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Everything posted by Chrispy

  1. Chrispy


    You serious Clark?
  2. Chrispy


    Your contention that, at any point in her fatuous apology tour, Reid took responsibility for her beliefs is bizarre. Her claim is that she didn’t write them, so this feigned evolution of her beliefs on homosexuality is a silly notion. She should have lost her job, but now she’s currently hosting her own show and excoriating Roseanne in town halls. I’m sorry, but I find this particularly irony distasteful and a testament to the importance of where you are located on the political spectrum.
  3. Chrispy


    She repudiated tweets that she said she didn’t write, so good on her I suppose. She also had the audacity to preach about racism, along with the antisemitic Al Sharpton, in a rather amusing town hall recently. Seems her livelihood has yet to be affected, if at all. I understand the inclination to root for your team, but understand what you’re defending.
  4. Chrispy


    Well, if you want to parse their situations to that degree, I guess you’re correct. One tweeted racist slurs and the other homophobic slurs.
  5. Chrispy


    Although I gave it the old college try, I found Twitter extremely boring and not for me, so I have no account at the moment. Also, it wasn’t meant as a joke, it was an effective strategy.
  6. Chrispy


    Blaming Ambien is a poor strategy. Simply explain that your account was hacked and you keep your job, a’ la Joy Reid.
  7. Chrispy


    Don’t rule out MSNBC. Hell, they gave a known antisemite his very own show.
  8. You’re arguing to decrease the demand, of which I’m in total agreement. Until then, the addicts will turn to the heroin that is pouring across our border. That’s why I found your original claim so strange. But to be respectful to other’s requests, I think we should stick to gun control.
  9. Disagreed, but for the sake of this thread, let’s continue to protect the 2nd amendment.
  10. Which is the actual border, correct? Expanding DEA staffing, renovating outdated equipment, combined with integrating newer technology is the preferable route. It’s admittedly an incredibly difficult task, which is why pointing to Australia as an example is silly.
  11. The guns and drugs are coming in at the actual border.
  12. That’s not the claim you made. You said it wouldn’t have any effect, which is incorrect and completely off topic. They’re not flying in the drugs and weapons, they’re coming in on boats and through complex tunnels. I’m not sure why you insist on making it about immigrants over staying their visa’s, that’s not the discussion.
  13. Most cross the border and many fly. I’m not sure I’m following, the issue is the flow of guns and drugs.
  14. Enlighten me, I’m willing to change my mind.
  15. I highly doubt that. The point is moot, however; because the border will remain the same. The cartel will continue to slice the limbs off of victims with chainsaws and the David’s of the world will equate them with Trump. It takes all kinds, I suppose.
  16. You give me the awful impression of someone who has a tenuous grasp of the opioid epidemic. Heroin is cheaper and is what most addicts turn to once their prescriptions run their course or they are running low on money.
  17. The numb nuts running our country, on both sides.
  18. We have strict drug laws, how’s that working out? The issue is the flow. Simply switching the supply or demand in opposite directions doesn’t address the pourous border. Also, Australia has around 24 million people, our situations are not analogous in the slightest.
  19. The opioid epidemic has proven they couldn’t care less about protecting our borders, school shootings won’t change anything on that front either.
  20. It’s asking me to sign up to read your link, no thanks. I’m going to assume it’s saying that the cartels buy American weapons correct? Good luck buying their guns back.
  21. Australia is an island and doesn’t have a pourous border with a country run by a criminal organization. In other words, good luck.
  22. I agree with a lot of this. Choose any night of the week, go to a restaurant, and you’ll see a young kid with his face crammed into a smart phone or tablet. Piss poor parenting is rampant and I somewhat understand, it’s easier. I don’t entirely blame the parents, as some are terrified to actually punish their children, so they bribe them with technology. Hell, I remember my brother and I being sent to the car for misbehaving at the supermarket, something you could go to jail for today. Make no mistake, the kids pick up on this and the power dynamic has been shifted dramatically.
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