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Posts posted by The_Great_Hornsby

  1. Just now, immamac said:

    Honestly we should until it gets to the point where it's no longer logical. There are absolute paths logically to understanding each and every single one of the requests from the student body, they are well organize and respectful in their request. 

    These weren't demands, they were requests, and reasonable ones at that. If you think these were demands then IDK what to tell you.

    Changing the eyes is illogical and you are not the sole determinant of whether a request is logical or illogical, just as I am not either, clearly our thresholds for what is reasonable and unreasonable differ. And like all requests, they can and may be denied.

    Your statement that it is incumbent we accept all changes is ridiculous because your stopping point is "where it's no longer logical." What may be illogical to you, may not be illogical to BLM or others in the future, so who made you the judge, jury, and executioner? 

    • Like 2
  2. Just now, immamac said:

    Is it? What are you defending here? 

    Im saying, just because BLM makes demands doesnt mean we must bend to those demands, they are not the warden and we are not their prisoners. We are all equal as Americans and should come to the table together to address these issues but saying we must simply embrace any and all demands/requests is completely ridiculous. 

  3. Just now, immamac said:

    This isn't about dollars. This is about fundamental change. BLM is an organization and a movement trying to press the agenda of change, it's up to each and every one of us to embrace that agenda and make the changes. 

    I think it is up to everyone to hear them out, and think about their requests and the reasonings for it. But it is not incumbent that we make every change they demand, that is lunacy. 

    • Like 7
  4. 2 minutes ago, Wanker Bob said:

    Not at all. It could be 100 percent fact. But a lot of white washing of history occurred so it's a definite possibility and accounts of history by the American white establishment shouldn't be taken as fact when it comes to questions of potential racist origins. When was the earliest account of the story? Is there a news article that can be verified to that time period with the story? Or did it come about recently?

    Burden of proof is on the person making the claim that accepted history is false

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Wanker Bob said:

    The problem here is that America is filled with erroneous accounts of history and white washing a lot of history to make it more palatable. The Texas rangers chilling and running off Mexican and black Farmers from their lands to steal their for white people being among such things. A fictional origin story could have been written in order to preserve the tradition once they noticed the winds of change were blowing in a certain direction. 

    So if the accepted history doesnt match your agenda, then we can fantasize wildly to make it what we want?

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

    I like the thread. It shows how a request for change (by a group who has suffered racism and exclusion for centuries) and an accommodation that does not involve whites being exploited or second class segregated - or even financially disadvantaged - will react to a request to stop playing a song by saying, “We refuse to make a symbolic apology by agreeing. In fact, fuck you, your problems are your own fault, whites bear no responsibility and your demand is unreasonable” .

    That is a microcosm of the whole BLM movement. That is why people say “all lives matter” in response. They can’t even stoop to agreeing with a simple phrase - that some folks are routinely mistreated.

    “This history hurts you? Fuck you - wear a condom!”

    They should put that plaque on confederate statues they DON’T take down to avoid the ambiguity on which side they are on.

    All respect to Pancho, the discussion is taking place now whether we like it or not. So let’s have it.

    Sweeping generalizations, assumptions on race, and moral superiority all on display from a gator fan on a longhorn board about a longhorn fight song. fuck right off dude. 

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    I'm not sure antibodies mean anything. My girlfriend is a nurse, and she has had Covid twice now. I'm not sure there has been a comprehensive study on the ability of antibodies to stave off the virus. The good news is she has kicked Covid's ass twice.

    They did a study a while back that says you can only get it once. The people in Japan that got it twice, had false positives. 

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  8. 5 minutes ago, pyrohornIII said:

    So was storming a capital armed to the teeth terrorism too?  Or is your terrorism only defined by skin color.   I know I'd be more terrified with all those white karenfuckers  roaming the streets and subways (sandwich shops) than a group of frustrated people of any color trashing anything.   They are trashing things, not people.  


    Low IQ take and a total non-sequitur. Arson, looting, and rioting is not akin to "storming" the capital and causing no comparable damage. However, both groups are total fucktards. 

    • Like 2
  9. 7 hours ago, gmr548 said:



    I was sent to the last time I read the thread because I'm on tapa, and saw this. This is phenominally aggy and you should be ashamed. Fuck off with that "terrorism" nonsense. You know what worsens lives in the community? Being killed for no reason on a regular basis. Floyd and Arbrey just the latest recent examples and you're taking a hard line on a fucking Wendy's. Jesus Christ.

    Lol about that...


    It is terrorism, I'll say it again, and it is the truth. Whether you want to lie to yourself, that is on you. 

    Im ready for the neg bomb, but at least I will be honest about this and not lie to myself.  

    • Like 1
    • Fuck You 4
  10. 1 minute ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Is anyone really bothered by seeing a Target being looted like that? I'm not agreeing with it but I understand people being upset.  I am upset by this situation. I haven't read up on the story but I really hope that no one at Target (employees or customers) were hurt during the looting. Lock up anyone that hurt somebody but I also hope that 0 employees got in the way of the riot/looting. It's only property.

    I'm sure there is someone online or at Texags that are up in arms about Target but does anyone really care about their opinions?

    It was way more than just a Target. They burned an autozone, a housing complex, a Wendy's, an Aldi's, a Cub market, a semi truck, and a liquor store. The looting, rioting, and arson was completely out of control and it was terrorism, full stop. All it did was worsen the lives of others in the community. 

    • Fuck You 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Fuck all the way off.

    What is the "winning strategy" for a poor community smashed to pieces by an unaccountable gang?

    Shut the fuck up. You've got your side, the fascists, be proud of it.

    I do not care about stores. Burn them all. I don't care. They aren't people and they're not important.

    We can rebuild them after the local government makes this rights with its citizens. Who fucking cares?

    And all the lives senselessly lost tonight? In the name of a wrongful killing? What a disgrace. You have some growing up to do, you are very angry and reactionary. You pretend you are mad at me, when in reality, you are pissed the fuck off at the system and pissed that the looters have forced you to defend this shit show tonight. You wont respond rationally, so I will cut you off here, but you really need to take a few deep breaths and think about MLK and how he teaches to handle these things. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Yeah, just like the patriots in the Boston Massacre, right?

    Absent colonialist and loyalist stores, the rest will have to do...Note the massacre did not begin with an assault on the British army barracks. 

    So these dumbass gangsters and drifters that are running into stores and using this whole situation as an excuse are akin to coordinated attacks against the British? Hell, if they all had gone to the police station and burned it down, I wouldnt have been too sour. But instead they go rob livelihoods and terrorize their own city. Dont defend the evil 1% that perpetrated this. The narrative needs to shift back to Floyd asap

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    • Fuck You 2
  13. Just now, bad_teammate said:

    Yes, people like you will help the GOP muddy the waters by endlessly expressing ~*~*~*~ concern ~*~*~*~ about the ~*~*~*~ optics ~*~*~*~ of it all.

    Pick a side. If you're on the side of the protesters shut the fuck up about meaningless shit. If you're on the side of the cops and fascists, keep whining about fucking looting.

    No one cares about your punditry.

    Looting and burning down a city is not a winning strategy. You know its fucked up, it is flat out not defensible.

  14. 1 minute ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Eh, fuck off with that. You know what finally brought about change to the LAPD? Massive rioting. 

    As has been noted upthread, violent resistance is the basis on which America and Texas were founded...The tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots, as Jefferson memorably noted. 

    If the looters are your patriots, you are one stupid ass person. What is happening in Minnesota is mayhem. Burn the police station down, dont go rob a million stores. 

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