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John Lawrence

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Posts posted by John Lawrence

  1. 2 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    The double standard is insane from a month ago we had mockers about MuH rIgHtS that would lead to inevitable virus spikes and unheard of death amounts



    Now we see a much higher human rights protest with much larger turnouts, closer contact, screaming with no masks etc. I’ll say there’s a lot more masks than the MuH rIgHtS people but masks don’t make a shit. But we’ve heard crickets in this thread from the mockers with the current protest

    It's largely young people out there.  I think some spread will be good.  Let's get the herd immunity on.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Texas_Rocks said:

    5 miles an hour? I imagine most people are going to put it to the floor when the first brick comes through the window.

    5-10 miles per hour should work just fine.  Anyone that doesn’t want to get their ass run over can move.  

    I have no sympathy in dickheads blocking roads getting run over at slow speeds.  You don’t have to let them Reginald Denny you

  3. Vehicles should keep going at slow speeds. If they want to get run over at five miles per hour, that’s their choice.  

    motorists shouldn’t have to be detained by a crowd nor risk a mob beating them up.  

    If those assholes get run over at a slow soeed, fuck ‘em

  4. 2 minutes ago, Steel Shank said:

    Do we have a Top 10 Dumbasses yet?

    Machete guy

    Chris Martin Palmer

    Leg sweep guy on cop car


    who else?

    I mean the guy lighting himself on fire has to be the leader in the club house.  When you want to use gas to light something, you douse the gas on whatever and then pour a small trail away from what you are lighting.  Then light the trail.

  5. 1 minute ago, Homercles said:

    Yeah I’m real glad to see you suddenly pop into existence and basically only post here in this thread.  Didn’t you already have stuff deleted?  Just go to the politics thread on this subject and tell everyone how terrible liberals are or the left or it’s all Soros whatever agenda you’re pushing.  

    It’s fucking awful enough that people are taking advantage of this situation to vandalize, loot, destroy or whatever and they deserve to be called out on it, arrested and shamed.  Ill gladly eat crow if it comes out that these young white kids are mostly coordinated via some antifa network but until then, posting stupid tweets that shape the video to their conservative narrative isn’t doing anything but sowing more division and finger pointing.  

    Gun to your head, who do you think they are?   

  6. 3 minutes ago, Homercles said:

    I watched that whole thing.  Where do they claim to be antifa or of any political leanings?  Considering the source of that tweet I’m going to guess they have an agenda

    The world may never know which way those young 20 year old women tagging a Starbucks with Black Lives Matters leaned politically.  

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  7. 4 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    They have got to be pissed that their actions are being broadcast around the world, in real-time in some cases.  Which triggers the snowflakes among them into acting even more shitty in front of the cameras, which perpetuates the image that they are thugs, and so on, and so forth.

    And again, just imagine how they are acting when they don't think cameras are on them.

    Sunlight is the best disinfectant

  8. 2 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    I grew up Catholic. I did all that bullshit and all the first communion, baptism, confirmation, etc. Sunday School. The works. All my family are religious. Are you insinuating I need to go back to know what it's about? Nah. It's the same as it always has been and always will be. And what goes on inside the walls of the church is not even my point. Many people practicing love and all in there are the same who spew their bullshit outside of it but hiding behind their religion and bible. Bible Belt christians are some of the worst people I have encountered. Religious nuts are the worst.

    Fair enough.  Many of the best people I know are Christians. 

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