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Posts posted by Newdoc

  1. Be vigilant, some Trisomy 21 issues can arise later in life. Make sure your doctor has a good plan on what to screen for. There actually is a bit of controversy in the medical community on what to screen. Some things are obvious however.

    Kids with Down's have the full spectrum of personalities like everyone else but are overall happy and joyful. A true pleasure to take care of them and their families. A true heartache when medical things get complicated and you watch them suffer.  You will definitely get more love than you give.  Don't be afraid to ask for help and get some time out for the parents. It is an exhausting call for parents of kids with down's. Those parents and siblings as much as the affected child are often an inspiration.

    • Like 1
  2. The show is trying to do too much at one time. It was a mess. I really felt bad because they have some children characters that barely spoke and just sat in scenes. It became awkward because they had very few lines. I would think that if the kids got casted on the show then they are likely good actors. Maybe they will develop the new characters if the show survives.


    It continually remains "hands off the children". It's so damn convenient for the liberal talking points. You don't think the progressives know that?  Now, Hogg (and other students) are being used.  Hogg appears to have moderate viewpoints if he is telling the truth when asked to clarify his stance on gun rights. That doesn't mean the far left won't push that moderate message out and use him and the others to pull away as many rights as possible.

    As for Hogg, the guy is 17. Unfiltered interviews show him as obstinate, he curses like a sailor and tells the olds to FO.  He ain't Bambi so stop treating him like he is.  It was extraordinarily stupid for Ingraham and right wing pundits to attack his personhood and character in public however.   They should have attacked the crisis opportunity organizations that went deep in and used the Parkland shooting for attacking the 2nd amendment.

    The March for Our Lives is  thinly veiled attempt at voter registration aimed at those who want "gun control".  The facade is "ending gun violence". Only someone twisted wouldn't want that. But there are no demonstrations or discussion about an almost complete social and mental safety net breakdown, cowardly security officers, a crackpot FBI team, and an inept sheriff and his department? Do we shrug our shoulders when a nutcase sends bombs across a city. What about the unhinged loner student that builds pipe bombs and blows up classrooms?  Will the bump stock ban and "scary" gun ban eliminate those threats?  You are a fool if you don't think that is a real possibility. I guess we just wait and react to the next tragedy?  Then we will all still be stupidly taking our shoes off at the scanners.

    PS - Joan of Arc and Alexander the Great are false equivalencies. The age comparison is all you got.

    • Like 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    What do you have against Lou Diamond Phillips?

    I can see that but I can't get this comparison out of my mind.alien-10.jpg

    I hope the kid realizes he's being used by the liberal conglomerate and his mom.  Fame can be intoxicating and poisonous.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    They'll keep killing Palestinian protesters and absolutely nothing will happen to them. 

    Yeah, their at the border with flowers and peace signs.

    7 minutes ago, Dr. Teeth said:

    Kush got this.

    I think he's crying in a closet somewhere.  And photo ops don't work well with flaming liquor is involved.

    • Like 3
  6. 10 hours ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    Note home from Ms. Hererra - my kindergartner's teacher - yesterday.

    "During lunch, Fin was telling kids to smell his butt because it's full of blueberries."

    "Later, he stood up in class and announced that he had a naked Ms. Herrera in his pocket."

    Even my wife laughed.

    What’s his surly username?

  7. 21 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    And....something 99% of folks have no problem with.  Limited physical barriers in places where they make sense - which we’ve been doing for DECADES - makes sense, and is good policy.  A “big beautiful wall” for the sake of making a stupid statement....not so much.  Same reason I have burglar alarm sensors on my external doors and ground level windows.  But not on the ones 30 feet off the ground,  or my internal doors.  Intelligent use of resources and whatnot.  Also, a lot easier to live with (I’d hate it if I had to punch in an alarm code to open the bathroom door in the middle of the night.)

    TL;DR version: walls aren’t necessarily stupid.  Trump’s idea of a wall is.

    So, we now know that coyotes can use the spiral staircase and climb through a second story window with no alarm triggered.  No wonder you got problems. Pony up and buy more sensors.

