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Posts posted by bullet

  1. 3 hours ago, Js1 said:

    This would be a fair compromise between “song gotta go” or “OMG KEEP IT TURDITIONS!!!!!” 

    And if they don’t want stay and sing, they don’t have to. Because like the national anthem, it’s kinda weird. 

    No the reasonable thing is to listen to them and make changes that make sense.  Changing the lyrics in this way is just immature on their part, trying to get their way.

    Dealing with RLM's actions (if what is said is true), Honoring Whittier, adding to the Hall of Fame, and other reasonable things should be done.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Blotto said:



    Some of you jokers will believe anything you read online.  I mean your point still stands that things are getting better, but wtf, lulz. 810? 

    Probably my fault for not checking my original source before posting.  810 to 72 was huge and that must have stuck in my mind.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Huh, thought PV was also NAIA. My bad.

    My point is making it more deliberate, and yes, giving them more of a platform for visibility and financial development.

    Again, it’s not everything, it doesn’t solve every problem in the world. But it can add leverage and help. And it’s using both athletics and the university’s profile for good to our state and the people who live in it.

    40-45 years ago they were NAIA.  Little behind the times.

  4. 2 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    The other side

    You're entrenched. You don't have in depth conversations with the other side. You don't know what they feel or think. Even if you did, you'd dismiss it.

    You won't change until there is an ironclad case (to be determined by you) that something is racist. The fact that a group of black people say something is offensive means nothing to you. You're an intellectual who must hear the facts laid out in a case, or so you like to see yourself.

    You don't know me. But I do. You're walking and quacking like the other ducks.

    The fact is, there is no convincing you. You're dug in. Your side has taken a position that everybody else is pushing narratives and hidden agendas to spoil your world. It's clear where you hail from. It's becoming a scary place. I wish I could pity you, but I can't. You're too destructive.

    In the last few pages, I see the usual suspects are taking the same stance and repping each other like crazy.

    Until I see an ironclad argument that you're not racist, I don't see a reason to change my mind. Sound familiar? It's genuine prejudice.


    2 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    The other side

    You're entrenched. You don't have in depth conversations with the other side. You don't know what they feel or think. Even if you did, you'd dismiss it.

    You won't change until there is an ironclad case (to be determined by you) that something is racist. The fact that a group of black people say something is offensive means nothing to you. You're an intellectual who must hear the facts laid out in a case, or so you like to see yourself.

    You don't know me. But I do. You're walking and quacking like the other ducks.

    The fact is, there is no convincing you. You're dug in. Your side has taken a position that everybody else is pushing narratives and hidden agendas to spoil your world. It's clear where you hail from. It's becoming a scary place. I wish I could pity you, but I can't. You're too destructive.

    In the last few pages, I see the usual suspects are taking the same stance and repping each other like crazy.

    Until I see an ironclad argument that you're not racist, I don't see a reason to change my mind. Sound familiar? It's genuine prejudice.

    If you haven't repped TreatyOak's post, you've got no business complaining about other people repping.  I can't believe he's only got two.

    • Like 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, ShowMeALoss said:

    It's a lot more than statistics and statistics will often lie if you don't take into consideration various other things. Blacks and minorities are more afraid of Police and are likely to do something stupid to avoid being arrested or abused. If a white person is being shot by a police officer, it's more likely that he was a criminal and was trying to avoid being arrested or attacked the officer. So I would argue that the circumstances that lead to these shootings are unlikely to be similar.

    Police brutality is a problem all around the world. Majority of the people don't experience it but for those unfortunate who experience it on a regular basis, it's a problem that needs to be addressed. We, as a society, have given too much power to lowly trained officers, some of whom just relish too much in the power they have over their fellow citizens. Without checks, all powerful people misuse it.

    The fear of Blacks of police is real.  No doubt about that.  Police brutality is a problem.  No doubt about that.  The problem with both of these is that things ARE getting better.  They are moving in the right direction.  NYC police killed something like 15-20 people last year.  In 1971 the number was 810.  Eight hundred and ten!!!!

