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Everything posted by Hmmm

  1. I was a bit wrong on this. Josh Moore says he's the fastest with Jake being second fastest. J Thompson says he is definitely faster than Duvernay.
  2. Last season, J Thompson was asked who the fastest player on the team was and he said himself and Jake. I think in the previous season, J Thompson said he was the fastest on the team including Duvernay.
  3. Schooler got juked but didn't give up and outran Dunn easily. Surprising how much faster he looks than Dunn, but I think he just took a better angle.
  4. Hot damn! @Burt Macklin mentioned this cut in a previous post but we didn't get to see the full play. Even more impressive.
  5. I wouldn't consider Okafor as a Gaskamp contender. Tope Imade, on the other hand.
  6. So, you're saying those are nice hips. NTTAWWT.
  7. Ahh, that's gotta be it. Thought it was Whittington but it's Dunn.
  8. I can't tell what's going on here. Looks like an option but the QB's hips are throwing me off.
  9. I think most recruitniks expected Broughton to be a world beater, but not in his first year. It appears he's already surpassed Ojomo. I expect good to great things from him.
  10. I got confused. Thought we were trying to figure out who had the ball. Roles reversed here. The Lyon tat on his arm really gives it away.
  11. I can't remember the last time we had a player break a foot. How does that happen... someone step on him? IIRC, there was a football player who got injured by dropping a weight on his foot. Andrew Beck had some type of uncommon foot injury.
  12. Something about distributions, too. Which I have yet to figure out.
  13. This is pretty sound advice. I opened a Roth recently and I'm trying to decide how conservative I want to play it. At this point in time, I'm not looking at is as a retirement account (maybe in a few years). I'm looking at is as an account where I can be more active with my trades without having the tax consequences. Somewhat of a play account. More freedom to reallocate whenever I want. The downside is that if I lose money, I can't realize the loss. Other than that and the contribution limit each year, I'm not sure why you wouldn't use Roth for play money. Then again, I'm still learning.
  14. It's easy to forget we went through a recession or two in the past year. I think.
  15. You have, at minimum, 10 more days to contribute towards 2020. Since tax season was extended, you may have until May 27th. I was informed by my broker the extension, even though federal, may not apply to all States (there may have been some miscommunication). Also, you can go ahead and contribute towards 2021.
  16. Nvm. I can't do that. Need to convert securities to cash before I can contribute to Roth.
  17. Just opened a Roth in addition to my traditional brokerage account. Apparently I can transfer individual stocks from my traditional brokerage account into the Roth as a contribution? This will help me avoid capital gains tax. I thought I would be limited to contributing only cash to the Roth, then investing with that cash. In other words, I was planning on selling stocks in my brokerage account and use that cash to contribute to the Roth. That seems dumb now. Am I missing something?
  18. Jamison. Can't tell who split the two on the first play, but he left BJ in the dust. BJ can't afford to get beat deep because his recovery speed is not good.
  19. Lots of talk about federal legislation. Fingers crossed. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/04/03/schumer-senate-marijuana-legalization-478963
  20. I'm confused by the last comment, "US steel is supposedly moving into this space". Are they saying US electrical steel is moving towards GOES, as in a different form of processing electrical steel?
  21. I'm not disagreeing or agreeing with you cuz I don't know shit. Just want to point out that the Infrastructure plan has been all over the financial news outlets in the past few days. And I mean, all over. Haven't been paying attention to how China plays into it other than what was mentioned by KeysPhoneWallet: "China is rumored to be reducing its exports by reducing its rebate, so global prices go up."
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