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OU Sucks

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Everything posted by OU Sucks

  1. 50/50 on being able to remember his name
  2. And again, announcers acting like he stepped out. He didn't, you fuck. And the delay before the XP was the replay booth still looking at it and seeing he indeed stayed in.
  3. That slow-mo at the errant snap was a great chance to observe Burke getting massively held with no call.
  4. Ewers had 20 yards of running room if he just took off a split-second earlier.
  5. Softest targeting of the year. OSU check cleared.
  6. The announcers have tried so hard to paint the picture that we're just being gifted all our points. The obvious fumble after the receiver caught it, turned, and took two steps with clear control being something "that could go either way" was hilarious. They want to keep us out of the CFP so bad.
  7. Defense allowed 16 seconds to match a substitution? Mmkay.
  8. And almost had a false start right now, if the refs spotted it
  9. Unless they onside kick it and recover.
  10. Quinn had JWhitt wide open on that INT.
  11. Imagine if the announcers dwelled on any of the missed facemasks or blatant holds vs. OU for 3 minutes.
  12. Con: Our secondary is suspect as usual Pro: Our offense has scored 21 in the first quarter and got the ball second
  13. Cameraman really likes the OSU fatty who has the face of a 12 year old
  14. Playing 6 yards off a receiver near the goal line when you have two defenders seems sub-optimal.
  15. OSU D already faking game-ending injuries to avoid embarrassment
  16. Fuck these announcers...it was just as much OPI as it was DPI. Funny how none of these fucks ever dwell on missed DPIs that we don't get.
  17. They were quickly scanning for hot chicks but couldn't find any.
  18. There's that vaunted defense that gave up 30 to a shitty Tech team.
  19. But but....check out all these cool stats that prove we're amazing!
  20. "Goodbye UT, don’t let the door hit you on the way out"...rightttt. Is anyone going to miss these hilarious fucks? and:
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