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Everything posted by Horn80

  1. Borba likes to conserve energy. Cool
  2. Yep, Dak chokes in the playoffs. Chokers choke and he’s a proven choker.
  3. You will take Zeke’s 2 yard carry’s and d like it.
  4. Is the ump taking food orders?
  5. OU crowd looks like they’re down 4-0. Some grumpy fans.
  6. As long as Borba doesn’t have to move he can make a play. Cool
  7. Sorry you were bothered to make a play Borba.
  8. As I recall, Summerall was the consummate professional and got tired of Brookshire buffoonish antics that got worse each season and didn’t want to associated with it anymore although he didn’t publicly say it.
  9. Well, Tampa Bay is hell of lot smarter than Jerry. Shocking
  10. Fuck Jerry. Idiotic to pass on the Duke center rated number 1 at his position.
  11. Hunter having an unknown idol was gold. What a dumbass.
  12. Thought 10 run rule applies since non-conference game.
  13. Can we get DP suspended for the rest of the season?
  14. Lived in Austin from 1972-2021 and agree with your timeline.
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