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Michael Knight

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Posts posted by Michael Knight

  1. 5 hours ago, MrBig said:

    I think this is a good hire since he played for years in the league and has a Super Bowl ring. His Wikipedia page stopped at 2020 so I’m asking what he’s been up to since I don’t have Instagram and I didn’t see anything on Twitter. You guys are getting defensive like I said something bad about him when I simply asked what he’s been doing prior to getting hired here. Excuse me for asking a few questions about a new hire on our coaching staff.

    You don't need to "have" Instagram to look at it Boomer. Are you saying you have Wikipedia?

  2. 2 hours ago, DanTheHorn said:

    Really who would have kept the guys that left especially since Downs during his recruitment said he would only trust Saban or Smart to develop him properly. Do you think Bond would have stayed Freshwater but not DeBoer? Please tell us what hire would have done better.

    Probably Lanning

  3. 4 hours ago, texifornia said:


    I don't think any of these reclassifications have worked out, and overall its just a bad idea. Let these kids be kids and grow up and stop fucking them up. I still contend Ewers would be so much more advanced at this stage if he hadn't done it. Now if we get Ryan Williams it will of course work out splendidly

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  4. 20 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    Whenever someone says a good old movie is over-rated, it should be considered in the context of when it was released.

    Countless people have said Jaws sucks, Casablanca sucks, Star Wars sucks, etc. What they usually fail to realize is that in a world of ever-increasing dopamine, and more sophisticated and improved movie making, most good old movies suck by comparison.

    In its time, a movie might have been great, but not be so great today. Blues Brothers is an interesting debate because when it came out it was great, for many different reasons. Today, the movie is ok but not great because humor has evolved. But the music is still great. 

    No one has ever said that and the 2nd point is just categorically wrong. Blues Brothers was never great, it was a curiosity nothing more and Stripes suffers from the same thing Full Metal Jacket suffers from; it falls apart in the 2nd half.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  5. 2 hours ago, Rimbo said:

    So who is this supposed NFL guy and why are we still waiting to hire them

    Dan Quinn

    13 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Could be also important to remember it's all fucking subjective and people disagreed about any movie you name even when it was released. Arguing that someone is crazy for not liking a particular movie is idiotic. Doing so on the recruiting board calls for summary execution.

    Most 80's movies are pretty bad, there are a few exceptions.

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