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Everything posted by Kermit

  1. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    His father is Howard Schultz. At least according to the internet.
  2. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    Schultz? Isn’t that the asshole who sold the Sonics?
  3. He’s 23. Also, I’m pretty fucking shocked at how similar they are statistically. https://stathead.com/basketball/pcm_finder.cgi?request=1&sum=1&player_id1=portemi01&p1yrfrom=2021&p1yrto=2021&player_id2=lewisra02&p2yrfrom=2002&p2yrto=2002 Age comparison.
  4. Meh, if he’s not hitting romantic threes, he seems worthless. Dude reminds me of a more religious Rashard Lewis.
  5. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    What about Derrick Rose? Not that he deserves to be on the list ahead of anyone.
  6. Watching the game, Porter Jr looks shitty? Am I missing something here?
  7. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    Moses, Walton, and Lanier. And Walton belongs nowhere near this fucking list either. Probably the second greatest college player ever and a career mangled by injury, but that doesn’t translate into a top 75 career. You don’t get this shit on promise, otherwise Len Bias would be on this list.
  8. Fucking Jokic, man. I keep trying to make myself hate this guy and I can’t. Dude is all kinds of awesome, adorable, and terrifying rolled into a doughy center filled with crème.
  9. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    I’m enjoying this Lakers team immensely.
  10. The fact the Russell Westbrook of all people is on this goddamn list makes it irrelevant.
  11. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    Counter argument: fuck Ben Simmons.
  12. I know it’s Orlando but there are a couple of things that I liked about the win: 1. The ball didn’t stick. There isn’t a Rudy Gay, Demar Derozan, or Lamarcus Aldridge to play isolation. The team passed the ball, cut hard, and sprinkled in some back door passing. 2. Defensively, they play the extremely hard. You can tell where the weak-links are, but he didn’t get much playing time and there’s nothing you can do about the size advantage Bamba had over Keldon. 3. Where the fuck is Thaddeus Young? 4. We need more Primo. That kid plays exceptionally hard and smart for an eighteen year old kid. No fear. I’m going to be watching a lot of Austin Spurs games, although I still believe we should just package Lonnie with Young in a trade and let Primo play is role in the rotation.
  13. San Antonio Spurs 2021-22 Season Thread - Does the NBA Have Relegation?
  14. San Antonio Spurs 2021-22 Season Thread - We May be Bad, but We’re Not Camo-Jersey Bad
  15. San Antonio Spurs 2021-22 Season Thread - Does Pop’s Carpet Match the Drapes?
  16. Primo on the roster is fucking awesome. Hopefully that means he’s here to stay. It is also a probable sign that Lonnie is getting traded.
  17. I think we need to redefine super teams. This is not me arguing with hobbes in any way. Magic, Larry, and Michael all played on super teams. There are super teams created by sheer incompetence of other teams in trades and through the draft, and then there are super teams created by the players through trades free agency. Neither is a wrong way to create a great team, and both can be extremely infuriating (thanks Memphis, you fucking assholes). Larry got the benefit of a great trade for Boston, and Magic got to play with Cap and Worthy (Cleveland doing Cleveland things) . Michael got the benefit of a great GM in Jerry Krause, who no matter how much he was hated was fucking terrific at scouting and team building. KD got to choose where he wanted to destroy the league, as did Lebron. If Michael, Larry, or Magic had got to play in the player empowerment era, we'd be bitching about it too much the same way we bitched about the Lakers getting lucky as fuck that Kobe threatened to sit out if anyone else drafted him or that Pop hated Dennis Rodman so much that Will Perdue looked sexy. Btw, Pop has made some shitty ass trades. I really don't know this fucking tangent was about.
  18. We can all piss on his grave together. A river of piss seems an appropriate legacy for that dick muncher.
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