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Posts posted by workswithseed

  1. 3 hours ago, Bateshorn said:

    Poe literally causes thousands to die due to his inability to ask Laura Dern what's the plan, instead cooking up some half baked mutiny, and afterwards, everyone is "LOL, whatevs."  

    Por asked her the plan, but for some reason she said just told him or anyone what the plan was. 

  2. Ha, I have a strip joint right down the street from me called Dancing Bare. Good place for a beer and play pool for cheap. I do have to say my favorite is union Jack or if I'm really feeling like blowing money going over to Casa

  3. I'm saying that tfa and tlj had no character devolpment for any of the characters, and I'm mad that they the original trio had no real words together other than Han and Leia, and when Luke hears his friend of thirty years is dead we don't get to see his reaction. That's is bullshit . The prequels aren't masterpieces but they had character growth. Palpatine and Anikan's talks were really good, and Obi wan was played really well by Ewan McGregor.

    • Like 1
  4. 51 minutes ago, crackamacgowski said:


    The prequels are that bad and TLJ is on the same level.


    Nah, the prequels dont waste the original trio by not letting them ever really meet cause one is litteraly dead and 2 of them are dead in the movies. You had them all and squandered it so bad.

  5. 1 hour ago, shnsajax said:

    Odds are you will need a hoodie before an ac.

    This, also don't go figuring like it the gulf of Mexico. Your balls will probably shoot right back up 

  6. 8 hours ago, Brothahorn said:

    I'm planning on a 'working retirement' in the cattle business. Maybe even a little farming. Something that will keep me busy, but not beat me down like an every day job.

    My mom retired about 3 years ago. She didn't even make it a year before she was so bored, she went back to work full time. She's at least cut it back to part time now.

    I just want a texas native sanctuary, buy lots of land and take out the existing plants and put native grasses in, try to find a harvested ant queen and settle her on the land then add horny toads to reestablish their population. Then some where add bison.

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  7. 15 minutes ago, Angry Gorilla said:

    Laying in bed one morning over the weekend being lazy.  She looks over to me and says...


    Her:  What does this all mean?
    Me:  What does what mean?
    Her:  UGH!!!  You do this all the time.  You know what I'm asking.
    Me:  I have no idea what you are asking.  What does what mean?
    Her:  You are just trying to make me feel stupid.

    Back and forth arguing for about 5 minutes before I piece together she is asking about Trump moving the Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem.  No idea how she even heard that happened since all she watches are Kardashian and CSI shows.

    Thats on you for not reading her thoughts, obviously.

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