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Wally Fairway

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Posts posted by Wally Fairway

  1. 8 minutes ago, Surly Bevo said:


    The longest eclipse that has been calculated thus far is the eclipse of July 16, 2186 (with a maximum duration of 7 minutes 29 seconds over northern Guyana).[33]

    This is awesome news; and I'm excited to book a flight to Guyana. Of course this is only a few weeks shy of my 218th birthday. Anyone want to meet me there, seems like a great place for a surly meet up. 

    I will however not start that thread, yet. Apparently, it is too early to get ready

    • Hook 'Em 4
  2. 6 hours ago, The_Great_Hornsby said:

    Is it possible to pay your way in or can you only get in with the lottery?

    You can buy tickets, for thousands, but there is a personal commitment to win the lottery. I think I will have to go by 2026, when my best friend turns 70


  3. Jordan doing Jordan things - low round on the course -5 thru 15, 7 birdies, 2 wallys bogeys, to be in the top 10  (for now - afternoon tee times still to go)

  4. 21 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    one thing to consider is eclipse duration. You can zoom in more on this page (https://eclipse-explorer.smce.nasa.gov/) but here is the basic durations. The closer to yellow line, on your map, the shorter the duration. 


    Eclipse duration.JPG

    This has to be one of the best maps that I have seen; I have sent a link to at least 10 people. 
    Besides the time in  totality, it also has a animation that shows the circle (oblated oval) of totality as it travels (heads up - click the 60x button and move the slider to get to where you want to see it


  5. 8 hours ago, RDCanecutter said:

    TLDR: This was a story from a while back. Preacher had private trans persona and liked to write fan fic involving locals. Reporter Craig Monger found out and published article on him, preacher committed suicide. Monger's employer, 1819 News, which appears to exist to supply stories to talk radio programs, lost some advertisers. Monger is still on staff, when not puffing out his huge neck to attract mates.



    Seeing this angers me, and makes me wonder what ever happened to the 4chan gang called Anonymous. This seems right up there specialty.
    Then again what ever happened to Daniel Figurelli (I'm not saying surly should mess with this fucker, but I wouldn't be bothered if he felt consequences)

  6. 4 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    Beautiful face with a lean, athletic build, firm rack, and playful buttocks.  And you'd fuck her?  What a bold stance, esquire.  


    4 hours ago, Disco Strangler said:

    Depends on the photo you are looking at. She is a literal and figurative two-face.


    4 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    Whew, bad lighting on the porch.  

    Lighting ain't gonna matter, cuz dem lights gonna be off 

  7. 13 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Yeah how would Indy handle a large influx of people like… the Super Bowl, NCAA men’s final four, the CFP championship, etc. 

    We've been there to visit family, not for the race, on Indy weekend and the traffic (if you are not going to/from the race) is nowhere near as bad as Houston traffic on any given day.

    I will try to avoid construction, and I will not get on the road home for at least an hour after the eclipse is over, however I will be travelling in a similar direction but not nearly as fast. It will all be fine, I'm thinking this emergency declaration is most similar to the Y2K scare-athon

  8. 2 updates:
    a) I have decided to view the eclipse with friends who live just outside Indy, and the weather forecast has been iffy, but Monday is starting to look better (gawd I hope I'm not jinxing myself)

    b) Mrs Fairway has gone high anxiety, near panic, mode for this event. She says the Indy had declared public emergency, schools are closing, she read that there are estimates of over 1 million, food and gas shortages due to influx of people. AND to top all of that she decided to test the eclipse glasses that we have and now she thinks they might all be fakes and not safe for the viewing. She says that when she tried them on last night that the lights in the room were still (very dimly) visible, so next she tested them with her cell phone flashlight and again dim light was visible. 

    So I looked (sources linked below) and a small amount of light should be visible with a phone light and a bright bulb (unless it is frosted or in a shaded fixture - which they were not).  And Indianapolis has a population of about 900,000, so a million isn't that many people coming in & it is a, like us, I think many people will not go into the city but rather view in an outlying area. Then she got mad when I said if it seemed like a bad decision to go and she was too worried that we could just drop the trip (which I will fess up, I was bluffing/lying) which made her rethink her overreaction.




    Fuck it/Floor it - I'm all in on this bitch (and she better not be a just a tease....looking at you Mother Nature and the weather)

  9. 11 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    Every golfer should goto the Masters once in their life

    The entire place is unreal. The staff treats you like a member 


    8 hours ago, markstanco said:

    Have I ever told yall I played there twice? Maybe so.

