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Posts posted by The_Great_Hornsby

  1. 3 minutes ago, BigXII said:

    I hope Nebraska joins the Big 12 for one year, and the very next day after they announce they are joining the conference, Texas uses it's muscle to shut down fall football.

    you hope Texas shuts it down? I dont, speak for yourself

  2. 2 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

    Like I've said, PAC and B1G are mostly composed of real universities that have football programs on the side. SEC and B12 mostly minor league football teams tangentially associated with lower tier universities. There was always going to be a fault line there.

    ACC, idk lol who cares

    What a stupid low IQ take, lol dumbass

  3. 7 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    Well I guess all those programs that claim to care about the safety and well being of their players are now going to commit to making sure they stay safe outside of sports. If that's the lie we're going to go with. 

    Be real man, nobody is likely to get myocarditis. Nobody is going to die. Give the players an opt out with no penalty if they are scared. Most players will choose to play to help further their careers. They are safer under the 24 hour medical care they will get at the school than if they get it at home. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 1 minute ago, C-Man said:

    It's not going to be a real season most likely -- if it even gets close to completed as newly-constructed. It will be teams competing for conference titles, nothing more.

    If 3 of the 5 conferences play, there will be a playoff. Pac 12 is irrelevant anyways. We are only really missing out on Ohio State, and fuck em. 

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  5. 1 minute ago, mdmost said:

    Yeah, fuck Nebraska. They chose to leave because things weren't "fair" to them. Live with your decisions. 

    I would take them and Iowa into the Big 12 in a heartbeat and go back to a normal schedule with two divisions. Fuck this playing OU twice in a year BS, it makes it so hard on the conference. 

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  6. 9 minutes ago, LTbear said:

    It's been far from "tons." Your suggestion that you need to wait to see a college player die before you take it seriously is beyond moronic. It's well proven that both transmissibility and mortality are higher with Covid than in the flu, but you put your fingers in your ears. There is an obvious risk to coaches, staff, and families of all, but you likewise stick your fingers in your ears.  The point that the virus poses a low risk to college athletes is perfectly fine and true. But your outright refusal to accept facts and your doubling down on hyperbolic idiocies is what's preventing you from being taken seriously by a single person with fully adult cognitive abilities. 

    There hasn't even been one in critical condition. Are we shutting down seasons over a bad outbreak of the flu? Is MJ a piece of shit for playing with the flu in Utah? He wasn't social distancing. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Irieguy said:

    You are changing your argument. You said 99.5% survival rate. That is simply untrue. Just admit you posted a made up number to bolster your argument. Intellectual honesty please. 

    I didn't, I based it on the background antibody studies but you are gonna dispute my sources to the death and say they are fake news. Which is fine, whatever. So lets discuss the players. Tons of college athletes around the country acquiring covid and none are dead or in critical condition. The concern of spreading it to the family is ridiculous because they will be the most highly tested people in the population and will be living on campus. They can wear a mask and quarantine when appropriate.  

  8. 1 minute ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    What about player’s families? Are they just going to be sequestered from them for 5 months? I would imagine that many family members are at risk preventing them from being around their families. Yes, the players will probably, most likely, be fine. But they don’t live in a bubble. 

    They live on campus, away from their families. They can wear a mask like we all do around our at risk family members. And they will be getting tested so frequently they will know exactly when they are a risk and not. 

  9. Just now, Herpa Derpa said:

    You made an easily disproven claim. It was disproven. Now, you're making it again.

    Instead of having the balls to say, "you're right, I was being a bit hyperbolic to make a point," you double down on your easily disproven claim with a backpedaling, goalpost moving, flow of bullshit.

    It's obstinate stupidity such as this as to why there will be no full college football season this fall. Could have been, if shitheels like yourself simply exercised the minimal amount of personal responsibility. Thanks for your contribution to the birth of our Idiocracy.

    It is well documented that the 20 year old population is at the same risk from covid that they are with the flu, which is almost none at all. Also, an ad hominem that presumes I am somehow at fault for a spike is preposterous. I wear a mask everywhere I go, I have at risk family members that I see every other weekend. And I will reiterate, the presence of antibodies indicates previous exposure and the studies that have been conducted indicated that the antibodies in the background are at a much higher rate than what is being tested positive. 

  10. Just now, 4th&Five said:

    The survival rate is one thing. Having a life long condition because we wanted to see football games is a bit different. 

    Life long conditions for a 20 year old? I can buy that argument for an at risk 65 year old fan. But a player? Come on. NBA players aren't even showing symptoms when they get it. Same with these college football players testing positive. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, Irieguy said:

    Your claim of 99.5% survival rate was disproven weeks ago when you originally posted it. Want to do it again?

    USA 4,171,358 +1,040 147,364

    147K divided by 4.2M is 3.7%

    Ah yes, because every case has been tested and accounted for. Again there are many, many people who got it and never knew. There were several studies in LA, Boston, and New York that suggested that many people had contracted covid and survived, on the order of several magnitudes higher than what the testing would show. Don't be intentionally dense. 

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  12. 1 minute ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    Well now we get to combine both a flu season and a fall COVID spike together! Will that make you realize what situation we’re facing this fall?

    Players survival rate will still far exceed anything worth considering a risk. I already said no crowds is fine. Players being "at risk" is a laughable claim. 

  13. 8 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    Or, you know, we could get our flu shot every year.

    Still have like 60-80k deaths on bad years and its not even close to 100% effective. While I agree with the sentiment, if people want to get the vaccine whenever it comes out, that is fine. The idea that this disease should prevent college football from happening (if no crowds) is not based in science at all. In fact it is at the highest level of fear based decision making. 

  14. 6 hours ago, Grade of D as in David said:

    Do you have to hold a grown ups hand whenever you cross the street?

    US Covid deaths: 147,333

    US deaths on 9/11: 2977

    We lost 2355 in the last two days alone.

    As far as athletes getting sick and possibly dying, there is a non zero chance that one will die. Hopefully that doesn't happen, but if it happens to a high profile,healthy person maybe people like you will take it seriously.



    Comparing wars or bad events to illnesses is pretty dumb. 

    US flu deaths are also more than deaths on 9/11... fuck, better pack it up and shut everything down until we eradicate the flu. 

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  15. 2 minutes ago, Grade of D as in David said:

    Virtually everyone survived their flights that day and year as well.

    It's cute you think covid is suddenly gonna turn into a massive killer. A football player is just as likely to hospitalized by the flu as they are by covid. Their risk is as close to 0% as you can really get. You see all these NBA players getting it, any of them dead yet? I will hang up and listen. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  16. Imagine if we cancel a season for a virus with over a 99.5% survival rate (and for the kiddos it's like 99.9%+). Just cut the crowds and play the games. The kids will be fine and if the coaches are worried about covid than they can sit out or zoom in. I'll gladly coach in their place and take their massive salaries. 

    But optics and liability. 

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  17. 3 minutes ago, The_highest_of_fives said:

    I am not sure if I should go refund route or push to next year, in all honesty, who knows what we look like this time next year, 2021 could be in danger.

    Pump the brakes cowboy! Dont even put that kind of bad thought into the world!

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