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Francisco 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Francisco 2.0

  1. 16 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    Completely misses the point.  I doubt we would hear that much about Trump's golf if he had not made it such a huge issue when Obama did it.

    Totally agree!

    Or this:



    Real estate mogul and reality TV star Donald Trump (R) says he wouldn’t get out much if he wins the Oval Office next year.

    “I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done,” Trump, 69, tells ITK. "I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off.”

    and for those keeping score:



  2. 3 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Your MIL sounds like fun.

    I've said it before in the past, and I'll reaffirm it again.  She and my FIL if not 1%'ers, are damn close.  He makes great money at his gig, all their kids have graduated from college, grandchildren nearby, they have their health, etc.  No debt at all.  They literally have everything going well for them in their lives.  They are "good people".  

    Yet politically, they are a lost cause.  

  3. 44 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    90% approval by Republicans is absolutely ridiculous.

    Not only that, but my earlier post regarding MIL disbelieving Russia and George Soros?

    She is in the 90%, and she now believes the FBI should be abolished, or at least "reformed".

    That's the direction the Republican Party is headed.  


    Edit:  She also absolutely loves the President on Twitter, for she believes it's the only way the "truth" ever will get out about his presidency.  

  4. 34 minutes ago, softlynow said:

    Smartest, strongest, hard working, loyal. 1 of 4 ain't bad. Of course, the makeup of his cuckstituency is catastrophic for us.

    I think folks with parents hooked on fox news need to strike out a new course to save this country. We need to prevent the olds from voting en masse. Talk to a lawyer and get guardianship proceedings going. Do it for your country. Accuse your parents of being incapacitated today!

    My wife was talking to her mother just the other day.  MIL refuses to believe that Russia (or anyone working on their behalf) tried to influence people on Facebook.  But MIL is absolutely 100% convinced that George Soros or his minions do.


  5. 13 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Like look at what happens to a Republican that goes against the dear leader, Flake and McCain are now hated by both parties.  Gowdy is currently getting blackballed.

    If Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell actually stood up to Trump, would anyone give them praise? The Trumpkins would lable them traitors and the democrats would bash them for taking too long and “muh voting record!”

    There’s absolutely nothing to gain politically for a Republican to go against Trump.  It’s a hostage situation.

    I prefer to think of it more as Stockholm syndrome.


    • Like 2
  6. http://www.tmz.com/2018/06/01/abc-talking-roseanne-reboot-centered-sara-gilbert-character/



    "Roseanne" may be on the verge of rising from the dead with a second reboot, but this time centered around Sara Gilbert's character ... TMZ has learned.

    Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... the powers that be at ABC are exploring the possibility of re-branding the show and focusing on the character Darlene instead of Roseanne.

    We're told Sara's been calling cast members to gauge their interest in the event ABC gives the reboot the green light. We're told John Goodman is "very interested."

    Our sources say Tom Werner, who produced "Roseanne" through his company Carsey-Werner, is involved in the effort to reboot the show around Sara.

    What's more ... ABC is desperately trying to salvage the jobs of those who were affected by its swift decision to cancel the show earlier this week ... especially for the writers and crew.


  7. https://www.rollingstone.com/tv/news/roseanne-barr-i-begged-abc-not-to-cancel-the-show-w520978



    Roseanne Barr continued to address the aftermath of her recent racist tweet that prompted the cancellation of Roseanne, writing Thursday on Twitter that she "begged" Disney-ABC Television Group President Ben Sherwood not to pull the plug on the series. 

    "I begged Ben Sherwood at ABC 2 let me apologize & make amends," the comedian said in a since-deleted tweet, The Hollywood Reporter notes. "I begged them not to cancel the show. I told them I was willing to do anything & asked 4 help in making things right. I'd worked doing publicity4 them 4free for weeks, traveling, thru bronchitis. I begged4 ppls jobs."

    Barr continued by recalling Sherwood's outraged response. "He said: what were you thinking when you did this? I said: I thought she was white, she looks like my family! He scoffed & said: "what u have done is egregious, and unforgivable.' I begged 4 my crews jobs. Will I ever recover from this pain? omg."

    ABC swiftly canceled the highly popular revival of Barr's classic sitcom on Tuesday following a widespread backlash to the actress's damning tweet from that same day, in which she compared Barack Obama's former White House adviser Valerie Jarrett – who is African-American – to an ape ("muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj"). Barr's agency, ICM Partners, also dropped her as a client, and Viacom announced plans to pull reruns of the original Roseanne from three TV channels: Paramount Network, TV Land and CMT.

    Barr originally promised to leave Twitter after the controversy but returned hours later for another tweet spree, blaming her racist post on the insomnia medication Ambien and apologizing directly to Jarrett. In her round of Thursday tweets, the comic wrote that she was worried about the reaction of her young co-star Jayden Rey. "The saddest part of all is 4 Jayden Rey on the show whom I grew2 love so much & am so ashamed of myself that she would ever think I do not love her bc she is African American," she added in another since-deleted message. "It's the most gawd awful painful thing. I can't let myself cave in tho."

