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Posts posted by DeadArmadillo

  1. 6 hours ago, Longboard Horn said:

    Apparently aggy has an eventing team with female yell leaders. 


    WTF is an eventing team?!

    I don't know any better than anyone else does, but we can all be sure lots of food is involved

  2. 13 hours ago, pigmeat markham said:

    Rivals shows Felton as having only one other offer, that being UH.

    It shows Stringer on the other hand to have 18 offers including Wisconsin, Cal, Oklahoma State, Ariz, Indiana, Illinois, etc.

    Sorry if I was unclear.  I meant any offers wanting them to transfer in.  I doubt Felton had any P5 teams calling him wanting him to transfer in and play as a scholarship graduate student.  Stringer probably had a few transfer options

  3. I don't understand why anyone on this board is analyzing and discussing who was responsible for making that catch.  

    We should all be agreeing on how pig got f'd because of it and discussing how wonderful that is

    • Like 2
  4. 10 hours ago, pigmeat markham said:

    Stringer is actually a pretty good player.  Felton not so much.

    I'm wondering if Felton had any offers at anything better than a low level 1-A school, like Tulsa or San Jose or a MAC school.  He was never that great at Tech.  

    If he is going to go to graduate school and no big time programs were interested in him, he may have just decided to stay in Lubbock where he has a social base, start work on his masters, and play some special teams.  It's a hell of a lot better life than most 22 year old college kids live.  He isn't any kind of an NFL prospect

    Stringer was not a star, but a contributor on defense.  It's good for Gibbs that he is returning

    • Like 1
  5. 18 hours ago, utee94 said:

    And then get your ass kicked by another unarmed cheerleader.  

    And a preppy one at that.  You had a lethal weapon and an unarmed private school cheerleader beat you down in front of tens of thousands of people.  And you are pretending to be someone who defends our country.  

  6. At a solid 5'11, he's the tallest ever corps member

    Never forget this aggy. I remember how much trouble he got into for making these shirts during the presidential campaign

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  7. 3 hours ago, irishtexan said:

    Watch two enormous bags of shit arguing. 


    There is no one in media I hate more than Collin Cowherd.

    You know Cowherd, I always stick up for him. They say oh, Cowherd that loud mouth - and they say that a lot. I say oh, no you just don't know Cowherd. I mean when they call him an idiot, I say Cowherd's not an idiot. Well, you know something maybe they know him pretty good. Maybe I'm just starting to find out.

  8. 9 hours ago, Zepol87 said:

    Had a baseball tournament in EP in high school. I think it was at Bowie but a dude running from the cops behind the outfield fence.  Pretty much all I got.

    Which reminds me that they used to have a tremendous track program

  9. Every fucking day I remind them.  
    Tacitly, or otherwise, there was a string within the thread talking about who to cheer for.  I picked real colleges.  I offended people.  We can move on.  Never underestimate the sensitivity of "everybody gets a trophy/diploma" groups
    You seem to be very easily offended

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  10. 3 hours ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    That's kind of hard to wrap my head around.

    Similar to how the University of Minnesota was a power house with a rabid fanbase until the Vikings came along.  You talk about stadium capacities as they pertain to student/alumni bases and U of M is like the reverse of Rice.  Where Rice can hold their entire living alumni base, Minnesota can't even hold their entire current student body (and still don't usually sell out unless playing Iowa or Wisconsin, who bring 10-20K of their own fans).

    Yes, it is odd, now.  It was hard for me to understand as a young lad in the early 70's.  And that was just 10 years removed from Navy being a Top Ten team and 20 years from Rice and some Ivy League schools and others of that ilk dominating the CFB world.  

    Makes you wonder how much America's sports world will change in the next 20-30 years, or even the next decade

  11. 2 hours ago, Orange^White said:

    Saw this out in the wild yesterday. 360@Spicewood Springs


    So when you have a gathering and invite your co workers, that's the one aggie you tell about the party.  And you ask him not to tell the other aggies about said party.  And he understands

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