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Scooter Monzingo

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Posts posted by Scooter Monzingo

  1. I don’t know about you guys. But, I find the idea of foosball trying to handle a Bryce Harper liner hit at his head while he is stoned at 2nd intrigues me.

    The colossal lutz of the possibility of it going reservoir dog on him and ripping off some appendage while he had that Alfred E Newman grin on his face would be pretty fucking cool to watch.

    Matter of fact. Just stand his dumb ass out there during the 7th inning stretch and charge fans $5 for five swings to see if you can decleat his ass. Winner gets a free dinner from that glory hole chicken place in college station. 

  2. I was always partial to Franklins Tower. And it seemed as if once Bob started performing it on his own it got even better. Perhaps it was because his part had changed and he infused more emotions or even soul then speed. Younger guys seem to always want to play fast. You get older and you develop those subtle techniques that often go unnoticed to those who don’t play. So though you slowed it down, it feels as if you added more texture. If that makes sense.

    But, I’m not a Dead Head, only someone who digs what they did. But that tune epitomizes the Dead sound to me. It can go 5 minutes, or 20. On the nights they were feeling it, it could be a hell of an experience.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, AnotherUTFan said:

    Our drummer brought this to practice tonight, he's told me about it before.

    He's a cabinet maker type carpenter by trade and is a trained luthier / guitar builder. He built this Les Paul cope from nothing, DougO approved type another. He may have mined the metals and felled the tree.

    He shaped and finished the body. Carved the neck, hand cut the inlays into the fingerboard, etc. Literally from scratch save hardware. The P-90s are Seymore Duncan. I played it in practice for a while and not only can I say it played like butter, those P-90s fucking scream, that may be what goes in my other guitars. I was playing it into that Mesa I posted up thread.


    Would he mind you popping a pic of the wiring? I collect photos of that, and I would like to see how he set it up.

  4. For me it is tube or nothing. I’m not even sure my old ears can even tell the difference anymore. Not to mention it’s a pain in the ass keeping up with the tubes. But there is just something about the glow. 

    So fuck it, I picked up another one of these Lonestars. They are god ugly, but man they get nasty loud.


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  5. 14 minutes ago, Vertigo said:

    It must be so great being able to manufacture narratives out of thin air that your subscriber base instantly believes and propagates with no fact checking whatsoever. 

    Hey man, you know how it works. When it is something your target audience wants to hear it isn’t that hard to get the rumor spread.

  6. 6 hours ago, ButtFumble said:

    that is probably one of the dumbest ideas yet as Chase said above the Big 12 does not need to tie shit to the PAC 12

    forget even the idea of "wait until they collapse first" because there is little chance that happens, but the PAC 12 has major issues in general that are way deeper than on the field

    they are the only conference where close to if not a majority of their programs have shrunk their stajiums recently

    their network barring dumb luck (or adding UH of course 🤣 ) is stagnant

    they have extremely high debt for a number of their programs

    they run extremely high academic side subsidies for a number of their programs and even with those they still have the most programs with the least total revenue

    the scheduling times issue

    a population that is not college sports focused and only follows college sports when programs are winning big

    there is ZERO reason the Big 12 needs to get in a scheduling deal with them......9 conference games is STUPID and is dragging the Big 12 down and the PAC 12 knows 9 conference games is stupid, the Big 10 is finding out 9 conference games is stupid and the SEC SEC SEC and ACC already know it is stupid

    but the cure for the Big 12 dragging themselves down with 9 conference games is not to add shitty G5 programs and going to 8 games nor is it playing fewer conference games so that they can LOCK THEMSELVES in with the PAC 12

    the answer is to simply stop playing 9 fucking conference games and then schedule for the needs of each individual program in the Big 12......programs like Texas and OU would get the shit end of the stick in a deal with the PAC 12 because Texas and OU can schedule top teams from the PAC 12 or any other conference now without having to be tied to playing the shit teams in that conference as well

    and the answer for Texas and OU and any other Big 12 program to have a better schedule is to play fewer conference games and schedule well in the OOC instead

    I share every point you made. Though, I wish there was a way to poach the two Arizona schools. And drop back to 8 conference games.

    Unfortunately it is almost impossible to talk about this without CR’ing the thread. But, from my point of view those who believe that we have a common philosophy with any of the PAC schools would find themselves hugely disappointed getting in bed with them. 

    Especially those that are not only naive enough, but honestly believe that Texas hasn’t enjoyed using both its financial and political muscle when necessary in the past. That leverage would immediately cease to exist in any arrangement with the PAC, and why I don’t believe it would ever happen.

  7. 2 hours ago, David Dennison said:

    Why do you choose to be a Christian?

    First by my parents beliefs. Both who survived the Second World War on the losing side. Then when my oldest brother was killed while seeing the sites in Southeast Asia in 1967 it led to a period of reflection. I was a scared kid, and I didn’t want my life to end that way. 

