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Posts posted by gernblansten

  1. On 6/26/2023 at 11:16 PM, NoRagrets said:

    I’m going soon with kids. No idea where I should stay or what I should do other than see a pickles game. #help

    I anticipate you'll have SomeRagrets.

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, 66BUFF said:

     The AFCA asked schools who felt they had a legitimate bid for the title to submit their reasons why so that their committee could hear the case and decide.[7] In 2016 Oklahoma A&M was awarded the 1945 national championship.[8] Oklahoma State was the only school publicly announced to apply for the honor for any of the 28 years considered,[9] and was awarded the AFCA trophy. The AFCA committee stated that Army could also be recognized as co-champion for 1945 "if the school decides to submit paperwork to the AFCA for evaluation by the committee.




    • Hook 'Em 1
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  3. 5 hours ago, Dutch said:

    Gotta do mobile order through the app; it GREATLY reduces the likelihood of a screwup and cuts the wait immensely. 

    Mobile order this morning and showed up at appointed time, walked in and still waited 13 minutes. Ate my delicious sausage, egg, American on JCB on the drive home. It was glorious. Opened the JCB with sausage, egg, Monterey with grilled jalapeños and the sausage was absent. 

    <They fuck you in the drive thru gif> 


  4. 2 hours ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    Random aside, this is another reminder that it's absolutely ridiculous that the Big 12 doesn't acknowledge winning the round robin after 2014.  The current Big 12 CCG is no different than the conference tournament in basketball.  The only difference is we quit giving the trophy to the team who won the round robin after the Baylor/TCU fiasco.  We won the league in 2020.  OU won the CCG.  Just like TCU and KSU last year.  I'm so sick of that stupid fucking graphic when had we done what we did in 2020 6 years prior, we'd have been given the trophy.  But TV and the playoff committee made us play a rematch.  Yes, I'm bitter.  Yes I realize it looks sour grapes.  I don't give a shit.  

    I'm generally on board with the majority of your takes, but that take is something you'd normally see out of aggy.

  5. 1 hour ago, mdmost said:

    Surly loves to double down with "here's a think piece that backs up everything I was saying on here so see, you guys are wrong and should not enjoy it like you're enjoying it". 

    If I were writing an article, it would be a think piece about a mid level show idea that hit big at the right time and was magic then struggling with its own limitations in the harsh face of stardom.

    • Haha 1
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  6. 11 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    this is my favorite part, because it's so so so trump.

    he didn't keep the file, talk about the file, or show the file for money or favors.  he did it to "win" a slapfight he was having with milley.  he did something that would get most people life in prison so he could say "i was right".

    70mm people made an effort, whether by mail or actually leaving the comfort of their own home during a global pandemic, to check a box to make this demented traffic cone president again.  i will never get past that.  

    So for us lay people can understand, he posted his pay stub on Surly to win an argument.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  7. 15 hours ago, slorch said:

    It was trumped up bullshit that never should have seen the light of day.  Leach offended their sensibilities by demanding to be paid market value.  They were just looking for an excuse, and that came in the form of shithead Adam James/ Craig James family.

    And, isn’t the trumped up bullshit James “firing for cause” excuse the reason they still owe him part of his contract? 

  8. 2 hours ago, Born to Run said:
    4 hours ago, Grade of D as in David said:

    They should bring it back and add one of those punch velocity meters on there. A little voice interaction "that punch was huge". Max profit, I'd head down after church tomorrow at a sinful pace for a little face blast 45 with my fist, a michelada at the mercado and a puffy taco or two.

    If you’re famous they just let you grab the puffy taco. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, Celery Man said:


    republicans are so goddamned stupid

    I'm not that well versed in many things. Does that mean 18% think Trump is shitting his pants or 18% of those polled wear the same undergarments as Trump? Do 61% think he won't change his depends if he shits his pants over the indictment?

  10. 2 hours ago, Trojan Man said:

     I remember going to USC's game at ASU in 2005 and it was on October 1st, which meant it didn't get September night kickoff protection.  Fucking TV scheduled it for the middle of the day and it felt like sitting inside an oven.  You could have fried eggs on the bleachers.  

    You can fry an egg out there on the city sidewalk 
    You can fry your bacon and and and and 
    I understand why lizards live in sunny Arizona 
    Why people do and call it home I'll never understand

  11. 8 hours ago, Ted Lange said:

    I think, hope, there is too much money to end it now.  

    I hope not. It's okay for things to end. A story was told and Ted can continue touching lives and we don't need to see it.  

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