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Posts posted by Keef

  1. 13 minutes ago, Vegas64 said:

    I’m generally a fan of Elon, but this is getting embarrassing:

    “I think it is important to be clear here that Musk is lying. The spam bots are not why he is backing away from the deal, as you can tell from the fact that the spam bots are why he did the deal. He has produced no evidence at all that Twitter’s estimates are wrong, and certainly not that they are materially wrong or made in bad faith. (Musk can only get out of the deal if Twitter's filings are wrong in a way that would cause a “material adverse effect” on Twitter, which is vanishingly unlikely.) His own supposed methodology for counting spam bots is laughable. Yesterday Twitter’s chief executive officer, Parag Agrawal, tweeted a threadexplaining in general terms how Twitter estimates that fake accounts represent fewer than 5% of its count of active users, and how this analysis can’t be easily replicated by outsiders (because they don’t know which accounts are real, and also because they don’t know which accounts Twitter counts as daily active users). It seems clear that Agrawal’s thoughtful answer is basically correct.[1] Musk responded with a poop emoji.”

    LOL.  No way that's a "material adverse effect".  People sue as to whether an MAE has occurred pretty frequently, and I think Delaware has only ever agreed there was an MAE in one case.

  2. What women need to do is invent a religion where abortion rights are an important tenant.  Because, as conservative america has taught me, as long as you say your opinion is derived from your religion (no matter how tenuous/unsupported your belief is in the actual religious texts), you can do whatever you want and skate a whole host of laws.

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  3. I had Sandy Levinson in law school and he thought we should just tear up the constitution and start fresh.  His argument was that its an old document that doesn't deal with modern problems (meaning, you can read it however you damn well please on issues like abortion, firearms, etc.), pretty short/lacking on details compared to other constitutions, and all the loop holes are known/exploited.  There's of course no way to practically accomplish this, but I often think back to his class and how right he was.

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  4. 1 minute ago, FartingMonk said:

    Yeah I don't understand when people say we aren't fighting Russia.  We essentially are doing everything but.  It's like giving your neighbor all your stuff to fight the neighbor and sit in your lawn and say I'm not involved

    It's been that way literally for decades.  It's the status quo.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
  5. 1 minute ago, NoName said:

    enforcing a no fly zone = killing russian pilots and planes.

    if we are going to kill russian pilots and planes, we are entering full scale warfare with Russia - as is the rest of the world no matter if they want to or not. if we are going to do that why the hell would we "just" enforce a no fly zone?

    yes, thousands of Ukrainians will die needlessly. while it is unfortunate as hell, they are not part of NATO (and only 54% of UKR people want to join pre this fight), they are not part of the EU - only 58% of people wanted to joint that. 21% of people wanted to join a customs union with RUS+Belarus+Kazakhstan. there is no clear want by the UKR people over time to join either group and ally themselves to Europe or NATO. they JUST requested to join and have their request fast tracked THREE days ago.

    this isn't going to fight against Iraq or the Taliban, this is a full hot war against a nominal superpower with nukes. you don't jump into that kind of war over someone who isn't an ally, someone who hasn't joined your alliance and someone who had limited interest in pushing to join the alliance until they were invaded.

    going balls to the wall into a nuclear war with the rest of the world against fucking Russia over a country that has had every single opportunity to lean closer to Europe/NATO and has opted not to over the last 30 (!!!) years seems like an iffy choice when there are so many other options.

    Going Crazy Will Ferrell GIF

    ~250k people have died in the Civil War in Yemen and nobody was interested. somewhere between ~120k and ~150k from 06 to 18 died in the Mexican Drug War. Est 350k have died in the Boko Haram/Islamist fight in Nigeria. ~350k have died in the Syrian Civil War.

    don't see you or most others pushing to enter any of those conflicts, which are worse in basically every way for humanity as a whole when it comes to how many folks it has impacted, just because the fucking Ruskies are not on the other side.


    I cannot express how horrible what is happening in Ukraine enough, but could not agree with this more.  And for all the people worried about Russia going after Poland or Lithuania or whatever, do you seriously think Russia will be able to mount a credible invasion/occupation on multiple fronts?