  8. 21 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    And....something 99% of folks have no problem with.  Limited physical barriers in places where they make sense - which we’ve been doing for DECADES - makes sense, and is good policy.  A “big beautiful wall” for the sake of making a stupid statement....not so much.  Same reason I have burglar alarm sensors on my external doors and ground level windows.  But not on the ones 30 feet off the ground,  or my internal doors.  Intelligent use of resources and whatnot.  Also, a lot easier to live with (I’d hate it if I had to punch in an alarm code to open the bathroom door in the middle of the night.)

    TL;DR version: walls aren’t necessarily stupid.  Trump’s idea of a wall is.

    So, we now know that coyotes can use the spiral staircase and climb through a second story window with no alarm triggered.  No wonder you got problems. Pony up and buy more sensors.

    • Haha 1
  9. I'm not sure I would compare Jeffress to ice cream except for the pale vanilla color. Regardless, Jeffress doesn't appear to follow the instruction of James very well.

    James 4:4 "You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God."

    So it is wearisome of an article that starts to quote "Christian" leaders but leaves out the actual Bible and I am extremely concerned when appears that "Christian" leaders on liberal and conservative views cherry pick theological concepts to fit their world view and political ideology which exactly what happens in the quotes you give from the article.  So Jesus's brother, James, was rather prophetic although he was addressing Jews and Jewish Christians early after Christ's death.  Paul has plenty to say about this as well.

    And Achitson is right, Christ did not come to set up a governmental kingdom on this earth. And while a bunch of the former shagsters will laugh about the "fairy in the sky", I find it rather ironic that anyone expects our government to be virtuous and solve our social ills when we vote a brood of syncophants into the WH and Congress.  Hint - It reveals the moral and virtuous make-up of our citizenry.

  10. 11 minutes ago, phdhorn said:

    The guy who did my appraisal review last year was a fucking Sooner.  They want to make life as miserable as they can for self-protesters.

    Oh, and that 2018 cap applies to a combination of property + sales taxes.  Usually I've gotten about $12K alone on even the standard (non-itemized) sales tax deduction.  So yeah, that's gonna suck.

    I feel you on that one. Still waiting for the 3 inch pipe right up mine. I waited too long last year, only had formal hearing and got envy denied by the "impartial panel". I'm going with professionals this year.

  11. 5 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Seriously go get that shit done.  I have to hear from my wife all the time about people who put it off and then they come see her and she has to basically tell them they are gonna fucking die.

    Basal cell cancer on skin is the kinder gentler cancer. Still cancer. It has very little chance of turning into a killer unless you were to let it eat half your face. BUT to minimize scarring and potential complications you should get it removed ASAP. Squamous cell cancer on skin is a little worse and melanomas are of Satan. That will kill you ded if not taken care of.

  12. Quote

    Do you really believe that "some" of those advocating for "just a little bit more gun control" are willing to stop at whatever point that is?  Sure, "some" will stop at that point because that is where they want to stop.

    I see a slippery slope approach to rational gun control because when we ban the "scary guns" and devices that are used extremely rarely for homicidal violence, then shootings will continue  and professional political organizers will march out the teenagers and we will flail about with signs and speeches that don't hit at the heart of the gun violence problem in this country. The only result is we will legislate away the rights of law abiding citizens.

    • Like 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, BYG Jacob said:

    VMW still needs to burn his diploma, and Ana is still a both sides idiot

    Wow, thanks for adding to the discussion.  Great answers for those you don't agree with.

  14. 59 minutes ago, Biscuits And Groovy said:

    Any of y’all ever ski Wolf Creek? From what I’ve seen it looks like it could be the best powder stash in Colorado. Like a hidden secret. I think I might try to check it out in the closing days of this season or maybe early in the 18/19 season. 

    They don’t make snow so it’s a different, good experience. They average the most snowfall in Colorado. I think this year is a down year. Not a real big mountain but terrain for everyone.

    It’s a destination hill with a few amenities but Pagosa Springs is a nice nearby town.  

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