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Scooter Monzingo

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Posts posted by Scooter Monzingo

  1. I think that in a few of those they confused sound track with movie score. I have a copy of Mayfields Superfly album, and I love it. But that was pretty much the entire movie. Or has it just been a long, long time since I have seen the movie?

    Other then Easy Rider, I would guess that Pulp started, or at least solved the contemporary music rights issue that kept earlier directors from doing similar compilations that we all take for granted today. And that only happened because of Fonda and Hopper. Both who had the connections to get a sweet deal (each band got a supposed $1000) with Steppenwolf to include BOTH The Pusher and Born to be wild. And Hopper was forced to use McGuinn’s version of “I’m only Bleeding”, as Dylan wouldn’t allow his version in the film. Without those songs the movie would have felt much differently.

    So you would have to put Easy Rider high on the list simply because it pretty much pulled from the top 100 of its time. Which was unprecedented.

    • Like 2
  2. On 9/15/2018 at 3:40 PM, Grandioso said:

    That 77 shit needs to be on vinyl. 

    I have never heard about the bootlegs some of you are mentioning. Is the sound quality good? As I would love to hear them.

    The closest thing that I have ever listened to are the BBC recordings, and to be honest they are not very good. Some tracks sound as if they were just letting tape run without any intention of ever releasing it. And some tracks were so bad that I have actually heard cover bands do a better job then what the record companies put out for us to buy. 

  3. Fuck J.B. Holmes. I don’t care so much that he has to go through his 4 minute shot routine......on........every.......fucking.....shot.i say to each his own. I care that he refuses to initiate it until it his turn. The majority of his bullshit Prescott routine could be expedited while the other guys are hitting their shots. By the time they got to 14 they were a full hole (which I’m reading was a par 5) behind and didn’t get warned. I’m not particularly a JT fan, but that shit finally got to him and Adam.

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, DanRydell said:


    Discovery had already been completed


    Please provide a link showing where Kraft and Jones (or any other owner for that matter) released their cellphone and emails. And when Kraft and Jones were disposed. 

    Yes, requests were made from Kap’s lawyers going back as far as January of 2017. But I could not find any report where any of them actually turned their data over. The latest I could find was in December 17,  at which time neither Jones and Kraft has complied with the request. Nor had they been disposed as of that date.

    I could have easily missed it, but I couldn’t find anything on those specific points.

  5. Astoria, first go get yelled at by the people who love in the old Goonie house and will happily tell you “The Goonies don’t live here anymore asshole”, and the elementary school where Kindergarten Cop was filmed is a hoot. Then check out where they freed Willie. I love that little town...

    • Like 1
  6. On 8/23/2018 at 1:45 PM, Gene Parmesan said:

    Should I just give up if I can't even understand Interstellar?

    Absolutely not. Im not embarrassed to admit that I too struggled with some of the theoretical portions of the film. Concepts surrounding Quantum Physics and String theory are impossible for the majority of us on this planet to even begin to understand in their raw form.

    Cinema allows, at least to a degree. An opportunity for us regular people to see the significance of what the math really implies. And is a great vehicle to better understanding the world in which we live. I compare it to learning a second language. Once you do, you will view everything around you in a different light. People like me just need a little help grasping the concepts.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, mulletpelini said:

    Two I have to report on.  1st one,

    Passenger 57 

    Willie Mays Hays is a true badass flight security dude (who hates flying btw) and takes on McConaughey the bad guy (this had to be his first big role was it not?) and one of Michael Jacksons sisters was the main squeeze flight attendant.  Elizabeth Hurley was also a flight attendant but unfortunately she was clothed the entire time.  They land in Lousyanna and the racism towards ultra black John Cutter commences.  I kind of think this movie wouldn't be made today in the PC world we live in.  Actually a really decent cast with Tom Sizemore (Sly Delvecchio, great fucking name) as an administrator for Atlantic International Airline and Bruce Greenwood (google him, you'll know him) as the president of the airline.  Delvecchio, as an employee of the airline, also not a fan of flying.  Pretty sure Greenwood wasn't either because he sends Delvecchio out so he can stay on the ground at his HQ.  Movie tripled it's budget surprisingly.


