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Scooter Monzingo

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Posts posted by Scooter Monzingo

  1. 14 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

    lol You fellas have no idea about all the sizing shenanigans that have been going on for decades with women’s clothing.

    And don’t get me started on the inconsistency, even within the same brand.

    I bought some jeans at Old Navy recently and depending on the cut of the leg (boot, straight, ankle) I wore anywhere from a size 4 to a size 8.

    There is no reason one body should have a three size variance in the same fucking brand.

    And then there’s the whole boyfriend cut and rockstar cut and curvy cut and flare cut and power cut.

    And then there’s skinny jeans, which are a whole other circle of hell.

    And fuck you if you’re short like me. At 5’3”, I don’t think I’ve ever bought a pair of jeans that didn’t have to be hemmed. Because the short length or petite cut don’t fall right and make me look stumpy and ankle length cuts hit the top of my shoes and look stupid.

    Seriously, buying women’s clothing is actual hell. So when your ladies buy the same thing in 7 different colors, there’s a real reason besides being a spendy bitch.

    It’s because if we find something that looks good and fits right, by god give us one in every color made because we may never find a pair of cute work pants that look good again.

    And there’s your totally unwanted insight into the insanity that is womenswear.

    And PS - the more expensive the brand is, the more bullshittery there is with the sizing.

    My wife is the complete opposite regarding inseam. She is 6’ and seldom finds a pair of jeans that are long enough to wear anything but possibly sandals. When she does find them she will buy 3 or 4 pair...after she tries each pair on while I hold her purse with all of the other dumb ass husbands.

    And like you said in your other post. She pretty much hits Target for the same reason you do. She feels the price is decent for what she gets. The only other store she finds anything that fits is Gap. But that is always a crap shoot.

  2. 11 hours ago, Walden Ponderer said:

    To be fair, it's not sustainable. Feast or famine. But no famines like the celibacy this thread is full of, for damn sure. Either one of us gets cranky as hell after a 3 or 4 day drought.

    No, no ,no. You know us. We allow almost anything. But when you cross the line and throw such a number out there. A number that you know will mind fuck the guys who measure frequency by the orbit of Jupiter. Well, we won’t stand for that.

  3. Damn, some of you grew up soft. I took a job as a machinist at a company called American Alloy in the mid 70’s. On the job for a couple of days and had to drop a duece. I walk into the shitter and there are 10 or 12 sinks along one wall, and 10 or 12 toilets, but no stalls, partitions, nothing against the other. It was Full Metal Jacket basic training. But, to their credit they figured out a way to keep guys from fucking off by hiding out in the shithouse.

  4. 5 hours ago, Walden Ponderer said:

    Y'all must not be exercising, eating right, and giving in to every last damned thing she wants. Been married 27 years, and averaging 10 times a week the last few months. It's not rocket science -- she wants something dumb? Give her something dumb.

    Averaging 10 times a week of what? Fucking? C’mon man....ain’t no one believing that shit.

    • Like 3
  5. 19 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:
    On 2/8/2019 at 11:48 AM, NowThis said:
    is Bob low on money? what's the motivation? A stepping stone to an NFL job? 

    Waiting for that Cowboys job to open after this coming season, yo.

    Though pacman is probably correct that he is tired of being around the wife 24/7. Believe me that shit gets old quick.

    It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to see Jerry hire the guy. Sure, this XFL thing is a bullshit league, but it does put him in a situation where he ain’t recruiting. Only setting up how things are done. And allows him to be around players who are legally getting paid (albeit small amounts). Before turning him loose on an NFL team. Besides, how good does he really have to be to win more games then JG?

  6. On 2/7/2019 at 11:10 PM, NYTransplant said:

    Some of the Tanfoglios are clones of the CZ-75. I'm not sure if this is what your son has, but I currently have 3 pistols, a CZ-75 and two Dan Wesson 1911's. I own these guns, because for me the trigger feel is very similar across all three. I like the CZ more than the Sigs that I've tried, and feel it compares with the 1911's. CZ's are very popular in competition shooting, and I think the trigger is a good part of the popularity.

    In short, I'm not surprised that you like it.

    I actually do like it. But, to satisfy my desire for a stainless auto I ended up going with the Gold Cup below. After doing some reading I could only find one point of contention regarding the Tanfoglio, but in my mind it was significant. And that is possible cracking of the frame and/or slide.

    I shoot a high volume of rounds every year. And shoot competitively on occasion. Even a hint of that type of possible failure causes me pause.