    In tweets from late Tuesday and Wednesday morning, Barr floated the idea that ABC nixed Roseanne due to a "threatened boycott of the show's advertisers." 


  8. Added some additional content re: Pardon O'The Day:





    A senior White House official said as many as a dozen other pardons are under consideration by Trump, adding that most are likely to happen.



    The pardon would mark the latest instance of Trump deviating from the normal pardon process.

    Generally, those seeking pardons must wait five years from the date they are released from confinement before becoming eligible, and they must apply to the Office of the Pardon Attorney. D’Souza does not have an application on file, a Justice Department spokeswoman said.





  9. https://variety.com/2018/tv/news/icm-partners-drops-roseanne-barr-racist-tweet-1202824342/



    ICM Partners has dropped Roseanne Barr as a client, hours after the sitcom star sent a racist tweet that spurred ABC to cancel her top-rated sitcom.

    “We are all greatly distressed by the disgraceful and unacceptable tweet from Roseanne Barr this morning,” ICM Partners said in a statement Tuesday. “What she wrote is antithetical to our core values, both as individuals and as an agency. Consequently, we have notified her that we will not represent her. Effective immediately, Roseanne Barr is no longer a client.”

    Barr signed with ICM last August, just as the reboot of “Roseanne” went into production. Barr has long been known to hold out out-there views on politics and aspects of American culture. The actress has also been a vocal supporter of President Donald Trump, a character trait that was also given to her sitcom alter-ego, Roseanne Connor.



  10. 23 minutes ago, NameAlreadyInUse said:

    State government was full on in charge when I went to UT.  I paid around $20/hour the last semester I was there.  Then the state government reduced funding and started relying on federally backed loans to pay for public higher education.  What made the price go up was giving the banks a vested interest in raising the cost of higher education.  So they set about making that shit happen.  I don't even think today's college student at UT would have a frame of reference for what a $20/hour semester bill would look like, and that wasn't that long ago. When you give a financial interest to private entities for public goods, you put yourself in a terrible position.  Private interests are going to figure out how to maximize profit and minimize risk, and when they can buy off the politicians making the laws, not only can they minimize risk, they can fucking socialize it with fed backed loans.  I think we've seen the effects of that in education very clearly.  


    Yeah, it's OU, so  but earlier this year President Boren stated that the university received around half of it's budget each year from the State of Oklahoma when he was named president.  Now, it's down to 18% or something like that; which led him to comment (paraphrasing) at some point, when does the university become private, or strictly federally funded?  At what point is it no longer a state university?



  11. In 3 paragraphs calling off a summit meeting between two (and more) nations of this planet, Trump refers to himself no less than 8 times.

    He refers to "we" or "us" 3 times.





  12. 9 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    What is he even talking about?

    At this point, it really doesn't matter.  He's preaching to his 30% and they are swallowing every single drop of his hot, creamy tweets.



  13. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/trump-personally-pushed-postmaster-general-to-double-rates-on-amazon-other-firms/2018/05/18/2b6438d2-5931-11e8-858f-12becb4d6067_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.54c65472bdd5



    President Trump has personally pushed U.S. Postmaster General Megan Brennan to double the rate the Postal Service charges Amazon.com and other firms to ship packages, according to three people familiar with their conversations, a dramatic move that probably would cost these companies billions of dollars.

    Brennan has so far resisted Trump’s demand, explaining in multiple conversations occurring this year and last that these arrangements are bound by contracts and must be reviewed by a regulatory commission, the three people said. She has told the president that the Amazon relationship is beneficial for the Postal Service and gave him a set of slides that showed the variety of companies, in addition to Amazon, that also partner for deliveries.



    Trump alleges that Amazon is being subsidized by the Postal Service. He has also accused The Post as being Amazon’s “chief lobbyist” as well as a tax shelter — false charges. He says Amazon uses these advantages to push bricks-and-mortar companies out of business. Some administration officials say several of Trump’s attacks aimed at Amazon have come in response to articles in The Post that he didn’t like.

    The three people familiar with these exchanges spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the White House’s internal deliberations.

    Brennan and Trump have met at the White House about the matter several times, beginning in 2017, and most recently four months ago, the three people said. The meetings have never appeared on Trump’s public schedule. Brennan has spent her career at the Postal Service, starting 32 years ago as a letter carrier. In 2014, the Postal Service’s Board of Governors voted to appoint her as postmaster general.

    Clouding the matter even further, Trump’s aides have also disagreed internally about whether Amazon is paying enough to the Postal Service, with some believing the giant commerce company should be paying more, while others believe that if it weren’t for Amazon, the Postal Service might be out of business, according to the three people.

    Trump has met with at least three groups of senior advisers to discuss Amazon’s business practices, probing issues such as whether they pay the appropriate amount of taxes or underpay the Postal Service, according to the three people.

