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Everything posted by TheFlyingBoat

  1. For the love of Cheesus Christ I hope he mudholes LSU after dropping 70 on La Tech before half time and getting to rest.
  2. Would hate to stand downwind of Surly cheese cutting
  3. So what's the board's opinion on bringing in some charcuterie and/or jams? We keeping it closed to cheese only or kicking it up a notch?
  4. The dead period has given us the fre'edam to make this thread truly grate.
  5. Anyone have any news on when Rogers will commit? It would be nice to have a solid field and boundairy corner locked up
  6. Who cares Georgia got him. Bought, paid for, and currently tacitly delivered).
  7. Please this forum takes no news as bad news. This is going to be terrible. The next three weeks will be endless bleating about the recruiting ability of Giles, Orlando, Warehime, and Meh. There will be some discussion as to how the coaching aptitude of the first two make them worth keeping with the latter being a major plus despite his recruiting flaws. There will be calls for coaches being fired. There will be complaints about FWK and 7v7 and god knows what else. This will all be without the good news that sometimes breaks up this beating of a thread while we're in a decent place.
  8. Game day simulation violation according to Roach.
  9. Both have LT talent/ability. Doesn't mean we can't play one at LT and the other at RT.
  10. Wheaton to Bama seems more likely to me though that could be my "Drayton will disappoint on the trail" part of my brain speaking. James won't be a 5 star but I agree he is a must get. A dude that well suited for center with his mental ability will be hard to find. He'll probably be elite for us but these sites don't give too many centers 5 stars and those they do are way too heavily based on current high school size which isn't great for projecting how they'll be down the road. James is a must get independent of Tommy imo and vice versa. Together they are a duo we cannot afford to do without considering their ties to us. Agreed on Sanders and Byrd.
  11. Most management tools are fucking useless ways of obfuscating simple things and making them seem complex to pretend you actually do work and GANTT charts are no exception and may be one of the best(worst?) examples of how bad it can get.
  12. Also I have no idea why y'all randomly soured on Lindberg. Dude did well at camps, has an offer from Stanford and Clemson, two of the other stingiest schools when it comes to offers with both indicating he's likely a good culture fit in different ways, and is well-respected by his fellow OL and by Hand. I'm seriously confused. Is there anything that prompted this or is it a general malaise that came over due to him not committing yet/upset because he doesn't look upset in enough pictures?
  13. If we wanted to treat this class like it's own line it could easily look like this and be a very good line: Garth-Parr-Majors-??-Lindberg OR Garth-Parr-Majors-Lindberg-??
  14. I think the possibility of him not committing soon enough is high.
  15. I mean CBs this far out are basically meaningless. Tommy Brockermeyer is the only one I feel even remotely confident about this early.
  16. I wonder if there is a single 4 star or better player that has read Godel Escher Bach. The only guy that made it pro that I believe would have read it is Urschel.
  17. Nah I'm pretty sure you're a stormtrooper under a Jedi mind trick that makes you think all black people look alike.
  18. I thought CTJ was overreacting when I just saw the quote, turns out it was the opposite. This place is the Mos Eisley of the internet.
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