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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by deft

  1. Yeah I’m sure all of the coverage alpine doesn’t get during the race will really show off the change of livery. Only exception to that is Ocon binning into the wall or Gasley in which case you wouldn’t be able to tell what the fuck the paint looked like anyways
  2. Nooooo, if we put that on a shirt it would send the wrong message and hurt peoples feelings.
  3. I am. But $7 for a fucking quart of ice cream at the grocery store, not Amy’s, is ridiculous.
  4. lol did you see them trying to make sausage
  5. Fuck it. I can’t shit on any of the worst drivers. That’s complicated as shit.
  6. Since they only had 8 hours for the brisket, wouldn’t it be prudent to separate the point and flat and cook them separately? Still hot and fast but then give a good rest period after they probe right so that the juices redistribute (obviously you’ve pulled the flat earlier than the point)? That’s what I was telling my wife as we were watching it.
  7. Woah, two mornings in a row? Not a good look
  8. 23 I think but just because I never needed an aol address.
  9. Since they can pick a naming convention that makes sense to an outsider, how do I find that shirt?
  10. You don’t buy your weed from jack nicholson?
  11. I thought the wage issues were down at the border locations and what I presume is a factory do making the tamales and not at the restaurant her in satx
  12. Do they just keep making the sole look bigger on purpose?
  13. Schumacher kicks lulus ass all day son, all day.
  14. My wife is going to find me dead on the shitter like Elvis later so let’s make sure we’ve got the wreath fund up to snuff. I was already making some bean and cheese for the kids but tacos are boring and I still had some leftover bbq. I started with cheese hinge. Throw some shredded down on the pan and the hot dog bun on top of that for the hinge while the scored Weiner is in the air fryer getting its crisp on. Then my already lightly toasted flour tilla gets a slather of refried and wraps around the hotdog bun. That’s right ladies and gents. We’ve got a double decker taco homage here. Then the toasted Weiner gets laid upon its bubbly cheese hinge. Then comes the chopped up pork belly burnt ends. Then some sour cream. Then some cilantro….you know to make it healthy. Yes, I’ll clean my stovetop if I don’t get got by a mild cardial infarction first.
  15. Nice user name on that poster. Also, fucking ratio’d
  16. The outcome of the show was disappointing. The hosts are a joke. Sloan can cook though.
  17. My oldest just turned 13 and his younger brother and sister complained that he’s been taking really long showers lately. lol Oh to be a confused teenager again….fuck that.
  18. Any of us still watching is still just examples of bad team strat. Just watch the season recap on Netflix for all the juicy deets yall.
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