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Posts posted by The_Great_Hornsby

  1. Just now, tchookem said:

    Why would it muddy the waters? How does this response make Floyd's murder justified?

    I know what you're trying to say, that some will use the rioting to deflect, but I think it's up to us to not let that happen. Force it to be two different discussions.

    It will muddy the waters, just watch. Doesnt make his death less tragic or anything like that. But when the whole world wakes up tomorrow and sees headlines of Minneapolis burning and being looted, it will make people turn away from the whole situation entirely, both Floyd and the looting. 

  2. What an embarrassing and pathetic response. This will muddy the waters on what shouldve been a nationwide uniting against the senseless death of Floyd. Leave it to the fringe criminal assholes to fuck it up for everybody. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Hozz said:

    Do people consider the Spurs 99 title legitimate?  The strike shortened (or lockout, whatever happened) 50 game-ish season after Jordan retired for the 2nd time and the Bulls were broken up?  I bet most people don't even remember or know that about it.  This is definitely different from that but a title is a title and all the teams got 60+ games in during the regular season up to this point, which was more than that 99 season.  I think under the current circumstances the regular 1-8 conference seeding makes the most sense here with 3-5 regular season games for a week or two ahead of the playoffs.

    As for where to play them, I think they are overthinking it.  The Vegas or Orlando scenarios are interesting but they could probably just play them in the normal arenas with some capacity adjustments.

    The NBA pushing back the season start to Christmas is long overdue.  If I am running a pro sports league the last one I want to compete with is the NFL.  June and July are terrible sports months currently, starting league play at Christmas makes them yours.

    Spurs title is legit and so is Miami's title in 2012, there was no interruption after it started

  4. Gotta get lebron his asterisk ring. 99 spurs played a season without interruption after it started. At this point, having a conclusion after 3 months off is fucking stupid and a clear grab at money and to help Lebron get a ring. What a joke. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    And I have ACTUAL law-enforcement related PTSD (seriously, it popped into my head last night and wouldn't let me sleep) from the cops beating the shit out of my dad, jailing him, and not even letting us know that had happened so we thought he was dead.  That actually fucking happened.  So fuck them.  Zero sympathy from me.  If they can't hack the job without taking it out on innocent people, fucking quit.

    The beauty of the internet is that anyone can say anything they want with virtually no way to actually fact check that person

  6. 1 hour ago, Poe It Up said:

    Well, there are more reasons that cops suffer from PTSD than just self-induced paranoia. For instance, a friend of mine that is a local cop was called to a residence where an 8 year old was shot in the back of his head by his mom while watching cartoons. They see some really horrific shit on the job besides the usual risks of death or injury. So downplaying the risks may help some, but there are responsibilities that come with the job that can’t be avoided.

    Honestly, my point was wondering how effective they are at culling those that are suffering from PTSD, since some estimates claim that nearly 15% of officers suffer from it. 

    15% seems really, really low

  7. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    What I envisioned happening at the store today:

    Guy in A&M gear, "Why you wearing a mask?  You're nothing but a sheep man!" 

    Me, "Well if anybody would know what a sheep would wear in a panic, it's an Aggie." 

    What really happened: 

    Me, "You in line sir?"

    Guy in A&M gear (looking at my mask), "Yeah, what's it to you faggot?"  

    Again, I go back to this not being political, it's about education and income.  Aggies typically have mediocre levels of both.  


    Sounds like a fake story lol

    • Like 2
  8. 14 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    Ok well let’s just wait for the massive spike in Missouri then and we’ll reassess

    I was told that when Georgia and Florida opened up they would turn into NYC 2.0... many weeks later and the goalposts have moved again

    • Like 5
  9. 3 hours ago, Sock Monkey said:

    I dare you to step away from the keyboard and tell that to an ICU nurse working at a hospital overrun with COVID-19 patients. Maybe the hospital I work at.

    What a childish, emotional response to a level headed comment. 

    How does an extinction level event that ushered in an ice age, compare to a disease that has a kill rate at under 0.5%? The entire premise of the comparison is ridiculous. 

