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Francisco 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Francisco 2.0

  1. 2 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    This is a good point. He does have the face of a long time drinker. If you go by the axiom that everything trump says is either a lie or flat out wrong then he’s probably a drunk. 

    I'm far from a Trump apologist; in fact, if he is a drunk, I couldn't give a shit.  But in all the photos of him taken over all the years, at events where booze is....you never see him with a drink.

    Either he's super diligent about hiding the sauce, or he truly is dry.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

    Serious question that maybe has already been stated somewhere... why does he not drink? Health reasons, recovering, personal choice? I don't really care if he does or doesn't, it just surprises me that he doesn't.

    Alcoholic brother named Fred, I believe.


    Edit.  Who passed away a drunk at 43.



  3. 44 minutes ago, yoladu said:

    here is a picture demonstrating the both sides argument.

    Image result for knife to a gun fight

    (Brief thread-jack)

    Great ad-libbed scene.



    The famous “Raiders of the Lost Ark” scene in which Indiana Jones shoots the Cairo swordsman instead of dueling him was Harrison Ford’s idea, the actor and surprise guest told the audience during the film’s 30th anniversary screening.

    During the event’s Q&A with Steven Spielberg, hosted by Hero Complex’s Geoff Boucher at L.A. Live Monday night, the director began recounting how the scene, originally written to be an action sequence requiring three days of shooting, was truncated.


    “I had chosen to eat native food, unlike Steven who went to Tunisia with a steamer trunk full of SpaghettiOs, and I had suffered mightily for that,” Ford said. “I was no longer capable of staying out of my trailer for more than it took to expose a role of film, which was 10 minutes, and then I would have to flee back there for sanitary facilities.”


    • Like 3
  4. So, I'm reading the $1 League.  The oral history of the USFL that was released on Tuesday.


    I'm in the first chapter where Donald takes over the Generals.  Absolutely everything about him in this chapter...is the same as he is today.   


    Case in point:



    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Message Board User said:

    So am I the only one who thinks it’s awfully suspicious that Feinstein had this info in July and is only coming forward now?



    By rolling it out now, if the info is valid and throws this nomination aside, the GOP doesn't have time to get a new nominee, vetting, etc before mid-terms.


    Had she done it in July, they could have had someone in the bullpen ready to go.

  6. 1 hour ago, MC Fresh Breath said:

    Right.  But my discussion was more aimed at the new model announcement prices.   And this isn't just Apple, of course.  It seems all flagships are in the 1$K range, which just seems insane to this old man in terms of the seeming speed in which we jumped to where that is considered normal by most.  And then that makes the $749 model "budget."   It doesn't feel like the pricing was based off of giant leaps in the tech or caused by inflation.  

    As mentioned, this could just be my version of "old man yells at clouds."   I'll quit belaboring the point. 





    One thing to consider here; while pricing has gone up, there's always the prospect of future tariffs on this stuff.  Thanks Trump.



  7. 16 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I admit it’s not likely but Trump DGAF about his base when he’s facing real consequences. 

    He will capitulate if he has to and he will spin it as a win for himself and America. 

    I could see Trump trying to negotiate with the House Dems (assuming they take over, and there are investigations up his ass and impeachment and whatnot).  If they curtail or drop things, he would agree to whatever the hell they want in exchange.

  8. I want to read Fear, and I will someday.   But I picked up a book that was released today....and I can't put it down.  Plus, it's a nice diversion from real life:





    Oh, topic on hand...here's a pic that is in the prologue of the book:



  9. 25 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    He's got a point.  $28 million would pay for around 56 days of Trump's golf trips.  That's a much better ROI.

    So, when Manafort is sentenced, that $28 million on a cost per day basis is going to look like quite the bargain.  Course, Trump is gonna pardon him, and then tweet that he's saving the country money due to Manafort not being in prison.



  10. Yeah, let's enjoy those liburl tears!  Fuck Nike!




    Nike's sales have surged 31% in the time since it unveiled Colin Kaepernick as one of the faces of its "Just Do It" campaign and 17% over its mark from the same time period last year, according to data from Edison Trends.

    Why it matters: Critics of Nike's move to sign Kaepernick to a new deal and include him in their latest ad campaign speculated that Nike may suffer in sales and because of backlash from public disdain of Kaepernick. Though the apparel brand did take a hit in favorability, the latest data indicates that sales are still on the rise.


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