    25+ years of not winning the ANGC lottery - I swear I have a better chance for winning the next Powerball drawing than getting a non-disappointing email from the Masters Lottery folks.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. On 3/24/2024 at 3:51 PM, Brisketexan said:

    It’s becoming crystal clear that by the end of the year, she’ll be a $1000 a night escort.
    I’m in. But not for pleasure, only to degrade her…which I’m not sure is even possible. But we have to try.


    On 3/24/2024 at 8:19 PM, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    $1k seems kind of steep for her


    On 3/24/2024 at 8:21 PM, Red Five said:

    Where do I sign. 

    @Brisketexan sure has some weird kinks; but you do you buddy.
    I think it is more likely that she does an OnlyFans page; but I honestly don't know how or why that works when there are free sites on the interwebs (or so I have heard it reported). But that question is for a different day and on a different board. 
    Hope that Brisket has saved up for his former Congresswoman escort kink fantasy bucket list item checkoff.

  11. 9 days until the Ceremonial first shot, the field is set (barring a non-invitee winning the Valero this week), the website has their fantasy game ready to go and The Big Cat is spending a week getting his game back into shape.  The most anticipated event in golf is right around the corner


    Can't wait to see what this years drama is - someone going low from back in the pack, someone throwing it away, someone seeking a breakout first major (only to sink under the pressure of the back 9 on Sunday)


  12. 36 minutes ago, FirstTimeCaller said:

    Stock prices drop a bit and yields tick up? I'll take both. Hell, give me a month of it, and I'd be happy. 

    Now if oil would chill out a little bit.

    be careful what you wish for - you might just get the whole darn thing. I once heard these words from a wise may ( or maybe it was a wise guy )

  13. On 3/28/2024 at 9:08 PM, CleverNickname said:

    My mom has 7 figs saved and I legit am not sure that's enough. But if TX medicaid won't pay for memory care, I don't know if it matters too much. I may have to see if another state has different options. Anyway, I have an appointment with a specialist. 

    I had to deal with this with both my parents, they had a decent amount of savings but it was not effectively invested. It took several years before my Dad was willing to change their investments. They decided to move to senior living in 2017, by 2019 they were in assisted living - thankfully they did have long-term (separate) LTC insurances that paid for most of their LTC costs. Dad passed in 2020 (due to medical complications) and Mom moved to a higher level of care later that year. In 2022 she was moved to the mental care (dementia/alzheimers)  wing of the facility, and the LTC policy was covering 90% of that cost. She passed in August of 2023, which was a blessing as she hadn't been able to speak for over 6 months and was not responsive.  Thankfully, money was not an issue because there savings was able to cover the insurance shortfall, but we were looking at how long that could be maintained as her LTC policy would have reached full payout by October. 
    Talking with specialist is a great option, there could be things you can do that someone dealing with families making these transitions are not aware of . Also I would advise looking into hospice care, there is long-term hospice care that may be covered by Medicare. We only found this out a few weeks before my Mom passed, and only because a new medical director at her facility was pro-active in getting this started. In all honesty, no one in my family thought about it, and she could have had those services for probably the last 8-12 months. 
    Good luck with this journey, it is a difficult road - stay in touch with family and close friends who are aware of what is going on. This is not a path that you need to travel alone.

    And ignore the assholes who throw out hateful comments - that is a bit much, even for the assholes on this site.

    • Hook 'Em 6
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  14. 2 minutes ago, shadow_operative said:

    this team (#78 in kenpom and ready to fire their HC when the regular season ended)-



    has just done this:


    to go to the final four. one of the more unforeseen, unpredictable runs ever to the final weekend. amazing.


    another way to look at it:



    So another way to put is NC State was 17-14 heading into the ACC tournament and have run off 9 wins in a row to get to 26-14

  15. 1 hour ago, StassneyHorn said:

    I think the no caffeine/coffee is because they’re diuretics and can make you dehydrated and send you back after you just emptied yourself out. He’s also 65 so no spring chicken 

    Heads up, you will get there before you know it

  16. A friend of the family was an extra in O&G, she is one of the recruits who gets off the bus, lines up at the far end. So I'm 2 degrees of separation from Lou.

    Thought that was a great movie,  Lou was the best in that role. RIP Drill Sergeant.

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