    • Like 2
  10. Just now, Trey3216 said:

    It’ll be really cool if we shelter in place for another 8 months so maybe 50% or more are unemployed.  How long will the bread and soup kitchen lines stretch when you have to maintain 6 feet of separation.  What a fucking world to look forward to.  


    Socialism would fix all of our problems, this situation just reveals the evils of capitalism /s

    • Fuck You 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Umm.. he was being sarcastic, and mocking you in a back handed way for your comment.  The argument is stay at home till we have this thing figured out 100%. That's a nice sentiment and all,  but while everyone stays at home our economy, and the rest of the worlds will at some point sink to a level that it won't recover from for years and years (SEE: 1929).

    If anyone think deaths were high in March, wait for the millions and millions of deaths the next couple years because of the hardships, adverse poverty, lack of health care, jobs, food,  and a wretched economy have on peoples lives.  There has got to be a balance, and a way to move forward. So the whole huddle in your home till its 100% safe to go out is not a realistic prescription for solving this issue.  I venture to say many people who don't worry about in home confinement indefinitely have the monetary means to ride it out, and just aren't being affected the same way many other folks are.

    This. Most people here do not grasp economics nor do they realize the near irreversible damage that is being done to our economy on a daily basis. The longer this goes, the more despair and death that will result. This disease has a kill rate of around 0.25%, meaning if all 330 million people caught it in our country, we wouldnt even have 1 million deaths. I mean come on people... 

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:

    Again, it’s not just about living. We can’t send people out there who will be laid up in bed for 2 weeks or hospitalized. This is also the second day in a row in Dallas that someone died in their 20’s. 

    How many tests will it take for 130 teams to be able to test players and coaches enough? A lot more than we currently have. 

    Again, Im not saying crowds is the answer (we can definitely do this without crowds), but this thing just isnt as deadly as we thought. We cant continue to shutdown the whole world over something about 99.75% of the population will survive. I promise you a prolonged shutdown will be more deadly and harmful to to our way of life than that. The only problem here is that we live in a sue happy and over litigated country. So sometimes common sense loses. But if we just continue to social distance and take proper precautions, and the people at risk are smart about their exposures, there is no good reason to not go back to normal. 

    • Like 1
  13. 24 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

    Well, here's what you (I) can do. I can just put it to you this simply, and if you still don't get it then there's nothing left to say:

    OU had a clear mental/physical/aggressive edge over Texas for years, and it was a problem that our fan base was rightfully/vocally upset about. Since Tom Herman has been hired, Texas has been the aggressor, Texas has been more physical, and Texas has brought the attitude to the Cotton Bowl every October, while OU's players have behaved like prima donnas. If this upsets you, then you have no business claiming to be a Texas fan. I don't care how much (or why) you hate the HC, to argue with this fact, or to deem it irrelevant because we haven't gone 4-0 against OU is what's truly going "full aggy". 


    We got our shit pushed in last October

    • Like 3
  14. 4 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

    see, this is exactly what i'm talking about. this is so childish, and just plain stupid, and yet you think you're making some great point over here. you're taking something i've said that's an indisputable fact (we've been more physical/aggressive/competitive against OU under Herman), and you're responding to it with what i would hoe is not a serious response from an adult, much less one with a Texas education, because it has nothing to do with what i've said, and it does nothing to move the conversation forward; it only serves to start a pointless, childish, and tangential argument.

    newsflash: OU has been better than Texas during the Tom Herman era. They've been preseason top 5-10 teams every year while we are unranked; they have had more talent than Texas; more award winners; more All Americans; multiple Heisman winners; more high draft picks; they have been favored to win every game we've played against them. so what fucking point do you think you're even making here? Texas losing to a better team = Tom Herman sucks? That's your big point? That's your counter argument to the *fact* that Texas has been more competitive under Herman? Get fucked. 

    Your post is littered with so many ad hominems and immature rantings that you are portraying yourself as a petulant child.  Grow up Derka Derka, please, for everyone's sake.  

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