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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by deft

  1. Ride the Ducks has scrubbed their website except for a statement about the accident. I did find this on a Branson Tourism site:
    Good To Know
    from Ashley, one of our Branson Travel Experts
    There are no restrooms on board.
    Tour will last 60 - 70 mins with about 30 mins of that on water.
    Large Duck gift shop.
    Located near Walmart on Hwy. 76.
    Ducks are not fully enclosed.
    30 minutes of this tour is spent on Table Rock Lake.
    Kids get to drive the boat!
    I see a couple things wrong there. The one that sank looked to be fully enclosed and letting a kid play "Captain" seems like a disaster waiting to happen.
    Pretty sure safety and liability were not at the forefront of their business model.

    Dude, really (on the second bolding)? You think in those choppy waters they’re gonna say “shit this is scary, which kid wants to take the wheel?”
  2. Was at 4th Tap earlier tonight. They've upped their game a bit as long as you stay away from the gruits. Not the best in town, but not the worst either. Very kid and dog friendly if that matters to you.

    Actually had a pretty nice guava IPA as well as a decent Biere de Garde, which I typically don't enjoy.

  3. So I feel like my summer is slipping past me and I haven't even brewed once.  Tomorrow, I'm brewing with whatever I've got laying around and I think i've got enough to make a tasty ipa.
    grains: Plenty of 2 row, some rye malt, some crystal 60, some carared and maybe even some flaked oats from the pantry.
    yeast: us05 packet, 34/70 packet, washed denny's fav
    hops: half ounce of apollo and brewers gold, plenty of cascade and citra
    I'm thinking 12 lbs of 2 row, 1 lb of carared, and .5 of c60.
    Bitter with the apollo and BG to get around 35 ibu, and then start hopping the shit out of it at 10 minutes including some hefty dry hop charges with both cascade and citra.  Probably use the 05.
    Thoughts?  Is the carared and c60 combined (right around 10-11%) too high?

    Brewed on Tuesday. Just about the same grain bill as posted but added 1.5 lbs of oats. Did just the Apollo and brewers gold at 60 to get my bittering. Ounce of citra at 10 and then a 30 minute hopstand with no cooling of 2 ounce each of citra and cascade. Once fermentation dies down, I’ve got 2 ounces of each ready to go for dry hopping.

    I brewed ahs Mexican Pilsner this morning. I decided to focus on my efficiency which has struggled lately. I readjusted my mill by sight (no depth gauges) as tight as it would go and then double milled. According to the brew house efficiency calculator online, I got 85%! The wlp940 starter had been spinning for about 36 hours so I just dumped in the whole thing versus decanting and pitching.
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