    These groups include Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, then-National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn and Domestic Policy Council Director Andrew Bremberg. Bremberg has served as a key liaison with Brennan.

    One of Amazon’s biggest defenders within the White House was Cohn, who had told Trump that the Postal Service actually made money on the payments Amazon made for package delivery. Cohn announced his departure from the White House in March.

    The White House, the Postal Service and Amazon — as well as Bezos, via an Amazon spokesman — declined to comment for this report.


  14. Semi Cohen related:



    Last week, AT&T apologized for for its "serious misjudgment" in hiring US President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen to provide “insights” into how the new administration would handle issues like net neutrality and AT&T’s proposed merger with Time Warner Cable. Ultimately, the $600,000 AT&T paid Cohen for said insights became such a scandal, the company was forced to fire its top policy and lobbying man Bob Quinn, despite the fact that such behavior is arguably routine at the Dallas-based telecom giant.

    While AT&T would obviously like to move on from the scandal, watchdogs and several lawmakers would like to see the issue explored in more detail.

    New scheduling documents obtained through FOIA by corruption watchdog American Oversight show the Chairman met with with top AT&T executives at a private dinner in Barcelona a month after the company began paying Cohen.

    “A private dinner between Chairman Pai and an AT&T executive who hired Michael Cohen to influence the president doesn’t reflect well on the impartiality of the FCC," said American Oversight Director Austin Evers in a statement. "Pai should disclose exactly what was discussed at the dinner and who organized the meeting. Did Michael Cohen set up a dinner where AT&T executives tried to sway a member of the president’s administration on policy that affects the company?"

    "We can’t know for sure until Pai tells the whole story," the group proclaimed. "The FCC has some serious explaining to do."

    Given that Pai is arguably ultra-cozy with the industry he's supposed to be holding accountable, it's entirely possible that meeting would have happened anyway. But the group still believes that the company and Ajit Pai should be more transparent about the meeting, especially given the laundry list of favors (from gutting net neutrality to killing consumer privacy protections) that have rained down upon AT&T since Trump picked Pai to head the agency.


    • Like 1
  15. 24 minutes ago, Queen Bitch said:

    One of y'all read the new Ronan Farrow New Yorker article and Cliff Notes it here. 




    A law-enforcement official released the documents after finding that additional suspicious transactions did not appear in a government database.

    Here's a bit more:



    Last week, several news outlets obtained financial records showing that Michael Cohen, President Trump’s personal attorney, had used a shell company to receive payments from various firms with business before the Trump Administration. In the days since, there has been much speculation about who leaked the confidential documents, and the Treasury Department’s inspector general has launched a probe to find the source. That source, a law-enforcement official, is speaking publicly for the first time, to The New Yorker, to explain the motivation: the official had grown alarmed after being unable to find two important reports on Cohen’s financial activity in a government database. The official, worried that the information was being withheld from law enforcement, released the remaining documents.

    The payments to Cohen that have emerged in the past week come primarily from a single document, a “suspicious-activity report” filed by First Republic Bank, where Cohen’s shell company, Essential Consultants, L.L.C., maintained an account. The document detailed sums in the hundreds of thousands of dollars paid to Cohen by the pharmaceutical company Novartis, the telecommunications giant A.T. & T., and an investment firm with ties to the Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg.

    The report also refers to two previous suspicious-activity reports, or sars, that the bank had filed, which documented even larger flows of questionable money into Cohen’s account. Those two reports detail more than three million dollars in additional transactions—triple the amount in the report released last week. Which individuals or corporations were involved remains a mystery. But, according to the official who leaked the report, these sars were absent from the database maintained by the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or fincen. The official, who has spent a career in law enforcement, told me, “I have never seen something pulled off the system. . . . That system is a safeguard for the bank. It’s a stockpile of information. When something’s not there that should be, I immediately became concerned.” The official added, “That’s why I came forward.”



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  16. 6 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    Lebron's not easily the 2nd best...... Statistically Wilt shits on everybody.... including Jordan, he simply had to play All-Star teams for most of his career.  Judging the older players is very difficult for many reasons.  KAJ has something to say about it too..... I think saying he's in the top 3 of the modern era is very fair, but all of that probably needs it's own thread.

    If rings are the only thing that matters, then Russell shits on everyone. 11 is kind of hard to top.



  17. 17 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

       That article is agenda driven. The problem with Lebron James led teams is that they never get an opportunity to build through the draft. When you are top of the conference seemingly every year what draft picks are you getting? What great player did the Cavs or Heat trade away for older, veteran talent? Wiggins? Come on man. This article is misinformation at best. The Cavs only regret is trading away Kyrie. They were never going to build through the draft.

    You do realize Brian Windhorst really is the media source that Team James leaks shit to for publication, right?

    Had it been written by anyone else, I would understand agenda.  But at this point, Windhorst might as well be on James payroll.  Hell, he has written at least three books I'm aware of about James and his career with Miami and Cleveland.

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