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Everything posted by Levi

  1. Yuki and and Danny were tearing it up but Danny kinda ruined that. Piastri is looking really nice lately. I think McLaren has damn good combo on their hands.
  2. I thought the editing was pretty good given that Jennifer Lame was at the helm. She’s really good. To name a few Manchester by the Sea, a bunch of Noah Baumbach films, Hereditary, and her first with Nolan in Tenet. To your second point, I felt given Nolan’s style of jumping around in time, we got see Oppenheimer slowly degrade. There’s the scene where Teller is going back and forth with other scientists and eventually “quits”. In that moment we watch Oppenheimer struggling then in a flash snapping back into it. It was almost as if Nolan was teasing us of his inner conflict till we finally see it when he’s making his speech after the Trinity test.
  3. He will. Ewers isn’t naturally charismatic with interviews but he comes off as authentic which is all that matters.
  4. *Mediums. My bad. It’s like the fans felt bad and thought he deserved it after Horner’s comments. Perez finishing where he supposed to? Congrats!
  5. Good to see Danny back. Getting mixed up in the first corner shenanigans, dropping to dead last then doing 40 laps on hard and finishing back to P13 was solid. Russel climbing his way from P18 to P6 was also cool to watch. Felt like Russel or Lando should have gotten DOTD.
  6. This film is one of Nolan’s best imo. The opening of the film was beautifully done. The back and forth of regular picture to black and white was one of the coolest parts. The use of color being subjective, and black/white being objective highlighted the film’s timeline well. Also, I don’t know when the last time a film has had best leading actor and best supporting actor nominations in the same film and won, but this film could be the next.
  7. Same. I could see Lummus making a leap next year.
  8. Don’t know the full context but I wouldn’t fuck around with a four star general.
  9. Everything that I’ve read is being on the knee allows for the catcher to receive the ball better and creating more saves/steals on strikes. There’s a whole movement in the MLB right now that show with stats that catchers can create more outs by framing pitches better than actually throwing guys out. I think Galvan lacked the experience and his blocking suffered. You can still throw and block from one knee but you have to be confident and comfortable in doing it. There’s pros and cons for each stance and in my opinion a mixture of both is the route I would take.
  10. Wasn’t the deal that the player is already in we’re just waiting on the announcement?
  11. Meh. He’s putting up crazy numbers and it’s good to see so I don’t think you are. It could be that Powell, Borba, and Belyeu are going to be in the lineup no matter what and its just a matter of which two are on the field and the other DH. Could Belyeu try out at second?
  12. Agreed about the NIL allocation. This scenario I think O’Dowd would be the odd man out for the infield and probably DH. he finished the season on somewhat of high note so he’ll have every chance to keep a spot but in the long term I think the young guys win out. I could also see Borba and Belyeu being interchangeable in that lineup as well.
  13. DH Powell? Where does Gasparino and Borba fit?
  14. What kind of results does Daniel have to get in order to compete for a seat next season, whatever that may be? Is it simply comparing what he does against Perez?
  15. He’s shown plenty in the pitching department. Just get him off of third base please.
  16. Getting Tulo back would be a big plus.
  17. Holy crap that’s a turn for Checo.
  18. Assuming Borba is in line for a Flores freshman year is off imo. Flores is one of the few position players that was a draft risk and ended up on campus, but struggled. Off the top of my head Faltine, Hamilton, and Thomas all had good freshman years (yes, Hamilton wasn’t nothing at the plate but was damn good in the field). I think Borba has higher upside than Flores coming out of high school.
  19. It could possibly enhance occupy lf, maybe? I’m a grass guy even with the true hop you’re going to get with turf. Both are something we could add the Disch but not necessarily needed to fix a problem.
  20. Not much imo. Outfield seating would be nice and of course a natural field. Outfield seating is a city thing and natural grass is a matter of when not if.
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