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Francisco 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Francisco 2.0

  1. Apparently, overnight someone took control of Trump's legal defense fund website. As of this moment, it has not been restored https://patriotlegaldefensefund.com Here's the archived version of the site: https://web.archive.org/web/20230803025233/https://patriotlegaldefensefund.com/ And here's the announcement of the website's existence in late July: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-team-launching-legal-defense-fund-pay-legal/story?id=101856623
  2. Hell, if you consume enough Mt. Dew it probably does something to your DNA.
  3. Nah, he's a cousin on my mamma's side. Of course, she was too.
  4. Our long national nightmare is over. Lindell has the solution to secure elections: wifi sniffing drones https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/08/wi-fi-sniffers-strapped-to-drones-mike-lindells-odd-plan-to-stop-election-fraud/
  5. https://www.tmz.com/2023/08/18/kid-rock-drinks-bud-light-beer-dylan-mulvaney-shoot-cases/
  6. Apparently, Elon didn't brush up on the Apple and Google Terms of Service for their respective app stores; apps that feature user generated content have to have the ability to block users. Courtesy of some poster over on Macrumors:
  7. https://apnews.com/article/pac12-stanford-acc-conference-realignment-oregon-washiington-0722c523671cd2e4ac8b42151000bf48
  8. Truthfully, I don't know. There might have been a few, but most of them masked up consistently.
  9. It's a minor miracle, I guess, to see at least a dozen women I know, 40 or older, who have lost an astonishing amount of weight since last fall. Sure, they all could have in theory changed their diets and implemented some sort of workout regimen.....but I doubt it.
  10. https://jezebel.com/supreme-court-will-hear-abortion-pill-case-right-in-the-1850744829 TL;DR. The Supremes will hear another anti-abortion case during the 2024 term-in the middle of the 2024 Presidential campaign. I'm sure this won't have a negative effect on juicing election turnout.
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