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Francisco 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Francisco 2.0

  1. Eh, he will get bored around the witchin' hour.
  2. Guy on the top right also has his wife color his hair. Unless, of course, that's a wig from Morrie's Wig Shop.
  3. When you get your hairstyling ideas from Captain Kangaroo: Also, this:
  4. The best judges. https://www.thedailybeast.com/inside-one-egregious-mistake-from-trumps-florida-judge-aileen-cannon
  5. https://theathletic.com/4763046/2023/08/10/pac-12-realignment-big-ten-big-12/
  6. Something, something....Canadian. (I like Rush)
  7. Let me guess---she's gonna rule that sure, Trump can have an SCIF in his ballroom.
  8. Twitter started encrypting DM's in May of this year (long overdue, for certain), with certain provisions. I'd bet that warrant was the reason they finally got it done.
  9. That's the trick; everyone is ditching the conference to get out of paying their share. WSU and OSU will have to foot the bill.
  10. Counterpoint: The United States has faced several vile, deranged, dangerous and damaging pieces of shit as defendants throughout the years. They have never faced Donald J. Trump and his sizable cult of personality, consisting of well over half of a political party, members of the judiciary, several media outlets, a public willing to bankroll his legal costs and his own means of dissemination of his words (Truth).
  11. https://defector.com/the-market-made-a-meal-out-of-the-pac-12
  12. One might think that, but this is the gilded age of MAGA. Old, traditional norms and rules no longer apply.
  13. https://www.meidastouch.com/news/trump-taint-jury-pool-change-venue-dc
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