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Scooter Monzingo

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Posts posted by Scooter Monzingo

  1. I actually find it interesting that “The Rock” really was in fact pissed, and showed Vin who in fact has more Hollywood money power.

    I thought the reports that were circulating of their slap fight was simply an attempt to jack up ticket sales on their last shit show..cars vs submarines. But, now we know that Rock crushes Diesel.

  2. On 2/1/2019 at 9:44 AM, Chad Fuck said:

    What are the details on this beauties (year, model, etc.)?

    Also, I really need to get a burst Paul.  Like really.  

    And a jazzbox.  You got any jazz boxes Scooter?

    I tried to send you and T-bone a pm, did you get it?

  3. And if anyone is interested, Jason Isbell ended up with Ed Kings “Redeye” Burst. He put out the announcement on Twitter that he purchased it from Carter’s from what I understand? I don’t Twitter so I haven’t seen the announcement myself. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Chad Fuck said:

    This.  I'm partial to the rosewood Strats.  One day I'll post a pic as to why.  


    It’s strange, but it only seems to bother me with the white Strats. .Maybe there is some subliminal buyers remorse going on?

  5. 4 hours ago, Celery Man said:

    Am I too late for the Les Paul sharing?


    That is boner builder beautiful. I may have missed it, if you have already shared. But could you tell us about it? Standard, Traditional, year? It is gorgeous. 

  6. Generally speaking aggy doesn’t like the T-shirt fan because those who have absolutely no tie to the institution choose it for their own reasons. From logo’s, to success, or fuck it, maybe the color of the uniforms. It is called branding, and why you can fly to Tokyo tomorrow and see someone wearing a Texas shirt.

    It is also why aggy will never organically build a fan base outside of Texas. They simply have nothing people want to associate with. They have had zero success. And as much as they hate it, are perceived as just some other school when it comes to the state of Texas.

    Im sure there are at least a couple of people in CS who know this. And why they are willing to mortgage their future to win a title. Without a title they are fucked. SEC members or not.

  7. I needed a truck for our small farm and looked at the new GMC 2500’s. And yes they are really nice. But damn they are really fucking expensive. I saw pricing over $58000!

    Who would (could?) spend that type of money (that are not commercial) and actually be OK with working it? I would be scared to death to get a fucking scratch on it.

    The best I could do was $37000, which of course didn’t have all of the bells and whistles (actually it has very few B&W). But it does have 4 wheel drive. And I did spring the $150 GMC charges to level it up. Because I can’t stand it looking like a damn tractor pull rig.

  8. On 1/20/2019 at 3:20 PM, ImissWallyPryor said:

    I know he said he shot something like 100 elk with his .270.  Jack O'Connor is why in the mid-80s I bought my Remington 700 ADL chambered in .270. I might've paid a premium for a pre-1964 Winchester Model 70, but money was tight in those days, and the reviews on the post-1963 Model 70s seemed mixed at best. Later, I find out that even O'Connor himself thought some features of the newer model were better, some worse.  Reviews were a lot harder to come by in 1986 (FYI to the young pups lol).  Besides, the Remington 700 ADL was on sale, and I liked the wood grain on the one the store brought out.  I could have had a BDL with a detachable box magazine rather than a fixed magazine for $30-40 more, but like I said, money was tight.  I have no regrets.

    My father was a PH in the 60’s and had a hundred tales of guys getting out of the plane with something along the lines of a .375 H&H in tow. Most were scared to death of the severe recoil. And inevitably would put their fears on display in front of the group when they couldn’t handle the simple cold barrel sight in exercise required by all of the PH’s prior to the hunt. The results of that exercise oftentimes  determined whether they would carry in a .270 or 30-06 as loaners.

    • Like 2
  9. On 1/28/2019 at 6:39 AM, G650 said:


    I've got the classic Yachtie too, but in rhodium face.



