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Posts posted by BRLA

  1. 1 hour ago, TKthunder2 said:

    They put slippery rock’s score on the godzillatron at least once this year.

    I've always wished that they'd bring Slippery Rock in to play a game at DKR one weekend when Texas was off.  I think that'd be a blast.

  2. 29 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    The $80million raised is $10million/suite for 10 years, paid upfront, for the suites running up the side of the next jumbotron iteration. That’s 8 suites and they’re already committed and there’s a wait list should one of the leasing entities ever bail  

    Forgive me if that’s already public. I have looked at the articles. Just saw that post and thought this note might help if it isn’t public. 

    This guy knows what he’s doing, no doubt. And he wants winners from every sport. 

    CDC could wrap up the fundraising and put some money in the bank by tacking another 4 suites on either side of the existing suites.

  3. 7 hours ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    Lets get the bad out of the way:

    were the second most popular team in Iowa, despite being the largest university, and being the university who's mission is most aligned with what drives our state.  This has created the typical Ag school inferiority complex amongst a large percentage of our fanbase.  We frequently jab at Iowa fans for not going to Iowa and shit like that.  But we're nowhere near Aggy in terms of being obsessed with the other school.  We also don't jerk off into Mason jars, beat women, create non-sense language, or fuck sheep.

    We also have a total conspiracy theory/martyr mind set.  Our history is littered with "shoulda woulda coulda" moments that featured controversial officiating.  We nearly lost our existence as an athletic department during the 2010-11 conference realignment because of a bunch of cunt schools.  Iowans in general have a mindset that the rest of the country doesn't appreciate us, and all of that bleeds into our fans' savagely booing the officials, regardless of whether the call wasn't correct.  The worst things I've publicly uttered were directed at refs during Iowa State games.  Ive noticed a lot of other fanbases, particularly KU basketball fans, hating this about us.

    The Manhattan Project happened at Iowa State as well, so I think that explains a lot of the shit luck.


    The good:

    We're one of the top Ag schools in the country.  Our most similar fanbases/schools are KSU and OK State, but we bury both of them academically.  We were the first school created by the Morril Act.  The university predates Ames, and at the time it was built, it wasn't literally two buildings in the middle of nowhere out on the prairie.  George Washington Carver did most of his peanut research in Ames.  The guy who designed Central Park designed our campus, and it's frequently regarded as one of the most beautiful in the country.  Ames is a typical Midwestern college town.  It's pastoral, clean, and well maintained.  It frequently makes "best places to live" lists, but is also frequently knocked as boring despite having some great bars, restaurants, and cultural venues.

    ISU is distinctly Iowan.  70% of students are Iowa natives, and frequently small town kids.  More of our alumni stay in state after graduation than any other school.  Our mission is making Iowa a better place, and we take it seriously.  Its this sense of pride that drives our notorious loyalty.  That and our Rodney Dangerfield complex.  We pack Jack Trice and Hilton because we love ISU, and we really believe we can impact the outcome. That and the party is a good time.

    Our tailgate scene is fucking wild.  It is a celebration of everything ISU.  We like to drink.  A lot.  It's ingrained in the culture of the upper Midwest.  Most Iowans claim German, Czech, or Irish backgrounds, which means booze has been bred into us for years.  We've been known to drink bars in Kansas City (and Memphis this year) dry.  It also makes us a friendly lot.  Because we feel that outsiders have either a negative opinion of Iowa, or don't even realize we exist, we go all out to make a good impression.  If you've been to a game in Ames, you know what I mean.

    We aren't much for silly traditions, because we've had pragmatism beaten into us for a century, but the one tradition that we really take pride in is the legacy of Jack Trice.  If you don't know the story, he was our first black athlete, and he played at a time when that wasn't socially accepted.  He was stomped during a fumble pile up while playing Minnesota in 1923.  Presumably due to the color of his skin.  He died of those injuries a few days later.  Jack was a hell of an athlete, a great student, and the definition of a self made man.  He was a true bad ass motherfucker.  To this day, the stadium is the only one in FBS football named after a black man.

    Loyalty, a little inferiority complex, and a lot of booze.  Every yard for ISU.

    I like you guys a LOT and I'm glad we are in a conference with y'all.

    • Like 1
  4. Paging RD - your services are needed at the following link:

    There is much dis/mis -information on this link regarding the overall system endowment and how its split between the university systems and universities themselves.  Typically Aggy is claiming their fictional 1/3 of the entire endowment to boost their place in the rankings (shocking, I know).

    A quick primer to set the record straight on how the endowment actually works for the good folks on this reddit discussion would be appreciated! 

  5. 1 hour ago, miguelito said:

    Bring back the Slippery Rock scores.

    I always thought it'd be great to bring Slippery Rock in to play one of their games on a weekend that Texas played out of town.  I'd have totally gone to see them play football.

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