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Posts posted by Hmmm

  1. to correct sentences and grammers and prevent fuckboys and repbangers from adding to this shit storm of a thread by correcting stupid, pointless grammar.  go on, continue your circle jerk of HS athletes.  it's what you do best.

    carry on

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

    *conscience. Unless you meant to say you consider it being awake. 

    Jesus, you guys are fucking slipping. I take a break to watch the the ants swarm the ice cream droplets of bad news in the coronavirus thread and you slappies are letting vocabulary and grammar errors run rampant like Bru McCoy’s unplugged period. Pull yourselves together. 

    damn dude, go find someone elses' grammers to correct. bithcboy.  that post was over 10 days ago and here you come at me ya grammer nazi to make some joke about a teenager. that's kinda fucked up.  don't you have something better to do, like suck off your fuckboys on here.

    and yes, i do consider myself awake.  ya know, awareness.  or maybe ya don't.  same reason i was hoping this defiled, decrepit thread would die.  but then ya had to bump it to make an unfunny joke about a teenager while attempting to correct someone's grammers.  may god have mercy on your soul.

    • Like 1
    • Fuck You 11
  3. PC has been neglected in this board, whilst, being prime for stupid, silly rep and punishment.  Unless I'm missing something?  Can this not be a control put in place (autoplay disabled by default) by admins on this board.  Us suffering  PC dimwits are subject to your community/moderators/admins/commandments.

    And holy fuck, the quoting on this Board is the absolute worst.   Get your shit together.

  4. 3 minutes ago, 2300 Nueces said:

    Tests aren't available.  It's not like having a rash.  It will knock you down.  The fatigue is hard to describe.  If tests were available and I have a horrible headache and am extremely tired, I'm not waiting in line all day.  I can't make you believe me, just trying to help.

    It doesn't help when CTJ, insincerely,  sides with you as best post on the interenetz.  

    • Fuck You 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, 2300 Nueces said:

    I tried small amounts to make sure that I wasn't allergic.  I had the stuff for 2 weeks before I caught it.  I knew there was no way we were going to stop it from spreading.  The studies I posted were from doctors in HK.  If it was from some mommy website screaming about gluten and vaccines, well hard pass.  The scoffers haven't read the study or don't understand it.

    wait, what?  help me make the connection between studies from doctors in HK and mommy websites, to your hard pass, and your posting scientific "evidence".

  6. 4 hours ago, Parliament said:

    Call me a old fart, but I like the idea of real people being involved. Skynet and such.



    you may be an old fart, but your idea of people being involved on a trade floor is a bit antiquated.  hft and prediction algorithms are a beast.

    if you think you're playing chess, while others are playing checkers, then your're... thinking.  imo, i fully acknowledge i could not beat a computer at tic-tac toe, checkers, or chess.

  7. 4 minutes ago, RayDog said:

    That is bullshit as evident from the many countries effectively controlling the spread by having everyone wear a mask. If for no other reason, it forces asymptomatic carriers or people with mild symptoms to wear a mask. It also at the very least minimizes face touching by uninfected people so to say it has no benefit is pure bullshit.

    don't disagree.   was pointing out the difference between generic masks and health grade.  also, referenced the source (.gov website) and won't go CR.  i think it's safe to assume there are different grades of masks in terms or mitigation for both carrier and non-carrier.


  8. in terms of N95 respirators and generic face coverings.. a quick search shows:

    However, some N95 respirators are intended for use in a health care setting. Specifically, single-use, disposable respiratory protective devices used and worn by health care personnel during procedures to protect both the patient and health care personnel from the transfer of microorganisms, body fluids, and particulate material. 



    note in bold because previous discussions indicated "general" masks were only beneficial to the carrier and reducing transmitting and had no benefit to people not infected.

  9. 12 minutes ago, UT_OB1 said:

    She should do what her doctor tells her.  JFC what is wrong with you people?  

    as a a non-doctor, even the doctors are having trouble keeping up with the facts.  i still don't know if coffee is good or bad for me. studies, mass information, and sound statistics can help reduce the amount of error, but we're far from that in this scenario.  how could we be even close if we don't even know if coffee is bad or good.  still, trust your doctor. 

    that said, i feel grateful having posters like @Newdoc chiming in with insight and @2300 Nueces, (probably not a doctor) posting relative suggestions even if most are non-conclusive.  

    i am drafting my own medical cocktail (no homo). 

    • Like 1
  10. 21 minutes ago, Texaus said:

    I thought the masks didn’t prevent infection of the healthy? Seem to remember they were only useful for preventing spread of virus when worn by someone who was sneezing/coughing?


    this was debated in the first couple hundred pages and i came to the same conclusion.  i would hope there are such masks that protect both the host and parasite.

  11. dude

    3 hours ago, Loco said:

    It seems like you are equating TP hoarding & shortages to Hospital ventilator shortages.   People who do not need vents are NOT being put on vents.   Doctors feel free to step in here and correct me if I'm wrong.

    1 hour ago, Loco said:

    Scrounging around in the garage earlier found 3 old N95 masks.  Am I now rich?


    Serious question are they even worth donating to the local Hospital?  They are probably 4 years old and the rubber straps have seen better days.

  12. 2 hours ago, Loco said:

    It seems like you are equating TP hoarding & shortages to Hospital ventilator shortages.   People who do not need vents are NOT being put on vents.   Doctors feel free to step in here and correct me if I'm wrong.

    not a doctor, but people were hoarding masks.  not sure if they are the same ones that hospitals use, but likely, and if so definitely contributed to the low supply.

  13. 11 minutes ago, Hmmm said:


    From Golden Globe speech: "Sometimes it's 3 a.m., and sometimes it's 11 at night, in which you just have to somehow put it all together, have faith in what the process is, and go there." 

    Well, guess about when he came out with CV?  UHHHHHUUH. 

    - The Derel

    *i don't buy into this but find it interesting and fascinatingly coincidental.  there's gotta be a more apropos thread for such topics and this certainly isn't one.

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