    • Hook 'Em 3
  6. 13 minutes ago, MillerEP said:


    Statement from Roman Abramovich
    17 Min Ago

    I would like to address the speculation in media over the past few days in relation to my ownership of Chelsea FC. As I have stated before, I have always taken decisions with the Club’s best interest at heart. In the current situation, I have therefore taken the decision to sell the Club, as I believe this is in the best interest of the Club, the fans, the employees, as well as the Club’s sponsors and partners.

    The sale of the Club will not be fast-tracked but will follow due process. I will not be asking for any loans to be repaid. This has never been about business nor money for me, but about pure passion for the game and Club. Moreover, I have instructed my team to set up a charitable foundation where all net proceeds from the sale will be donated. The foundation will be for the benefit of all victims of the war in Ukraine. This includes providing critical funds towards the urgent and immediate needs of victims, as well as supporting the long-term work of recovery.

    Please know that this has been an incredibly difficult decision to make, and it pains me to part with the Club in this manner. However, I do believe this is in the best interest of the Club.

    I hope that I will be able to visit Stamford Bridge one last time to say goodbye to all of you in person. It has been a privilege of a lifetime to be part of Chelsea FC and I am proud of all our joint achievements. Chelsea Football Club and its supporters will always be in my heart.

    Thank you,


    Bet those sales proceeds won't be in rubles. 

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  7. 1 minute ago, Dbeasy said:

    Is everyone 100% sure that we don’t want to bring our AirPower into this conflict over the skies of Ukraine?

    Ask yourself - do you want everyone in the world to die?  Those that don't perish in the initial blast will starve to death or waste away due to radiation poisoning.  If the answer to that question is no, and it is for me, then yes, we're 100% sure.  Nuclear weapons are terrible, awful things for a variety of reasons.  One of them is it creates a lot of latitude for nuclear powers to behave badly before another power is willing to end the world over it.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  8. 7 hours ago, 0xdeadbeef said:

    I'm confused here. This seems like China is standing up against Russia... Is there some twist that I'm not getting.

    I mean, if there is literally one thing China cares about, it’s territorial integrity. 

    Catching up on this thread now. All of this is obviously staged, but it won’t matter. Putin pretty clearly helped stage a bunch of apartment bombings (against Russian citizens) like 20 years ago  that was even more ham handed and most Russians still bought it. They caught FSB agents in the act and everything.  

  9. 3 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Kind of a funny story came across my google feed.  https://abovethelaw.com/2022/02/federal-judge-burned-by-metadata/  

    Apparently, a federal judge in a trade secret case appointed a "special master" for the case.  A special master assists the court/judge with specialized knowledge about the subject matter of a case.  Usually, it's like an IP lawyer with some engineering or scientific training that makes findings that the actual judge can adopt, reject, or modify in making actual rulings in the case.

    Apparently, the judge in writing opinions and orders, used the documents generated by the special master as a template or form, thus leaving the author field as "special master" or someone associated with the special master.

    One of the parties, presumably the losers on some rulings, made a motion to recuse the judge on the ground that she wasn't independently writing those rulings, based on the metadata, the author field on the document.

    Bold move, Cotton.  It didn't work.

    As a lawdog, I have been tempted at times to conclude things based on the metadata in a Word doc or pdf, but it's a hazardous business for exactly this reason.  There is actually software to strip metadata from documents to avoid this kind of thing.  I should probably be more rigorous in using it.

    I'm paranoid about the metadata filters.  I work at one of the big shops (I say that only because I presume we have paid for decent software) and sometimes our metadata filter will do weird things to the doc trying to clean a pdf or word file.  

  10. I quickly searched and didn't see an 8-K on the acquisition and/or see the merger agreement publicly.  Not smart enough to understand the strategy behind taking the position the acquisition wasn't material, but I've seen behemoths file 8-K's on $100M acquisitions before.  I'd guess that the business sold for lower than the parties wanted to advertise (could be totally wrong).  But shout-out to Shannon and Bobby for negotiating deals where they could flip the same business three times using the same people.

  11. 24 minutes ago, Speedway said:

    Are members of the coaching and support staff State of Texas employees?  If so, do they fall under the same HR guidelines (protection) that other state employees fall under?  The reason I ask is that it's damn near impossible to terminate any State of Texas employee, even "for cause."  Once you have passed the probationary period there is very little recourse for termination.  A job with the State of Texas is almost like for life if you want it.  I don't know, but this may contribute to the chronic bloat and rot inside Belmont.

    Sure doesn't impact our ability to fire football coaches.

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