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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by BurntOrange&White

  1. There have been blowouts, like that one, that have been way more entertaining. This was just poor play for about 85% of the game. 

    I would say what we saw tonight was exceptional defense being played. There wasn’t s ton of penalties on either team, no sloppy play, not a lot of turnovers. As a pure football fan especially those who like watching good defense this was a great game to watch imo.
  2. The big 3 have floundered a bit recently, but the other sports are plenty competitive and generally top ranked.  I do agree that we could do with some more Olympic sports. 

    Yeah I think at one point out our baseball team was making a profit, slim but still a profit.
  3. Who is on your NFL players Mount Rushmore?



    Tom Brady

    Jerry Rice


    For sure



    Possibilities to fill out remaining


    Emmitt Smith

    Jim Brown

    Joe Montana


    Having trouble thinking of defensive guys. Would you split yours 2 offensive, 2 defensive?

  4. sad thing is. brady could play 2-3 more years and the results would damn near be the same. 
    Im sure he'll be back next year

    I could see him retiring if he wins it all this year tbh. If he doesn’t I could see another 2-3 years to try and go out on top.
  5. The biggest thing I want to see Sam improve on after this off-season is his deep ball accuracy, especially in the middle of the field. Once he can consistently connect on those throws he will be fucking lethal.

    I think his mid range passes need more work to truly take the next step. Hitting those 15-25 yard throws in Windows is huge for the offense moving forward.
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  6. If that is who we will miss the most I am good with that.   He was decent but had too many drops and penalties.  I hope that is the one we miss the most.

    I agree with the drops but as a blocker he’s damn good and that’s why I listed him.
  7. .09% of high school football players will make it to the professional level. The schools making money means nothing. The coaches making money means nothing. 
    Force the NFL to allow 18yr olds in the draft. If not drafted, the schools should have zero responsibility to pay the student athletes anything more than they already receive. They have a professional dollar value of 0. And yes, it is about the student athlete because the vast majority will never be payed to play football. 
    Universities making money from unpaid interns or grad students is no different that the Universiites making money off of their Football delevlopment courses. If your value on the open market is ZERO (high school freshmen) why would they be owed money for the free high level training that will enable a student to go from undrafted to a professional in as little as three years. (With the possibility to make millions).  
    Let the ones who can make money on themselves (likeness or nfl draft) do so. The rest can pound sand that the University makes money off of them like they do thousands of students for many years. They are not special. 
    By all means, create a feeder system and see if they can outdraw college football. The schools provide 90% of the value earned. The players are 100% replaceable. 

    Football isn’t basketball. The pro game is more complex than HS and even college. Mentally and physically HS players won’t do shit in the NFL except for rare talents such as AD, Clowney types who only come around every so often.
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