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Posts posted by Apex73

  1. 12 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    I don't know. Thanks to the internet people put up with vicious insults that would have caused a fight just a few decades ago. And it has been awhile since somebody has dueled to the death to defend their honor from an insult. I see zero evidence that at some previous time you could insult people and they would be cool with it because their skin was so thick. 

    Just today we have social media to facilitate being pissed off publicly at whatever. 

    Maybe there is no evidence because they didn't let it bother them and you heard nothing about it because they thought it was trivial.  When someone doesn't make a scene it doesn't make news headlines.  The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

  2. 3 minutes ago, The Earl of Texas said:

    I don’t need any when you’re arguing for the use of the n-word. 

     I'm not arguing for the use of it.  I said words are trivial and they only affect you if you allow them too.  There's a huge difference.

  3. I just think they are reaching too far on what I see as a trivial issue.  Like B. Jones said, the song itself doesn't have racist intent.  I don't want to pretend like I know their feelings about it but there comes a point where you should really examine is this really worth the trouble?  All the other stuff I totally understand why they would want that and they should get it but this is asking a little too much in my opinion and obviously even in the opinions of former players.

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  4. 1 minute ago, SHOOTER12 said:

    Made me wonder whatever happened to "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me"?

    I wish EVERYONE would quit giving people the authority to hurt them with their big ugly mouths.

    There's a lot of thin skin out there today for sure.  But what amazes me is people think because they don't use a few words they can say as much horrible shit with the rest of them as they want.  Like it's ok if you call someone a piece of shit cancer to society as long as you don't say one of the banned words.  It's hilarious and hypocritical.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    I don't know. With your fist all you can do is punch me in the face. With your words you can convince a million people to punch me in the face.

    Maybe if you were in a leadership role.  It's still not the words that hurt you in that scenario.  It's the violence.  That scenario relies on getting everyone on the same page to hit you in the face which is next to impossible.  I see the correlation but that's a reaching counter point.

  6. 7 minutes ago, The Earl of Texas said:

    Every single black person You or I have ever heard speak on the subjectsay they got their feelings hurt by the N-word.

    So maybe you should stop looking at it as a white guy who doesn’t mind the N-word being said bc ‘it’s just a word’ and start looking at it through someone else’s eyes.

    That's not true.  I have black friends who don't care if the word is said at all.  The idea that you can control what someone says or thinks is ridiculous.  So I don't understand why you would worry about it.  It's not like legislation or violence.  Words have next to no impact unless you either allow it or are a child who's brain is still developing.  If I were you, I would stop speaking for all black people.  They don't all think the same way you know?  

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  7. 4 minutes ago, Saint Tacky said:

    Unreasonable to you, and perhaps me, but that doesn't matter. Clearly it is significant to the players and teams. The suits can say there won't be any more demands. This is a final agreement and is intended to encompass and resolve all demands.

    I mean that's all well and good in theory but it definitely could go a completely different direction.  Meaning they get their demands met then they make more later.  I have no idea what they would be its just hypothetical.  I guess we cross that bridge when we get there.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Saint Tacky said:

    I have no objections to anything that's been requested. Again, I cut the deal and move on down the road before the players either (a) demand something truly unreasonable; or (b) the matter blows-up in our faces and the ultimate resolution becomes inconsequential as to the perceived failure to act. Florida's actions today only turns up the heat on Texas. Get it done.

    I would say demanding money be given to BLM is pretty unreasonable.  But that's just my opinion.  And who's to say there won't be more demands even if you meet all these?

    • Like 6
  9. 21 minutes ago, The Earl of Texas said:

    I pity anyone stupid enough to look at the two slurs in question here and not be smart enough to immediately understand one is significantly worse than the other in its meaning and use. Both are bad, but there’s no comparison.

    Some of the “counter arguments” amaze me in their lack of tact and intelligence.

    I mean no one can really hurt you with words unless in your mind you give them permission to do so.  They matter way less than anything else.

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  10. 43 minutes ago, Casual Encounter said:

    Why is this ok? Progress, people, let’s make progress.

    Its definitely not consistent but Ive never had a problem with cracker.  I mean it's kind of hilarious actually.  Then again I think words matter less than almost anything so I don't know why people get so upset about them.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Dr. Beeper said:

    I doubt the song is going anywhere long term. Personally, I don’t care a great deal. But enough people do. I just don’t see it dying.

    On the other hand, if the players aren’t satisfied with alums like Brian Jones talking sense into them, I could see CDC instructing the band to just not play it until this blows over, so that we won’t have fans booing players and a real shitshow on our hands. I’m not interested in a song creating any division between the team and fans, or amongst players/coaches themselves.  If fans start booing the lack of Eyes being played, that’s on us to self police. 

    Yea I also think football time changes things.  A lot easier to be united then when you have a common goal.

  12. 1 minute ago, Saint Tacky said:

    It appears one side is not inclined to cooperate, and that's their prerogative. I just side with the notion that if they cannot work out a compromise that the "Eyes of Texas" is not where the suits should draw the line in the sand. 

    I mean if you mean by cooperate to just agree 100 percent with all the demands that is just compliance not cooperation.

  13. I also think a lot of the real issues get conflated with just overall sjw nonsense.  Which isn't fair.  But the fact that we've had a lot of people in the country screaming about nonsense and aligning themselves with black people isn't doing anyone any favors.  Now it's harder to make the distinction between black people going through real issues and just sjw nonsense.  Sucks.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    I’d be open to replacing The Eyes with “Kooda” by 6ix9ine if it meant we were playoff contenders every year. 

    Ugly fact of life Herman & the team must learn: if you want more people to take you seriously, win more games. 4 losses a year & walk-off field goals against Kansas aren’t going to open up a lot of ears. 

    Yea I don't think that is what this is about.  That would make sense if they were all demanding like cars or material bullshit but this is different.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    My position on this is more...nuanced. Plenty of great conversations are had in today's society but for political purposes it is easier to just use strawmen and charicatures...which is probably the same as it ever was. But, of course, it is almost impossible to have a real conversation on Twitter. It seems almost designed to make such discussions very difficult and unfortunately that seems to be a primary platform for public discourse.


    Yea twitter's main problem is it's limited amount of caricatures allows people to generalize what someone says and take it completely out of context very easily.

  16. 5 minutes ago, Tex Pete said:

    Manny generally bugs me, but what he is doing is most important. People need to stop shouting at each other and listen to each other. Rarely are people all one way or all the other. Most people's views and opinions are nuanced, and it's really easy to dismiss and smear the other side instead of hearing them out. In the end, people can often still agree to disagree, but most of the time they'll realize the other side of the conversation isn't necessarily evil. 

    Ive been saying that for years now.  Nuance almost seems completely lost in today's society at least in the way we listen.

  17. 6 minutes ago, A’Dam Psycho said:

    Boo fuckin hoo that’s life. Every company he’s ever gonna work for is gonna make money off of him. That’s called capitalism. You get a chance to set your family up for life by playing a fuckin sport. Again kick rocks if that’s not good enough for you

    Don't feed the political troll dude.  You are arguing with the equivalent of a light post.

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