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Posts posted by StruggleBus

  1. Just now, longhornmatt said:

    Doubt it.  Burrow is amazing, but both of these teams will bring a pass rush that he hasn’t seen thus far.   Those tend to make high flying deep passing offenses look a lot different.

    Agreed. Either of these teams will give LSU their biggest test since Texas (lol)

    • Fuck You 1
  2. On 12/27/2019 at 1:43 AM, washparkhorn said:

    Agree. The Sanders v. Warren battle has been a simmering rivalry. Warren moving every so slightly to the "delay M4A mode" made her a little suspect to progressives. That was too early for her. She is still criticized by the corporate Dems as too "liberal" - which is just silly. She is a center-right politician in Western Europe. The corporate Democrats are right wing in Europe. Trump is a populist in Europe (who has right and left populist candidates). 

    Elizabeth just needs to commit to concrete timelines for implementation of her effort to modernize the United States. 

    The progressive wing with Sanders and Warren have the majority. Warren needs to stay in that land  Warren and Sanders are not overattacking Biden. Maybe they want Biden to be the leading corporate Democrat candidate. Lump him in with the billionaires. They know will not win - that is hubris.

    Yang might be a good candidate who will work with the corporations to reform their civic responsibilities (i.e., pay for the negative externalities of their businesses and respect the trusted American market). It has been squeezed to death with debt and austerity. Trickle down is not working. The roots need to be watered to restore some dignity. The neglected areas span the nation - including urban decay. I think Yang has some interesting proposals about the future and bridging that divide. Yang deserves more airtime. He is being cast off as a Republican by the corporate Democrats, who, at the top,  tend to project their own weaknesses.

    The corporate lane has issues. Any battle with Trump by a corporate Democrat will be met with a "you are accusing me of something your party did as regular business."  The corrupt phase of the DNC is a liability. More of the same is not the correct path to beat Trump.

    His popularity came from really not sounding like politicians. That made him interesting. Interesting led to news coverage - with major news broadcasting his speeches live, and mass media repeating his message because it sold advertising. Rather than focusing on the core principles in his speeches, which his supporters heard, the media focused on the clickbait he seeds in all his speeches.

    The media is not going to cover more of the same from Democrats. The progressives sound different from the corporate Democrats because they have different policy priorities (people first) and  messages (sincerity, policy driven, optimistic). And they don't carry the baggage of the neoliberal phase in the US. I think most of the corporate lane (right Euro) will move to the center (progressive US/center Europe) when they learn progressives' priority is to lift people up, not to tear down. To corporate Democrats, that should be good news. They will be able to carry on usual, as the federal government prioritizes healing the goose that lays the golden egg for corporations. That should be interesting to the media but they are consumed with impeachment - a problem. 

    Elizabeth and Bernie need stay on the same message (the future). The progressive sorting out can stay on the sidelines for now. Yang needs more coverage at this stage. Biden is just keeping a seat warm, which might not ever be filled.

    And the media is covering impeachment. 

    We’re not in Western Europe 

  3. 16 minutes ago, Spaulding Smails said:


    @ChampKind, I'm cooking next weekend for 'bout 75 people.  Probably 50 adults and 25 kids.  We're doing cabrito.  I have two 13-15 lb on order.  Picking them up Friday.  My Argentinian buddy and I are cooking over open coals with iron crosses.  I'm planning on supplementing with brisket, chicken and sausage under the premise that probably half of the crowd will steer away from cabrito.  I'm thinking 4 briskets, a dozen whole chickens quartered and another 20 lb of venison sausage.  We'll have a BIG pot of pinto beans and plenty of other sides too.  Seem about right?

    Mind if I crash your cabrito party? I'll bring some cold Bud Light

  4. On 12/22/2019 at 6:54 PM, High Plains Drifter said:

    Update: Country club asked for 250$ in damages. I have no idea how they came to that number. So, 50$ for my kid's 1/5. I paid it. Other parent agreed to pay 200$. Its coming out of her allowance/christmas money. 

    What kind of broke ass country club asks a grown adult for $250? 

  5. So if you're keeping track of your index, which I'd never do, are you playing by the actual rules? If you hit it OB, are you going back to the tee to hit your third shot? 

    Everyone I play with treats OB or lost balls like hitting it into a water hazard. Drop and play three from there. 

  6. On 12/24/2019 at 6:39 PM, InkaUtexas said:

    Yep, if you don't vote, don't bitch. Make Election Day a national holiday as well. 


    I disagree with you, and instead will side with George Carlin. Only those that are too lazy to vote have the right to bitch. All of you worthless voters are the ones who created this shit storm in the first place. 

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  7. 28 minutes ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    was shocked my friends doesn't have any picture controls except a few pre-set modes, I would think twice before using as a main room tv

    It does. There’s an advanced picture setting that’s fairly easy to set up. You just have to scroll to the bottom of the settings menu. 

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