    I hadn't seen this since I was watching horizontal flipping Skinamax at a friends house in the mid 80's.  I remember it being a lot better, probably because I couldn't hear a fucking word any of these dumb women were saying.  It is as bad as you would expect it to be.  The only thing I will add is Olivia D'abo was 14 or 15 and leave it at that.

    Have you ever noticed just how much Bruce Payne looks like Matthew McConaughey? It’s downright uncanny...

  8. 1 hour ago, Fico said:

    People don’t give money away for free. His position must of had some validity to it.

    Nobody is equating him to MLK. Don’t be even more obtuse than you already are.

    It was already posted. The NFL didn’t fear Kap, they never did. They have known what he truly wanted from day one. Their greatest fear was discovery. Can you imagine what was on the computers and cell phones of the owners, GM’s and coaches? There was no way they were allowing that to take place, regardless of what they had to pay.

    The information on those hard drives was a 1000x more valuable then anything they may had to pay Kap. Every strategy meeting, evaluations, and who knows what else. And all of it would have had the potential to eventually become public record. Or at a minimum leaked by a third party.

    • Like 2
  9. 7 hours ago, Mez2 said:

    just signed up to be a head coach for my son's teeball team this year. not sure what i signed up for but should be entertaining, in a manner of speaking

    That is where I started. And continued to do it for 25 years. Trying to get a group of kids to Williamsport can be addictive. Getting there was one of my (very few)  accomplishments. 

    To this day I run into kids around town who remember me. They are of course grown with families, now coaching their own kids.  

    I still have everyone of my score books. It was my way of dealing with the stress of it all. I can’t even watch a baseball game without keeping score, even if I’m just noting it down on a napkin. But it is a hell of a way to spend your time.

  10. I am not the one who decides if Smart should go. But the total lack of development of certain players is obvious.

    Guys who obviously have the physical tools, but continue to get out played in the post due to poor fundamentals. That is on Smart. That last Kansas game hurt to watch.

  11. I’m curious. And I’m asking simply because of the intensity of many posting in all of the political threads. 

    With the amount of discord between the isles. And elected officials becoming far more specific in their attacks regarding religion, wealth or status. Eventually one side will demand complete victory.

    In your opinion at what point do we see civil unrest? And what will be the spark that ignites it? Or do you believe it all rhetoric, and we will just simply hump along with flawed leadership? And all of this is just a  exercise in futility?

    I would like to hear the different scenarios, if you’re willing to post them.

  12. 19 hours ago, Tired Horn said:

    Elway went for a serious QB once--Peyton. Ever since, he's been trying to just get by with marginal prospects or marginal vets. It seems bizarre at this point.

    It is easy to wonder if there may in fact be just a little jealousy involved. Elway is of the age where ones legacy starts coming into play in their decision making. Just listen to MJ talk during the run up to the NBA all star game. He simply can’t stop talking about his six championships whenever Golden States run comes up.

    I think to a degree this applies to Elway. Sure, Elway wants to win. But I believe it would hurt him inside to have a QB more beloved by the Denver fans then he was/is. And even more difficult to have one become more successful. And I still believe the Denver love for Tebow’s dumb ass, though misguided, bothered him.

    Manning on the other hand was a little different, He was already a name before he arrived and was a short term guy. No fear of him dethroning Elway. Someone young? I think that may be a different story line.

  13. 21 minutes ago, jinx said:

    If only there were some factual, unbiased way to know if a Tom Herman coached Texas team was capable of beating an SEC team on an actual football field.

    The world may never know.  /TootsieRollOwl.gif/

    One thing for sure, unless they absolutely have to. You will never hear mention of the result of that game during the 2019 season.

  14. After some thought I would also add.

    One Fine Day: I prefer pre super famous Clooney far better then Oceans Clooney.

    Addicted to Love: Ryan and Broderick had believable chemistry.

    A Good Year:  I’m a little biased on this one having lived at both of the locations the movie was filmed at.


  15. 6 minutes ago, Magus Ossis said:

    They have Mordecai and Rattler. Riley will likely be fearless in running Hurts against us, with their schedule otherwise quite winnable; he is a one-year rental, and they have a 5* sitting behind the #11 "dual" QB from the class of 2017.