    As I got older I became suspicious of many of those who sat in the power positions of organized religion. First as a Catholic, then as a Methodist. But, I saw first hand as an elected member of a pastor parish relations committee how money was “distributed” for church expenditures. The decisions often seemed unfair. And didn’t really help those that needed the very faith the church claimed to be providing. So I separated from those organizations.

    By my early 30’s I decided to hitchhike  from Damascus to Jerusalem. Believing that because I didn’t do enough for others i was being punished. And that such an experience to the holiest of places perhaps I could find my way. It was this experience that caused me to believe my god had abandoned me. Simply because my continued failure or inability if you will, to reach out and help those who could not help themselves. Because I cared more about what I owned, as opposed to how I acted. But I was overcome by how much suffering I saw. I returned a cynic, and fell into despair.

    Yet, I continued to read the Bible and pray every day. But I do it privately. And I changed my lifestyle. I decided that if I could just follow the Ten Commandments I would have at least accomplished something. The result was that I harbor no ill feelings for anyone. I will share whatever I have, whenever I see someone in need. I believe that people are good. And I also understand that not everyone gets the same opportunity, and never will. And how an act of kindness, no matter how small. Could potentially change someone’s life. Especially when you are honest with yourself and believe that you will receive  absolutely nothing in return. Those simple acts are the most important things I have done with my life. And I don’t like anyone telling me that I’m wrong who has not walked a similar path.

    • Like 2
  8. On 2/19/2019 at 8:10 AM, Prepuce of Doom said:

    I don't think the trick shot is the highlight of that commercial, but rather the misplaced satisfied grunt that he makes at some point. 

    Listen for it. Rewind it - it'll get funnier and more absurd each time. 

    Well, that and anyone who has ever made a few dollars off of a pool table during their lifetime sees it for what it is, a dumb Masse’ shot. A shot that if you fuck up and cut the felt on the table they will be putting your body in the trunk of a Lincoln. 

  9. It’s complete hypocrisy to limit how a player manages their career. Universities have been the beneficiaries of using a number of different methods from fudging test scores, to downright lying to keep their players eligible. And it has gone on for years. Including the era of segregation.

    Do you honestly believe that every student athlete at any of the roughly 130 (D1) schools have actually passed all of their core classes? On their own? Fuck no! If you haven’t seen it, just ask anyone who has had classes with some of those dumb fucks.

    Sure, there are many that manage well, some fucking excell. But many arrive on campus lacking the fundamental knowledge necessary to advance in a college environment. Many failed to complete their high school requirements simply because they are good at sports and were not penalized for failing to complete the work. And were simply fast tracked through the system.

    College football (including basketball, and baseball) would be much different sports if that one simple element was stringently enforced.

    But fuck it, no one seems to care. So fuck it, let them go wherever they want to go if their current situation doesn’t benefit them. The same with controlling their image. Fuck the school. If Wheaties wants to give a high school player a few million to use his likeness, fuck the NCAA. Those sorry fucks want it all.

  10. 2 hours ago, po elvis said:

    yeah the only thing that makes sense is they placed cameras inside the rooms and did some kind of surveillance from the outside of license plates of the customers to be able to identify them. sure they could probably identify Kraft just from the inside video, but your average joe would have to be identified in a way other than just a videotape of them naked.

    They could have simply had a line up that was cleverly suggested in Porky’s. 

  11. Hell, technology has kept us old guys playing pretty much how we did in the 70’s. If I had to hit a fucking balata ball with a persimmon wood I would be fucked. I’m going to guess 200 maybe 210? Now compare that to hitting an M5 with Calloway ball,  I can get out to 250, maybe a little longer if the conditions are in my favor.

    Where my game has changed is hitting 2, 3, 4 and 5 iron. Hitting those clubs better then the majority of guys I played against in my 20’s and 30’s allowed me a slight advantage. Once in my 40’s I couldn’t hit them anymore. 

    My solution was simply to have a club builder fab up a 7 and 9 wood. Combined with the modern 2 piece ball that goes farther then balata, and a club that throws the ball far higher makes the game way easier then hitting long irons. I can’t shape my shots the way I could a tour blade, but I can hit them so much higher who cares. And the game is still fun.

  12. Yeah, that thread title needs a little work. So far as the rusted fasteners (see what I did there). Once you have tried the standard chemistry that is available, and couldn’t break it loose. Use the smallest welding torch tip you can find on an oxyacetylene torch. You can control the heat well without worrying about transferring any heat that could potentially blue the chrome. And if the penetrating chemistry was able to make its way down the shank of the bolt you just need to get it warm enough (not red!) to get it moving.

    But, getting back to the tread title. I thought it was about us old guys who hadn’t been laid in a long time. 

  13. I have photographed mountain lions in Yosemite a number of times. The bigger ones are in the 230 lb range. Because of that I struggle to believe any one man can strangle such a predator. Not to mention their speed.

