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Liquor and Poker

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Liquor and Poker

  1. I'm surprised this brand is still able to pull this scam off.  CSB - I was sitting at an evening meeting in Manhattan about 2 years ago exactly.  One of the women who was there is always dressed in expensive-ass, high-fashion clothing.  She probably pulls down about $700k a year, is married to a guy who pulls about 1.5-2x that much, and other than her stupid expensive apartment in CPS, her clothes are their biggest expense.  It's their money, and it's her thing, so whatever.  She's also pretty damn well-built so the stuff she wears is pretty fitting.  In general, it's nice scenery and catches the eye.  Fucking pictures and rules and all that not worth losing my job.

    Anyway, at this particular meeting it was about 7:00 and she was dressed up to go out that night.  Black evening dress, hair up, all that shit.  But on her feet were some hightops that looked like Converse All-Stars made out of a metallic gold quilt.  It was like she raided the closet of some female rap star from 1997.  An she was showing the fuckers off  - "you like my new Golden Gooses?" I asked if she was going to change to some dressy shoes before she went out, and it was like I farted in her face.  Those were her dressy shoes.

  2. 8 hours ago, Bama Llama said:

    Merchandising and marketing and licensing revenue!  Team colors "evolve" because someone convinces a focus group of nitwits that blood orange, for example, looks more attractive than tangerine.  Example: Auburn's "e'erbody wear they arnge Sairdy" home games.  The shade of orange has changed two or three times since Ralph "Shug" Jordan coached there, from pumpkin to burnt orange to tangerine to darn near vermilion.  Alabama's product licensing agreements provide a special ink color number for images and imprinted materials.  The color number has changed over time so little Johnny can ask Dad to buy "this year's" crimson jersey.  All of the above a more subtle, sinister ploy than Oregonism.  


  3. It felt like Bob Cole had content control on his own performance - to the extnet it changed it was for the worse. I picture him wearing a tophat.

    Everything else was more improved than I expected. Except for the on-field performance, at least.

  4. 29 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    It's such a shame that Texas is so mediocre when we're playing these teams we all got excited about being scheduled back when we didn't suck like Notre Dame and USC.

    Holy shit.  Are we scheduling 15 or 20 years out?

  5. 8 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Inherited a pretty stacked roster from Mackovic, but also hit the ground running with recruiting and didn't let up for the better part of a decade

    Persuaded Ricky to stay that one final year. Persuaded a shit-ton of players to stay until their eligibility was exhausted, somehow, which is probably not possible these days. 

    And of course the obvious: recruited VY and Colt. 

    And he kept the olds among the boosters happy with his aw shucks ingratiating personality....

    His true talents in bold. Mack was a world-class salesman.  It was when he decided from time to time that he was a world-class talent evaluator, tactician, or playcaller that we got into trouble. 

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  6. 22 hours ago, FondrenRoad said:

     Our team rarely plays with any fire, and with the exception of a few games, they've played soft since the end of Mack's tenure.  

    Swap out “Mack” for “David McWilliams” and I agree. 

  7. My kids are in seventh grade. They were born 3 weeks after Vince Young walked into the end zone on 4th down.  

    To them it’s really weird that I drive to Austin six times, waste half a day of fair time,  and spend a shit ton of money each year on a team that goes just above or just below .500.  

    It’s all they have ever seen. 

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