    Exactly, why everyone is missing this surprises me. With Rattler not coming in until the Summer, landing Hurts was a huge get for Riley. And as the year progresses he will be willing to take more and more risk with Hurts. Because by then he will have had time to bring the other two up to playing speed (one of which as you point out is a fucking 5 Star) and are waiting on the sideline. 

    The guy from Muleshoe is either very, very lucky. Or really does know his shit.  

    • Like 1
  16. I looked at it as he was simply a plot vehicle to tie two portions of the story together. Last trusted old friend, knew the daughter, etc. And he was meant for nothing more. 

    So far as Whittaker’s delivery. Well, he was playing a rebel leader that was fully aware that he had spent his entire life on a cause he knew that he would not live to see either win or lose. He was on O2, couldn’t walk well, and trapped inside a mountain because everyone is looking for him. I’m not sure what more you want. Other then he didn’t fit the role, and you would have preferred someone else?

    • Like 2
  17. Meh, shit on the midget if it gets you through your day. But you’re debating the wrong points. 

    There are only two things at play here. The first is the money. Murray gets picked in the top ten he will double his A’s money without playing a down. Should he survive his four year rookie contract he could potentially earn 10x as much. Value he would never see on the diamond as a position player.

    And secondly is performance. He ass doesn’t need to be Brady, Brees or Rodgers. He simply needs to be better then the Peterman, Allen and Carr’s of the league.

    Its not that hard.

  18. I have enjoyed the show. I thought it was a unique way to address the concept of discovering that you have a twin in a parallel world identical to that of your own. And then being forced to ask yourself how you think you would you react?

    Then add in the possibility of actually knowing what would have happened if in fact you did marry a different woman, or did take that other job you were offered, are intriguing concepts to me.

  19. I have Nebraska as one of my sleeper teams going into 2019. I think Frost is a cerebral guy who has his own definition of how to be successful, and believes in it. 

    Throw in the vacuum that has been created with Meyer gone, and Jimmy touring Europe or wherever. The timing is good for a young team that is well coached to grab an unexpected spot at the Big10 championship table.. 

    Then again I could also be full of shit.

  20. 6 hours ago, Spankytoes said:

    As someone that has received 2 DWIs (21 years old; 30 years old) I can tell you that the best thing for me was getting caught and having to pay the price for my mistakes. Paying all that money, getting an interlock on my car and knowing that a 3rd violation meant actual jail time was enough of a deterrent for me. I rarely even drink outside of my house anymore, and if I do, I make sure that I'm covered with a ride to/from said watering hole. Being VY doesn't excuse your actions. Especially since Uber/Lyft is a thing now. In fact, because you are VY, you have even less of an excuse. Literally 100 out of 100 sober people will go out of their way to help you for free in the Austin area. 

    Well, I know nothing of Vince’s issues, or even if he has one. But, you hit the nail on the head on the magic required to get ones shit together.

    I, like you finally demanded it of myself. No one person or circumstances can force someone to clean up their act if they don’t want to. You will always find some excuse, regardless of how dumb the excuse may in fact be. You have to truly want it for yourself. You have to want to change. Because it is so fucking hard to accomplish. And that applies to smoking, drinking, prescription drugs, whatever your “thing” may be that is in control of your life.

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  21. 17 minutes ago, Go Pokes said:

    Then why couldn't he tell Dan Patrick that last week?  Or better yet, not go on talk shows a few days ahead of that announcement.  Oh yeah, I just remembered who he and his dad are.  Never mind.  

    You make a good point. Though I’m not one to shit on his old man after my own experiences. When there is money involved, and believe me it doesn’t even have to be first round money. Your brain can send some wacky signals to your mouth. You just don’t realize it until you hear the playback, and think “fuck, that sounded bad”.

    But your take on not telling Patrick, who from what I understand has a large following. Would have hit a lot of ears. So that leaves me to believe that his discomfort on set (if you saw the interview, he was really uncomfortable) Could have been related to lawyers working out the money for the A’s. And what we saw was Murray was either poorly coached on how to get around those questions, or panicked.

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