    To see one up close and simply standing still will send a chill down your spine. To see one at full speed hunting, well, I don’t believe any unarmed man can do much more then become a fucking bowel movement against such a creature..

  14. On 2/5/2019 at 10:08 PM, Mole said:

    This too is a huge reduction. I’d agree with the statement “the Beatles were most important group in their time period of their genre.” That’s a much more narrow statement than “they were the most influential of the 20th century.”  The first statement is reasonable even if you prefer the Stones. The second one takes an insanely provincial view. 

    In the same time period of the 60s, John Coltrane in some ways wrote the conclusion to many of the significant musical developments of the previous 150 years. Two-hundred years from now, musicians will be studying him in depths that they’ll never consider the Beatles. At least as a musician, I think he has more lasting significance. That’s just one musician in one genre and 7 years of output. Coltrane also has a church. Advantage: Coltrane. 

    Almost any movie with an orchestral score bears the strong imprint of Mahler and Schoenberg. Mahler’s been dead for over 100 years and Schoenberg for nearly 70, yet their influence is much more discernible than any lasting influence of the Beatles. Also, any composer in the classical idiom was forced to consciously accept or reject Schoenberg for most of the 20th century. Two-hundred years from now college music students will still be annoyed by tone rows. These composers and a few others from the 20th century have lasting musical influence in ways that the Beatles won’t. 

    As for the Motown vs hip hop debate, I’ll personally take James Jamerson over Dr. Dre any day. Motown just feels good. Personal preference aside, you can’t turn on the radio without hearing the imprint of hip hop. Even country music sometimes sounds like break beats with pedal steel and redneck escape fantasies. We’re in the era where hip hop has largely taken over, even if it gets translated into other idioms. Kendrick Lamar won the Pulitzer last year. It’s the established popular music of the era. Tastes change. Hip hop will soon be the music of the olds if it isn’t already. 

    All that to say,

    Beatles: great

    Popular view of them: over exaggerated and lacking any context or breadth of understanding.

    I don’t know if you are old enough to have actually listened to the radio back in the day. But here is how it really is. The three most important artists of the 20th century were in this order, Ray Charles, Elvis and the Beatles. They were the triad of power that without which we would not have the music we have today. Or at least would have been delayed for a few decades.

    Here are the simple reasons. If you really care do your research, there are many, many more.

    First, Ray Charles is number one for the simple reason he did the unthinkable by blending Gospel and blues into pop form music signatures that are still being copied to this day. AND he not only introduced it to the white market, but he completely legitimized it. Without Ray we don’t have rock and roll, Elvis, the British Invasion or anything else. And he got crucified by his own community for doing it.

    The second was Elvis. He took up what Ray started, but added the marketable good looking white boy element to the sound. Had it not been for the crooked Colonel, Elvis would have been 10 times as big. Not touring worldwide killed Elvis in the 60’s. 

    Then comes the Beatles. They filled the vacuum created by Elvis and his handlers (ie the Colonel) for not touring properly, and letting his sound get stale by 1963. When they released Meet the Beatles. AND the writing and arrangements of Lennon and McCartney would push them to superstardom. 

    Those three artists were not only the most important of the 20th century for the development of the many different genres of music we enjoy today. It was that collectively they didn’t just impact the political, cultural and social attitudes of the entire planet of their time, they fucking changed them. It took those three, in that order, to write the history of rock and roll. A style of music that 99% of music executives of the time said was just a fad, and would never last.

  15. On 1/7/2019 at 12:11 PM, NateHitch said:

    Sold my 77 triumph when my first son was born and have been kicking myself ever since. Finally getting another motorcycle. It's a BMW K100 that's been converted to a cafe racer. Haven't ridden in 20 years so going to take it slow but I'm excited 6c4aa3e5eea490b95ad6387214a3ef62.jpg

    I want that. Can you post some additional pictures when you have a chance?

  16. On 12/28/2018 at 3:39 PM, G650 said:

    Progress. We had a snafu with Harken Italy delivering the pedestal, but I think we've gotten that sorted well enough to stay on schedule. They also had a heater break, so that set us back on the hull, but they flopped the labor to the deck, so hopefully that's a wash.






    I have no idea what I’m looking at, but it looks badass.

    I have only owned one boat. A 70’s green pickle fork with a supercharged 427. If it was metal I chromed it, if it was aluminum I polished it. Never really knew how fast it would go, I just knew how fast I was willing to throttle it. Which wasn’t very fast.

    Driving a boat fast isn’t remotely the same as driving an automobile fast. And I have owned several 9 second cars. But it would turn heads if it didn’t do anything but sit in a lake and idle.

  17. I have 40 acres that needs to be cleaned up. Lots of downed limbs, trees, etc that I want to clear. 

    As of now I am thinking of getting a BX42 for my Kubota, but I am just repeating what I have read. I would like to hear from someone who has used this or similar attachments and can share their experience. Especially the safety side.

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