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Posts posted by Hmmm

  1. i don't trade regularly, but..

    manufacturing. which encompasses a lot of industries.  

    narrator*  we are dependent upon China and its supply chain.  don't underestimate the cheap value of unregulated labor.

    don't know shit about oil though. that was a curve ball.

  2. 15 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    So you're talking about Herman's burnt eggs thing, not DBs trying to take on McCoy a little rougher than the average freshman in practice. So your original comment was totally unrelated to the article and the piece you quoted then? 

    i'm not defending dbeasy and will let them speak for themself, but curious, why you disregard "DBs trying to take on McCoy a little rougher than the average freshman in practice".

    most coaches encourage older players not only to challenge but to teach/embrace them as teammates. your quote almost suggests McCoy was a target (bc he was a 5 star or out-of-stater?).

  3. 24 minutes ago, NorthLoop said:

    I'm on about day 22 of this. First week was a normal cold. 2nd week was a cold with deep respiratory coughing that hasn't let up. 3rd week was the flu, 103 fever and all. I'm almost back to normal today but the cough won't go away.


    Btw wife and kids all had some form of this briefly during the last few weeks but it only lasted 3-5 days for them like it normally would. 


    If I did have Covid-19 then it'll probably be out of my system by the time any testing is ever done in this country .



  4. are there any self-reports in the US or elsewhere once in "quarantine".  i haven't seen any.  just wondering if they take your cell away or make you sign some sort of agreement.  purely bullshit talk here but i'm surprised i haven't seen a self-documentary of some sorts.  the closest thing I saw posted online was a nurse that suspected they were exposed, but did not get tested.  

  5. 12 minutes ago, Hmmm said:

    if you read my prior post, you would know i do not think anything is wrong with competition (or challenge as you put it).   i don't know where you got that from.  perhaps you should smoke more.  but to "take a shot" at someone, and in context of the article, does seem rather shade-worthy.  very possible his quote was taken out of context or he could have used better words.

    as a coach, i would never encourage players to "take a shot" at someone unless they were playing basketball.

    and if you can't understand the duality of that quote within the context of the article, well, i can't help ya make that connection

  6. 16 minutes ago, Burt Macklin said:

    None of that was throwing shade at our DBs. What are you and dbeasy smoking?
    There’s nothing negative about our most talented DBs wanting to challenge a top 10 rated player in the country in practice. 

    if you read my prior post, you would know i do not think anything is wrong with competition (or challenge as you put it).   i don't know where you got that from.  perhaps you should smoke more.  but to "take a shot" at someone, and in context of the article, does seem rather shade-worthy.  very possible his quote was taken out of context or he could have used better words.

    as a coach, i would never encourage players to "take a shot" at someone unless they were playing basketball.

  7. 12 hours ago, texifornia said:

    It's sports, dude. A guy who came in with that much hype and circus is going to get tested to see if he's really that good.

    Also, it's in Naivar's interest to make Bru seem like the good guy since they're at SC together.

    Kinda funny how Naivar throws shade at former players that he was coaching.  As if he had no control over the DBs who were taking shots at Bru.  Some coaches are very good politicians.  Don't know much about Naivar and his ability to coach-speak.  Then again, culture normally trickles down from the top.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Hmmm said:

    if anything, i don't think it was because he was disobeying.  pretty sure he wanted to meet Holly.  and that's a big part of the reason her dude was shot up and killed.  that was personal.  he wanted to take that away from her.  the scene of Holly standing behind fire and staring as if she doesn't give a fuck what happens to her cements this for me.  think she said "it is time" (to meet Cuco) in that scene.

    edit - don't care to rewatch but I remember the shooter had Holly in his sights at one point.  not sure if that coincided with the snake, but if so, the snake was a distraction.

    someone up-thread implied that Holly was the outsider.  I woudn't say she was THE outsider, but definitely an outsider.  so, there could be more than one was my take away.


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