    The two watches are so far apart they might as well be from completely different manufacturers  

    While shopping for my DSSD (because I wanted a 44mm watch). The only other Rolex option I remember seeing that carried the larger case was the YMII in 43. But I never saw the II with a white face/blue marker that carried a matching stainless bracelet and bezel. First time for everything I guess.

    i only remember seeing them with a white face/blue marker. And a matching blue bezel with a gold/stainless bracelet?

  10. I’ll make this the last for the day. This was my first time dipping my toe into the custom guitar purchase. 

    There was a cat on the old site (sorry man I don’t remember your handle or I give you a shout out) who had a connection to a specific guy at Corona. Which got me around the front desk so to speak. He pretty much coached me through the process of how you actually order a custom shop guitar. Unfortunately about six weeks after I send in the deposit I run across a poster of Jimi at Isle of Wight. And instantly regreted asking for the rosewood, and Olympic rather then Maple and Artic white. It plays great, sounds great, but it has never tickled me the way I had hoped. And much to my wife’s dissatisfaction was probably the biggest reason I would go down the 57-60 Burst rabbit hole with Tom Wittrock.



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  11. A988-BDC6-07-E7-4-CD2-ACB5-342-E3-A4-AB8This is a 2016 American Pro. Tough as nails, stays in tune regardless of the environment that I play it in. And is easy as hell to work on. 

    If I try to show off (and that ain’t fucking often) this is what I would use.

    • Like 3
  12. 12 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    That's how you make an entrance.


    Though I’m new here, I have been following yourself, along with T-bone, Deej and Miles postings for awhile. You guys are pretty damn entertaining. But I am by any definition a bonafide gear head.

    Full disclosure; I’m also an old, please don’t kick me out the clubhouse. It also means fuck the grandkids. I’m spending the money now. I earned it, ima gonna spend it.

    I have a few more I’m trying to load up to post. That imbb thing can be a little finicky.

    • Like 1
  13. 28 minutes ago, mchookem said:

    so i bit the bullet and made appointment to take my niece (HS junior) to tour atm later this month. blech 😝 but it had to be done, she doesn't think she's gonna make the cut for UT. but... there are 5 other schools we're gonna check out as well.

    if i wear burnt orange will i get heckled? 

    Unmercifully. And worse, it won’t even be clever. It will be dumb shit.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    Charles Thompson does not suck...so long as his son is still here.

    So the possibility exists that the son of a former OU quarterback from Lawton, OK. Could be the QB for Texas while playing in a stadium that is named after a former OU quarterback from Hollis, OK.

    That is some fucking irony right there.

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    • Haha 2
  15. Lutz, who else remembers the story told by one of the announcers during the Championship game.about how Etinne was continually running out of gas last year late in the game? And how the coaches called him to the side and told him he had to resolve the issue if he wanted to be the go to guy. The bizarre part is he didn’t bother to elaborate on exactly how the young man managed to do that and become the 4th quarter work horse he currently is.

    As soon as he told the story I looked around the room at the other 6 or 7 guys who never shut up during a game and everyone went silent. We all were fucking floored the guy had the balls to insinuate that it was the “coaches” who instructed him to either roid up or lose his spot.

    Then throw in how Dabo and his staff are starting to look and sound an awful like Armstrong’s crew of merry men did before their shit blew up. Especially the bullshit on how something that is illegal just, you know, happened to get into their food or drinks.

    On a positive note. We have one more data point on how Dabo went from “Clemsoning” against West Virginia, to beating Alabama’s ass at their own game.

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  16. 15 hours ago, MrPhlegm said:


    Actually he did. It was very well documented in Jan Reid’s interview with Royal published 12/01/82 in TexasMonthly. It is in his own words, and he is very specific as to why he choose to call it quits at that time, even with a returning, and then healthy Earl. And where he was when he finally decided to to call it quits (Lubbock, in his hotel room). 

  17. Some years ago I remember the CD box set  they put out that included all of their studio recordings. If I remember correctly it was rather expensive for the time ($130?). But includes all 10 albums. Including a booklet with photographs and details of each album.

    To this day I believe it is one of the better box sets that was put out during that time, and is an easy way of not only having all of their studio work in one, easy to listen spot. But made for a neat collectible.

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