  6. 17 minutes ago, Sejjr said:

    I suppose we will soon be eliminating and scrubbing from our history the "Star Spangled Banner." Francis Scott-Key was a slave owner and a devout racist. He also wrote this song before slavery was abolished. That song has FAR more racist underpinnings than "The Eyes of Texas." The problem is, there is no end to this type of racist apology tour when it comes to the history of the world. You could likely find something racist or horrible in nearly every product, brand, building, town name, etc., if you look deep enough. Hugo Boss was a fucking Nazi that designed the SS Uniform, yet that label is very popular today. Bayer aspirin is one of the best selling drugs in the world, yet, that company also manufactured Zyklon B and encouraged Josef Mengele to test their drugs at Auschwitz. How many Chinese workers have died working to manufacture Apple products? Or Nike and their history of using a child labor force? What are the limits to social acceptance of shitty historical track records? And who is the arbitrator of which historical outrage gets selected for deletion? John Cleese made an funny point the other day: "The Romans enslaved the British for 400 years. Should we be demanding reparations from the Italians?"

    I understand that we can and should always strive to do better, especially in light of what we know today versus our past; a past full of racism or human rights abuses. But I also wonder where this culling ends?

    It doesn't end.  Abe Lincoln was a racist and wanted to ship the slaves back to Africa.  There's a reason Liberia's capital is named Monrovia.

    Democrats are already disowning Jefferson and Jackson.  They cancelled their traditional Jefferson-Jackson dinner.  Two Columbus statues got attacked.  They even attacked the 54th Regiment memorial in Massachusetts!!!! (the all Black Civil War regiment in the movie Glory).  They have desecrated the grave of Henry Grady here in Atlanta (from the "new south" movement of the late 1800s-he was too young to be a Confederate).

    And while what I read about RLM is problematic, the others are a stretch.  Without Littlefield, the university would not be what it is today.  Painter was a premier geneticist who happened to be the president during the integration lawsuits of the 50s.  Hogg was a prominent governor and citizen of the late 1800s ("new south" era).  Basically they are saying nothing can be named after white people who came of age before the 1960s.

    The Eyes of Texas stuff is just plain stupid.



    • Like 7
  7. On 6/11/2020 at 3:34 PM, Wanker Bob said:

    Some of my in-laws are some of the most racist people I've met. It's probably an interesting case study in brain washing. I've come very close to asking them why they so vehemently support people who view them as subhuman and want to put them in cages. 

    Just when I'm about to ask I remember I enjoy getting laid so then I change the subject. 


    You should know by now that Obama built those cages.

    And that Democrats want to keep them poor, low wage and uneducated in the English language.

    In 2016 the Democratic candidates were all ancient white people.  The last 6 Republicans in the race were a Black (Carson), an old white guy (Kasich), an old white guy married to a hot immigrant (Trump), an old white guy married to a Hispanic immigrant (Bush) and two Hispanics (Cruz and Rubio).


  8. On 6/12/2020 at 11:09 AM, mdmost said:

    Yes, a true Karen is denoted by a willingness to start something with a person of color and then try to weaponize the police against the person of color when the person of color does not submit to the potential Karen's authority. 

    The color part has nothing to do with Karenness.


    However, I agree with your choice for Karen of the year.  Definitely the Central Park bird killer.

  9. 2 hours ago, TornACL said:

    The data absolutely supports my opinion. The police kill too many people. 

    It also supports the opinion that they disproportionately kill black people. You're just too stupid to understand how numbers work. 

    Are you going to share with us that OAN video? Please. Please, do. 

    That's what a Black Harvard professor said.  But nobody in MSM quotes him.  He did the study after Ferguson and was surprised to find that Blacks were no more likely to be shot  by police in the US as a whole.  Actually found that in Houston, whites were 20% more likely to be shot.  He did find that Blacks were more likely to be mistreated.  But not shot.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Celery Man said:

    i think we've moved on and I'm not reading anything but just want to state that "Sweet Caroline" is bad because that is a Red Sox thing. We don't need to do Red Sox things.  Journey is bad because that song is fucked out. Way fucked out, South Austin's mom fucked out and not just "it got fucked out and now it's back!", but "it got fucked out and then a new generation discovered it and just fucked it out, 15 years ago"

    Red Sox don't own Sweet Caroline.  Sweet Caroline is everywhere.  I've heard it at Fenway.  I've heard it at Tennessee.  I've heard it at Georgia.

