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Posts posted by futureman

  1. 36 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    It’s okay.  I feel horrible when I read about stuff like his happening, and I wonder what kind of utterly worthless human garbage would do such things.

    Then you show up, and I don’t have to wonder anymore.

    yes, of course, I’d lynch people and take photos of it.  you have figured me out.  

    you're a lunatic. 

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, staboner said:

    I hear you man. I know you have a heavy justice bend. Same here. I also read/watch/remember stuff like this and just can't fathom how people can behave in such a manner. Its shocking to me. 

    Sometimes I feel like talking through the positive lens of the story is best. but don't get me wrong, I go about it the other way plenty of times. In this instance, ironically enough, I think I felt the white Christian folks are in the minority of the discussion, so I kind of backed them (my justice and fairness bend). As in maybe they aren't recognized for their work here nearly enough. 

    Take it easy man

    brisket is fragile and unhinged.  better to just enjoy the show.

  3. 3 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    I think it is.

    We've never come to terms with the horrors and cruelty we  -- white folks, churchgoing folks, local leadership -- inflicted on black people.

    We passed the Civil Rights Act (and now we get to hear people tell us how that was a bad idea).  And we have told black people, since the day it was voted on, to "get over it."

    If that was me sitting at that lunch counter with food poured on my head...or if that was my father or grandfather there...or my great grandfather, swinging from a tree while the entire town points and smiles...I don't think I'd be "over it."

    totally agree. christian whites are ruthless killers.  almost as bad as muslim browns. 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Sawbonz said:

    There’s a good possibility that without a couple of neg stalker socks (who interestingly have usernames Hugo uses on other platforms) Hugo would be the most repped poster on this site. Not ramjet, not thujone, Hugo. You people should think about your choices

    I imagine he’s being propped up in much the same way by pos-rep socks.  only reasonable explanation. 

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