    In fairness you take information like that and put it in perspective. Does the person making the claim have a bitch? How many rounds were run through it before the condition was seen? Was the proper ammunition used, etc. Or was it simply a metallurgist error in one batch? Hey, shit happens.

    But it reminded me of a PPK I bought shortly after S&W bought the rights to the brand. They too suffered cracking of the frames and to their credit did a call back on all of serial numbers that got through. So they owned up to, and corrected it. But, it was a pain in the ass. So though I may eventually purchase the Witness, I think I’ll wait until a new model year rolls over and revisit what is being circulated by those who like myself run high volumes of ammunition through them.


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  7. 11 hours ago, VolenteHawk said:

    I would like to see the new Sea dweller in person...there’s no way I “upgrade” from my 2016 ceramic that I like better, but I want to see it.

    Still haven’t found a dealer with one and Bernard is still getting a couple grand over retail when they find one.


    I’ll tell you what you will see. If you’re a long time owner of Sub’s, SD and/or the DSSD you will ask yourself WTF.

    I have examples of all of these and some of the changes are nothing more then “what the fuck Rolex?” marketing ploys. Which I have knowingly gone along with for years because I like the brand (so much so I dropped the $20 on the black face Daytona simply because it looks like a Sub). And as a collector I enjoy having an example of each model. But, with this release it is getting to the point where it feels like I’m literally buying the same damn watch. Here are just a few of my complaints of this “new” model.

    Installing the caliber 3235 into the housing. Though this may be technically an improvement. It suggests that either the 3135 was in some way inferior (it was not, based on my own experience). Or they changed it just to change it (this sounds about right). Then they enlarged the case to make closer in size to that of the DSSD (again, WTF, just buy the fucking DS). Increased its depth by a few meters (yet ironically keeps its depth limit closer to that of the older (by what four years?) SD then the DSSD) so again WTF? And raised the MSRP to $11, which again brings it closer to the DSSD (at $12) then its brother the DS at $8. And widened the bracelet. Which they had to do because it would have looked fucked up with the loggerhead case on the thin bracelet.

    And lastly they changed the lettering from the standard white to red logo on the face, which screams money grab. Because anyone who collects vintage Rolex’s is familiar with the premium the seldom seen cross color ID (i.e. A Sub with red letters opposed to white) can bring if they have provenance.

    All of this appears to be nothing more then a shell game of components to increase the number of models in their line that ultimately have their DNA tied directly back to the oringnal 1953 Sub. And as someone who has examples going back to the days when one could simply walk in the door and commission a watch directly from the factory. This new approach, along with holding inventory back from their AD’s to artificially impact availability (like how they handled the release of the Daytona) is a poor move made by a company who traditionally did not do business this way.

    For those who have not seen it:



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  8. 5 hours ago, NowThis said:

    isn't Northwestern the only FBS school with real grass at least 1" high?

    The length of the grass, and the height of the crown were as important as blocking and tackling during the wishbone era. I’m guessing this has been addressed by rule, and/or technology as you never hear anyone bitch about it anymore?

  9. I was always partial to this particular effort. And more importantly just those equipped with Garrett TFE 731 engines. I know they make em faster, bigger, etc. but as a kid this was what I had hoped to command one day. But, shit happens.


  10. On 11/16/2018 at 11:31 PM, Patricio Swayze said:

    I think we had one of these back in the old country, or something similar.  I have always loved this kind of design and aesthetic.  From mid century architecture and decor to sci fi book covers and everything in between.  I guess people throw around the word "googie" and "atomic age" too.  I also dig signs of all types, especially motels.  Two things popped up recently that made think about starting this thread.  First was a friend telling me about "The House of the Century" down in Angleton.  This may or may not fall into the mid century modern theme depending on how strict one is.  I had never heard of it, but now I want to go and photograph it.  Would make a great black and white shot.  How it looked when it was built in 1972, and how it looks now:




    More photos and information here:  http://www.hiddenarchitecture.net/2016/05/house-of-century.html

    Then I was looking for other abandoned places in Texas and came across a church in Kingsville with a tower that has a very mid century modern feel.  It made me think about some of the courthouse and other local government buildings in towns around Texas that have mid century (and also art deco) designs that are seemingly out of place or unexpected.


    I also salvaged this from an abandoned building that I believe has been demolished now.  I have yet to restore the legs, but talking with Ldogg who is a big fan of this stuff, he felt they were the real deal.


    The top three pictures looks like a literal interpretation of Roger Deans theoretical  designs outlined in his book “Views”. Any idea when those were built?

