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Everything posted by TahoeHorn

  1. What's this "we" business? Is their some club of thought police? Does your group show lack of interest by responding to my posts? (an odd indicator) Or are you informed in another way?
  2. Anybody not nominated would be at least a year away from getting confirmed. And it doesn't make sense to appoint the lieutenants if the colonels haven't been confirmed and the colonel want a say in choosing their majors who want a say in choosing their lieutenants. Again, some is the fault of Dems, some the fault of Trump and some just the realities of the political process. You can be interested in discussing the topic or not. Having an opinion doesn't prevent having an intelligent discussion. Or maybe in your case it does.
  3. I think the party pushes candidates far less than people understand. I work aggressively to keep the party neutral in most races. For example in the Governor's race I was a Battle supporter but successfully led the effort to quash a motion to censure Kay Ivey that was ready to pass. Members who were upset with Ivey bought my argument that it was wrong for the party apparatus to put its thumb on the scales - that they needed to push that idea elsewhere. There are obviously different definitions of "party". At the national level I call the RNC the "party" and they pretty much keep their thumb off the scales. But there are various committees, PAcs and special interests that work on behalf of candidates. There are even special interests like the NRA that are mostly with the GOP but often enough to count, with a pro-gun Dem. I'm not being pedantic but I need to know what you think of as "party" to better answer the question. What the RNC wants is not necessarily the same as what some wing wants, what Trump wants or what the NRA wants.
  4. I am describing the situation. I was clear - very clear - that Dem obstruction was only one component of the problem.
  5. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-administration-appointee-tracker/database/?utm_term=.7eabc1b009ed Kenneth L Marcus, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights was just confirmed. It was the 331st key position filled. 335 are unfilled. The Dems are obstructing and Trump isn't doing a good job of pushing. There are a lot of Obama folks in the Administration. It isn't reality TV but the way to promote a President's agenda is to appoint good people who support the agenda. I'd rather have a GOP appointee to be Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights than hear the President yap about civil rights issues.
  6. Gil, Here is the raw data. You can generate your own gee whiz stats to mislead people: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_judges_appointed_by_Donald_Trump https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_judges_appointed_by_Barack_Obama Here's one such true, but misleading stat: Obama appointed 329 judges in eight years. (41 per year) Trump has only appointed 42 in a year and a half. (28 per year) Another: There were 112 vacancies when Trump came into office. Now there are 148. The "record pace" isn't keeping up with retirements (which run about 50 a year I'd guess).
  7. I like his politics and the integrity and quality of his journalism. But most of all I admire the man and the way he handled adversity.
  8. Ten new names - three appellate and seven district court. How many of 170 vacancies (and new ones occur all the time) will get filled this year?
  9. I don't visit any sites that a blog like realclearpolitics wouldn't link. I get all my "humor" here and my facts on real sites.
  10. Show me something like that for Obama.
  11. There is a long list of unwholesome products and services desired by people. I, and many, are conflicted about whether to outlaw, regulate or leave alone these businesses. On the long list are alcohol, recreational drugs, cigarettes, gambling, abortions, loan sharking, and prostitution. Taking away, or severely restricting the offerings doesn't eliminate the demand. I think the devil is in the details. My gut reaction is to allow payday lending but eliminate egregious practices. But to decide I'd like to get data on how various laws work in practice.
  12. I think it is interesting to discuss where obstruction is, where it isn't and what the implications. I think it makes sense to discuss the morality and hypocrisy angle once. Maybe twice. But after that it's a fucking waste of time. We have a situation where both the majority and minority are escalating their partisan behavior. There is no end in sight and every reason to believe it will continue to increase. I think the only discussions which aren't a waste of time are those which address the future and either accept the reality that things are getting uglier or propose a realistic way to address it (i.e. not suggest that the opposition just quit being ugly).
  13. There are about 167 judicial seats to fill and about 336 executive positions to fill. The Dems are making aggressive use of stalling tactics. It will take a lot more time to vote than was expected. Many of these 500 have been nominated and gone through committee hearings. I think McConnell wants to put 100 to 200 through, and get them on the job.
  14. You, sir, are not a math major. My statement was absolutely correct: If all White racists are Trump lovers then somebody who is not a Trump lover is either not White or not a racist. You need to recheck your Venn diagrams.
  15. Certainly. And if A is C union D (white and racist) then not A is not C OR not D. (not white or not racist)
  16. Oops. I lied. In returns after I went to bed Oden passed Bonner. Stink averted. https://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2018/06/alabama_public_service_commiss_3.html
  17. Perhaps the most controversial nominee which will be confirmed is Ryan Bounds. The Judiciary Committee will vote on him within the hour. You can watch the Dems whine live if you wish: https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/meetings/06/07/2018/executive-business-meeting
  18. Logic 101 - everywhere, not just in my neck of the woods.
  19. Thus, anybody who doesn't love Trump is either not White or not racist.
  20. Here's the core of my immigration plan: go after employers. Fry them. https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/06/us/ice-undocumented-immigrants-arrests-garden-ohio/index.html
  21. One of the interesting races was for Public Service Commission. Jeremy Oden, the incumbent, was against Joe Bonner, a nobody, or so everybody thought. Bonner had two things in his favor. One, he used Trumpesque, flamboyant campaigning to draw free publicity. Two, his name was confused with two former highly popular politicians, Jo Bonner and Judy Bonner. Bonner made such outlandish statement that he was censured by the State Party. Jo Bonner called a press conference to say he and Ji were different people. Still Bonner polled ahead of Oden. Finally the State Party voted to decertify the votes (they don't count) of Bonner. In the election Bonner received a few more votes than Oden, but Oden wins. We'll see if there is a big stink. I bet not.
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