online no,fucking way he could learn to read. Its bullshit.
    Hope you fair better.
    Were in RRISD.

    Get some Hank the cow dog books and read them to him.

    Seriously, great books for kids.


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  13. 27 minutes ago, AnTiM said:

    So our governor is now asking other states for help in fighting the new outbreak of cases in our state due to his own stupidity.  Great, I hope they all tell him to get fucked in a loud and public voice.

    Maybe California will take pity on poor Texas. 

    First the big freeze, now this. 

    Texas has become kind of a joke under Abbott.

  14. 6 hours ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    We are angry, and honestly, all of us who are vaxxed and wearing masks should be.  We need to direct our anger at the unvaccinated asshats and the pols and media enabling them.

    Someone needs to sell t-shirts with this on it. 

    I'd buy one.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. 14 hours ago, ROFL BOX said:

    The only other big Firefly fan I have encountered is an Anti-vax Libertarian that says he has studied @ the "mises institute" (i.e. listened to a lot of Ludwig Van Mises books on tape).  I don't know enough about Firefly to cast any doubts, but I am thinking there is some sort of correlation?

    I hope that guy is banned for life from the Nathan Fillion Civilian Pavilion.

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