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Posts posted by Newdoc

  1. 5 hours ago, phdhorn said:

    Thus, most of the time if you go around assuming that, although no one would mistake you for Einstein, you're way, way, way smarter than 97% of the population you come in contact with, and always assume that the other guy is going to do something absolutely fucking shitbrained, you expect it and once again save some shitbag from extinction, because you're smart enough to control his existence, never mind yours.

    I think this pretty much sums up “defensive driving” but more succinctly than an eight hour class.

  2.  I certainly would not defend these tariffs but Trump has a habit of walking back some of the goofy ass stuff he decides when the proverbial crap hits the fan.

    Our economy is rather resilient overtime and is a lot more complex than steel and cheese.

  3. 15 minutes ago, R2D2 said:

    Trump's NERO. He's gonna burn it all down, like Roseanne did.

    Worst president ever.

    Yes, the first president to be described as the worst and the one who is going to ruin the country. Haven’t heard that accusation against another sitting president in years. Like 2 or 3 years. And I did not realize that Rosanne had such influence on our Republic.

    Trump is not a good president but lighten up with the hyperbole Francis. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    You know, here's the fundamental problem -- GOP dudes, why do you have to be such fucking DICKS all the fucking time?  Jesus, just be fucking cool, man.  Who gives a fuck who buys a damned house?  Or a cake?  Or who marches down the street for what fucking cause?  Fucking chill, and don't be fucking DICKS all the time.

    Your post works when you read it in this voice.


  5. 17 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    My kids wrote more coherent and eloquent letters to Santa when they were 6.

    Meh, they're dealing with a country whose official statements including calling the U.S.A. a "boiled pumpkin" and threatens us with a "super mighty preemptive strike".

  6. 4 hours ago, RTF Horn said:

    Holy shit, this is not how it works.  This literally does not happen.  No one is going to decide on a whim to change their sex just to play a sport or creep in another restroom or anything like that.  Please, go speak to a trans person and get educated.

    For the vast majority probably not, but there has to be more than a handful of athletes who put winning above anything else.  Some people will really think outside the box when it comes to an obsession.  

  7. 18 minutes ago, Pancho Negro said:

    If King got it wrong, light his ass up for misrepresenting the facts and not apologizing for it. (Which King has done before on a few things, IIRC)

    It's pretty clear he did get it wrong. And if this is a pattern with him, then why does anybody give him any credence?  Sounds like a hacktivist.  Damage done and King should be held liable for his knee jerk crap.  His ego is hurting legit causes.

  8. 3 minutes ago, F250 said:

    As far as hitting pitched balls, 5 is young so I would stick to tennis balls and whiffle balls for awhile.

    No, you give em something harder to train with and then the T-ball/baseball doesn't seem so bad.

    Exhibit A:


  9. 11 hours ago, elfenix said:

    don't sell yourself short, the I-35 metropolis is the next great vast suburban sea in texas.  

    It's headed that way and the people in Waco can't drive to save their life now.  There's some decent traffic infrastructure in some areas and it will be a cluster in others once another 15-20K move into the Woodway Hewitt area.  Housing prices climbing steadily but still much cheaper than the four big metro areas. People that are done with traffic and unfettered growth are moving into Waco. It's an hour from North Austin and South DFW so accessibility is pretty easy on I-35.  The football team at Baylor has apparently stopped raping people. 


    12 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

    've been watching construction of Milo All Day every time we've visited Alpha Omega.

    At least people are realizing there's better food than established crap that's been in Waco for the last 20 years.  Hopefully Cory pays his bills and follows through on things he has a pattern of not doing.

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