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Posts posted by workswithseed

  1. 15 hours ago, Rimbo said:

    She learned everything he knew, training and otherwise, when she fought off his attempts to read her mind in VII

    Which is why her fighting style is exactly the same as his:


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    (Also note that in both of these scenes, they're fighting something that isn't there.)

    Furthermore, the scene when she beats off the attackers on Jakku is there to establish that she's already an experienced fighter.

    Seriously. If any of y'all would stop and think for a minute, you'd be able to figure this shit out instead of constantly whining about "plot holes" that were clearly explained in the goddamned movies.

    People mad about Episode VIII find plot holes and otherwise bitch about other movies

    Citizen Kane: "They never explained the whole bit about 'Rosebud!'"

    Casablanca: "Why didn't Captain Renault arrest Rick? He knew he did it! He was right there! So stupid!"

    The Godfather: "'Take the Canoli?' Why would you make jokes there?"

    The Wizard Of Oz: "Why did it have to be a Good Witch? Couldn't it have been a Good Wizard instead? And Glinda is such a Mary Sue! Too overpowered, obviously some chick's wish-fulfillment fantasy there."

    The Graduate: "It's not that I hated it, it's just a bad movie." (Note: This line can be parroted for all of the above movies as well.)

    The graduate was  boring, but titties

  2. 8 hours ago, Rimbo said:

    am currently living in a state not tx, am concerned about getting jumped while leaving a convenience store now

    As a welder who is not living in Texas, whose nearest convenience store glass was shattered, well.. You can guess what I'm worried about.

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  3. 12 hours ago, TrashMaster G said:

    I get it.  Some people are perfectly comfortable sounding like a dumbass.

    I'm fine with that, I also get shit for call picante salsa "hot sauce". I also get shit for call a carbonated beverage a "coke". Some things I'm willing to take shit for.

  4. 9 hours ago, deadshank said:

    I'm going to go over the list with a fine tooth and comb

    salmon said SAL-mun rather than sam-un

    subtracting numbers and saying "I'm going to minus 8 from 17" or multiply by "timesing" one number by another. 

    Fuck off, I'll pronounce the l in salmon all I want.

  5. 57 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

    there's shit like "eat this bowl of skyline chili", and there's shit like "hey here's a steaming bowl of e coli bon appetit".  not choosing doesn't mean you don't eat either one.

    I guess I'd write in Jade's chili, cause fuck Ohio. Just put someone that I could trust to not fuck me the most, and ill vote for that person.

  6. 25 minutes ago, Mole said:

    I voted for the least Trumpy Rs in the primaries and will vote straight D for the first time in November. I'm seeking to engage people as rationally, reasonably, and charitably as I can manage to combat the cultural rot that's becoming more pervasive.

    Basically this, but if nobody looks good ill just not vote again.

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