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Posts posted by Newdoc

  1. 11 hours ago, elfenix said:

    don't sell yourself short, the I-35 metropolis is the next great vast suburban sea in texas.  

    It's headed that way and the people in Waco can't drive to save their life now.  There's some decent traffic infrastructure in some areas and it will be a cluster in others once another 15-20K move into the Woodway Hewitt area.  Housing prices climbing steadily but still much cheaper than the four big metro areas. People that are done with traffic and unfettered growth are moving into Waco. It's an hour from North Austin and South DFW so accessibility is pretty easy on I-35.  The football team at Baylor has apparently stopped raping people. 


    12 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

    've been watching construction of Milo All Day every time we've visited Alpha Omega.

    At least people are realizing there's better food than established crap that's been in Waco for the last 20 years.  Hopefully Cory pays his bills and follows through on things he has a pattern of not doing.

    • Haha 1
  2. 38 minutes ago, sachick said:




    The difference is that minority kids don't feel entitled to the American Dream. They don't think it's a right owed to them unlike some white males. Men are taught to hold in emotions, be strong, be smart and if you don't have a girlfriend or you aren't the popular jock, you're a loser. So they hold in some pent up aggression and anger without a way of letting it out.

    You’re gonna need a little more than conjecture even on Surly. And not something off Huffpost or Vanity Fair.

    • Like 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, BigHorn'13 said:

    Not really related but recently I purchased a gun and found out that because I have a LTC, I do not have to fill out the paperwork or have a background check ran. It's a little disturbing that I am able to purchase guns like alcohol (literally handing over my id is all that's required.) Not that filling out a piece of paper is some great barrier but it felt a little too easy.

    And you had to go through a lot more scrutiny to get your CHL (LTC). That alone puts you in the category of not likely to do a Santa Fe/Parkland/Vegas and probably more likely to secure your weapons away from those who might. At least that's the training I received and it was a good experience even though I was raised around many types of guns and taught the incredible responsibility they demand.

    I would be for mandatory training and licensing before you can own guns with certain calibers, capacities and firing capabilities. As long as there were appropriate protections from over reaching state and federal government entities.  Criminal punishment for reckless storage and security of your firearms would be a great way to start as well.

    • Like 2
  4. I wish we could figure out what triggers this crap inside a teenager's brain. Because from the outside, it just appears to be pure evil.  Like each of these shootings/mass casualty events, there will probably be extenuating circumstances but they are the same circumstances thousands of teenagers put up with but never snap.

  5. 19 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Texas schoolchildren are overwhelmingly minority--52% Hispanic and 13% Black (with only 29% being White).

    50%, 11% and 33% but you were close.  Numbers will skew heavily hispanic by 2050.  Will the "diversity" at the faculty level reflect that over the next two decades?  I have a feeling the squeaky wheel gets the grease on affirmative action and not necessarily represent a cross section based on population.  Then you thrown in gender identity, sexual preference representation and you get yourself into a mess.

    And yes, most students likely don't care.  They just want a good professor teaching a good useful class that won't screw up their GPA.

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  6. Is there some sort of chart that I can pick a date in this conflict so I can support my preconceived views about what side is righteous in this mess?  From the looks of this thread, there's gotta be one or should I just Google "Israeli Jews suck, I need biased talking points" or "Brown people bad, the state of Palestine should never exist"?

  7. I have several non related things running off my hub and have no problems now with both IR, RF and Bluetooth (fire TV) commands. I think I had a similar problem to yours about 5 months ago and basically had to delete all the devices, re-enter and rebuild commands. Sucked but at least the online interface helped. Good luck.

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