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Capt. Squints

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Posts posted by Capt. Squints

  1. 1 hour ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    What do wolves have to do with Kenosha and People v Rittenhouse? NOTHING. This is how you get chaos. Mucking about with the circle of life, bringing wolves into a discussion where they have no place being unless they are allowed to eat Wisconsin residents including little girls in red riding hoodies and the next thing you know it's anarchy and dogs and cats living together.


    Carry on.

    The lesson here is to not bring a knife or Dancing Granny to a wolf fight. You just can't win in that situation.

  2. 2 hours ago, Lobo said:

    I heard that George Floyd had drugs in his system when he died.  I think it could be a small part of why he died.  The main cause though was the being murdered part.  

    Although there is no known cure for death, you can look for the early warning signs.  A rotting smell, rigor mortis, and occasional drowsiness.  

    That was profound.

    • Fuck You 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    Unless I’ve missed it, we have no background info on this guy right? No idea his political stances, etc., correct?

    Using “BLM” as a synonym for “black person” kinda gives up the whole game, doesn’t it?

    The "background info" is that he's a career scumbag who just murdered a bunch of people. Somehow I doubt he is terribly interested in politics.

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  4. I don't care if they find the boy guilty or not, but he and (especially) his mother should be executed based on looks alone. Those are some odd-looking creatures.

  5. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    Ummm….you literally just emphasized my point.

    Shit going down: armed black man is disarmed.

    Shit going down: armed white kid is functionally deputized.

    Again, note that I am not complaining about the first outcome; it is sane, reasonable, and responsible. I am complaining about the inconsistency, and the fact that the second outcome is shitty.

    It's very clear that you hate white people. Why is that? Could those prejudiced views of yours be considered racist? I'm only asking to gain a complete understanding of how hypocrisy works these days. "Think about it darling" <<(Jerry Jeff Motherfucking Walker)

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  6. 10 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

    We all know you’re happy he killed people. You’ve said it many times. How did the sermon go on Sunday? We’re they happy about the killing as well? 


    • Fuck You 1
  7. 10 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

    We all know you’re happy he killed people. You’ve said it many times. How did the sermon go on Sunday? We’re they happy about the killing as well? 


    • Fuck You 1
  8. 14 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    Every accusation is a confession.  

    Stop talking about your wife like that.  It isn't very nice.  

    I'm not going to neg you for that nonsense, but you really should follow the advice of others when they say you should take a break for awhile. This can't be good for you.

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  9. On 11/6/2021 at 3:07 PM, babysdaddy said:

    Posting screen shots? God damn you’re a petty little bitch

    Yeah, decent people don't do that. And I have a feeling she's not so "little". Probably very overweight, which could help explain her anger issues. I suspect she's (?) a psycho hogsnapper with tons of relationship problems, and despised at every turn.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    Could Banks hypothetically just up and leave Texas mid-season if WSU offered him the job?  I don't know that they would, but I don't know that's been done in CFB since I've been following it. 

    I'm guessing they just run out the clock with somebody stepping up as interim head coach from within, they promote some position guys/analysts up the food chain to fill in those other 3-4 spots.  And then populate their lowest rank coaching jobs with friends and family that aren't working for another institution right now, so they can at least have warm bodies to call on recruits as per NCAA regulations.  As the AD/administration, you hate to fuck over the remaining coaches but I guess the reality is, "We need you to finish out the year with the program.  Full transparency---we're hiring from outside in December and giving that coach carte blanche to turnover the whole staff or pick who he wants to keep.  If you want to start looking elsewhere in December, you have our endorsement and the exit payment will be determined then."  Looks like from early beat writers, the rest of the staff is sticking around and being standup guys.  

    If this were a tennis or golf coach, besides the lower profile of the sports, I don't think it would resonate so strangely.  Given that football is the team sport that requires you to give up so much more of your body than any other sport.  Nothing against how hard they train in other sports, all the nutrition, recovery, supplements, off-season regiment, etc.  They're all badasses, but football also has this other little thing in the back of your mind, "Oh yeah, every week there's a decent chance you'll be permanently injured for the rest of your life, if you're not knocked out with brain damage first."  That's a pretty big sacrifice to make for a program, for a school, for a state.  And your coach can't meet you 10% of the way.  

    Coach Rolovich strikes me as the kinda guy that says shit at the year-end awards banquet like, "I love you guys.  I'm so proud of the fight you got in you.  I would take a bullet for each and every one of you."  But a needle?  Nope, those make him queasy. 

    Good Lord, but you are wordy.

  11. 3 hours ago, 52-80 said:

    Wanton violent attacks are terrible.  Violent attacks targeting a specific group of people are terrible.

    But are we supposed to believe people watching the Chapelle standup will be encouraged to attack trans people, or that they will be accepting of when trans people are attacked?

    What the fuck are we protesting?  That he can *possibly* be construed as mean? 


    From Bloomberg:

    Netflix Staff Raised Concerns About Dave Chappelle Special Before Release - Bloomberg

    lol, get fucking real.

    You seem insensitive to the plight of the Cishets.

    • Fuck You 1
  12. 14 hours ago, Herpa Derpa said:

    You are correct. I was failed by my parents, they being of the Boomer Generation. Most parents do fail in consideration of potential. I'm not tense at all, and I'm very educated in history. I understand the personal attack is just your Boomer way (sarcasimism). However, I'm sure an educated person such as yourself is well aware that your personal experiences/anecdotes are not sufficient to make a generalized conclusion about two decades worth of individuals. And others have spoken of the fallacy of your mortgage argument. But we are speaking in monolith terms, YMMV.  I do know that the BB have been the largest cultural block since they came on the stage and the entire society bent to your demands since you were born.

    You'll get no argument from me that the Greatest Generation wasn't so great and have been forced to allow anyone else to have a seat at the table. They are shortsighted, greedy, and take no responsibility for what they've wrought. And they raised a generation of spoiled, petulant, and all-around fart sniffing children. Who in turn raised a generation of lazy cynics who refuse to take any responsibility for anything, and their little brother generation of preening, mirror-obsessed, bleating hypocrites that are a bigger force than their parents. And we're all self-absorbed beyond belief. The point is ain't nobody got clean hands in this shitpile we call America. And no one here gets out alive.

    And that's fair. I hate all living generations too.

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