    Dean had developed/envisioned an entire style of living based on exactly that design. Including furniture, living space and a small carbon footprint. But, he acknowledged at the time of the books printing that there were still some engineering issue he had not yet worked out. I’m wondering if that wasn’t the inspiration for those homes?

    That is the first time I have seen such a design that was actually built. Very cool..

    • Like 1
  11. Any of you have experience with Tanfoglio? My nephew brought one home, and though I never thought I would like such a pistol it has grown on me.

    I have been a 1911 guy all of my life. So change doesn’t come easy. But, the workmanship on the pistol is first rate. And damn the trigger is absolutely incredible for a factory set up. Almost breaks like a Jewel.

    This is not my pistol by the way, I just did a quick screen grab so people could see what I am talking about.




  12. They just flashed a stat on ESPN that 31% of the current signed players are from the state of Texas? Did Herman address anything about that?

    Im fully aware of the brand, including the luxury of pulling out of state talent because of it. I just never thought I would see such a day, and I find that shocking if true.

  13. On 2/3/2019 at 11:16 PM, LTtxfan said:

    Have not read all of this thread, but here's part of how Belichick develops young assistant coaches:



    There’s certainly a well calculated method to how Belichick prepares for everything that comes across his desk as he prepares for games, and Yahoo! Sports outlined a specific task he gives to his young assistants that they both have a deep appreciation for, and loathe beyond question.

    The task is called “padding games.”

    When padding games, assistants are required to watch tape of a given game and — on every single play — draw the offense and defense on a sheet of paper, and map out the movement and assignment of each player on the field. They’re also asked to note everything from receiver and offensive-line splits to tendencies and protections, along with deeper observations about what players on each side are trying to accomplish on the play.

    Assistants are given the responsibility of padding four our five games of upcoming opponents at a time, and a single game can take anywhere from seven hours to a couple of days.

    Offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels, who left the Patriots for a two-year run as the head coach of the Broncos from 2009-10 before returning to the staff, cites padding games as the the most important things he’s ever done as an assistant.

    “I think the most important thing young people have got to understand is, it’s not a punishment. It’s a tremendous opportunity to learn how important everything is at this level,” McDaniels shared.


    More in-depth discussion here:


    Looks like punishment. A good high school coach could easily communicate the very elements that McDaniel’s points out. Writing them down is a little silly, sounds like busy work.

    Belicheks genius is rooted in what he doesn’t share with his assistants. And why they continue to struggle to compete against him when they go out on their own. That shit is proprietary, and he doesn’t share.

    Others have tried to duplicate his methods, yet always fall short. And that is after spending years with the guy. Not to mention his intuition on when he knows it’s time to jettison a player that makes no sense to anyone, but himself. And find a guy no one wanted to fill the void. Or find a fault in another team’s framework and exploit it. Because His guys do their jobs better then his opponents tend to do.

    I wouldn’t dare to guess the what or how he does things. But I damn sure hope he writes at length about it when he hangs it up. I’m going to guess it would change a lot of what is currently being done. Though he probably will not.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    Counterpoint: Texas circa 2010-2016

    I understand what you mean, but we at least actually had one on scholarship. Taggert literally does not have one.

    Tossing the Frenchman was it. Unless what is being reported is incorrect? 

  15. On 2/5/2019 at 12:06 PM, Machinator said:


    I was always partial to some variety of those. I happen to like the pinstripes and the layout. Though I prefer the size and font of “Texas” in this version. It just looks like a baseball uniform should.


  16. There are some 4300 high schools in the state of Florida. For a school like FSU to not have a couple of QB ‘s on scholarship is bizarre. I fully understand if they are not Championship caliber, but at a minimum have a back up that knows how to play the game.

  17. 49 minutes ago, jdhorn92 said:

    You saw what not having Montgomery did to that offense. Next year is a come back to earth year for the Clones. No montgomery,  no big WR...let’s see how they do next year. 

    Meh, who were those guys before they saw some success? If Campbell is what many think, he can replace a player here or there. Play fundamental football and win some games, with an upset here and there.

    What will always hamper him is entertaining any idea of a conference championship. It is unlikely that he can build the depth needed to do that. And unlike the Synder era situation while he was building up K-State. Campbell does not have the good fortune of one of the worst periods in OU history and a less then stellar Texas. He will have to face both at close to full strength every year.

  18. Why would anyone willingly engage an aggy about football? Do you really believe you can change their minds? Or that they will acknowledge their ineptitude, or any Texas success? Let me help you out, they won’t. But fire away if you dig the drama.

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