  11. On 6/8/2020 at 10:59 AM, hundredTT said:

    Fuck Fromm. But for fuck sake, this disgruntled bitch is the worst. Funny how she wasn’t outraged about this at the time, even laughed about it. Now she wants to be “woke” like every other cunt who is checking every celebrity’s twitter timeline looking for something to call racist on. It was a stupid joke to imply only elite white people have money, but good God, he wasn’t being serious. Imagine if someone looked at your phone, could you honestly say they wouldn’t find something offensive or taken far out of context? This shit is getting ridiculous, just like Jimmy Fallon having to apologize for blackface, or Drew Brees being condemned in a city he has helped more than any faggot twitter warrior. So much of these tear-down cancel culture stories detract from the real ones like Atatiana Jefferson, Michael Ramos,  Ahmaud Arbery...etc. But I reckon most of these fake outrage people don’t really care about that; they are happy their twitters followers see how down for the cause they are. 

    Oh and Fromm wasn’t going to make the NFL anyways, but damn, let it be from his shitty play and not some year old text from a sidepiece who didn’t know her place. 

    Her Facebook is filled with stuff about God and the Bible.  Then she says she has to confront racists and drags up something from a year ago and tries to destroy someone's career.

    I think she missed the whole point of "He who is without sin throw the first stone" and "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" and "why worry about the speck in your brother's eye and ignore the log in yours" along with all the talk about the Pharisees and the Sadducees standing on the corner trying to show off their righteousness for other people to admire them.


  12. 4 hours ago, BevoSwag said:

    I don't claim to know much about ISU but I'm a little taken back that there are only 22k season ticket holders.  Maybe because the undecided did not renew?  

    Big drop from last season.  Saw it somewhere, but don't remember the exact number or where I saw it.  Last year was somewhere between 30k and 38k.

  13. On 5/20/2020 at 7:01 PM, Vic Mackey said:

    Exactly. The most logical way to decide a 3 way tie is how the SEC does it. You eliminate the lowest ranked team and then head to head with the other 2. Tech got blown off the field by OU and dropped in the rankings. Below us by the end. So we get it over OU head to head. Or hell, pick which team has the worst loss and eliminate them. Also Tech. Blown out by 50. We had the best win. Tech was also the last game of a gauntlet run through our schedule. OU, Mizzou, Okie State, Tech. I believe that was all in October. 

    But even after all that, we actually had a chance to get in the Big 12 title game on our own. Kind of goes under the radar now but Tech played Baylor on the day after thanksgiving. Baylor had a 14pt lead twice. Crabtree was hurt that game and Tech looked bad. Had Tech lost that, we win because they drop to 2 losses and we have head to head vs OU. I remember being so deflated because we were so close to getting in and not having to worry about the voters and rankings. And we would have easily rolled Mizzou in the Big 12 title game.

    That team played Colorado, who was top 10 earlier in the season and then 4 straight teams ranked in the top 11 when we played them (OU #1, Mizzou #11, OSU #7 and TT #6).  I don't know when a team has had such a murder's row schedule.  And the last one was lost with 1 second left on the road.

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  14. On 5/20/2020 at 2:55 AM, orangecat92 said:

    The 2009 team deserved better.  I was a "first-guesser" all of the way through the year.  Probably most of us knew that because of Colt's injury history he wasn't going to make it through the year without injury.  I wanted to vomit when I watched Gilbert hand-off game after game in relief of Colt.  The golden opportunity occurred the week we played that Florida directional school, in probably November.  We were up something like 35 to 0 at half.  All GG needed was some real game time experience throwing to the first team receivers.  That was the ultimate chance.  Two or three series in the second half of throwing.  That's all he needed.   Bottom line, it should have been two NCs.  


    Should have been 3.  We had the best team in 2008.


    From 2000-2009 UT had the best winning percentage and the most end of year AP Poll points in the country.  And that despite OU and Bob Stoops and Mack's difficulty with OU.

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