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hayden_horn last won the day on July 17 2019

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  1. wait is it finally that dark nra money though?
  2. ha, very fair point. however, if you are a guilty person, you have less at risk really than an innocent person if the police hone in on you as the perp, because, you know, you fucking did it. for real, though. right now one of my sons is into this youtube channel of police interrogations. it's incredible that people even agree to sit down for a conversation with the police without an attorney present. you should always assume the police are out to get you. at least that's my latent paranoia.
  3. that's because that's is who he is. a small pathetic person who has no principles or ambitions really.
  4. I am not sure but you may have killed me. I can't breathe. So goddamn funny
  5. never never never never talk to the police. or maybe it was never never never never shake a baby either way, don't do either of those things, especially if you are innocent. hell, that's when you are at the most fucking risk
  6. that's fucking embarrassing imagine you are the wealthiest person on the planet then imagine you are doing that shit for someone else
  7. can I hate you and love you at the same time even though you're not my wife?
  8. but here is the thing: it's like religion. oh that little guy? <hand wave> i wouldn't worry about that little guy.
  9. tons of "free" capital or there these days. shit is broken
  10. man, you're fucking right. podcasts used to be pretty tight 50 - 60 minute traditional media sort of affair, except on a weekly basis or whatever. now they are fucking hours - who has time for that? am radio people do.
  11. i'm trying to think of a word to describe someone like jd vance. i guess, soullessly clever? i guess? hey your hometown doesn't make shit any longer, but you can manufacture the fuck out of outrage, can't you
  12. so i am a bit late here, but has anyone, and i mean anyone in the fucking world stopped to maybe ask, i dunno, what the metrics here are? how are the trending podcasts moving the meter? is it engagement with paying subs? is it bots? because if that top ten is legit, then am radio has taken over the podcast world, which, given how timelines work, is probably about right, but jesus christ. anyways, the metrics have to be somehow cooked. but i've thought that about everything for awhile now. the metrics are all fucked. something is wrong
  13. weird. i don't understand how or why this is the next political culture war. but it is both of those things - a political issue and a culture war. so i'm moving it to cloak room. for my honest take - i had this come up in a personal capacity relatively recently (guess it was around the time of the olympics) from an older male. i shrugged and said "where is this happening?" his answer was some high school or some shit, but let's go ahead and apply my answer here: so fucking what. this is not a big issue. yall can elephant walk your way all the way to an outrage, i guess, but that still means you're interested in someone else's junk. which is weird to me. but whatever.
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