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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Orale

  1. Confirmation that it went under. What you don't see is those pictures is when it's buttoned up, you're stuck inside the belly of that thing with nowhere to go, crammed in like sardines.  There were 15 inside, 8 still missing. Semper Fi brothers.
    edit: This is what it's like inside:
    Jesus. What's the purpose of these things? Amphibious assault like on D-Day?

    Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk

  2. 18 minutes ago, Snake Diggity said:

    If I were handicapping, Biden is surging like a mofo, and I would predict 341-197.  For now I think OH, FL, and NC will be extremely close and all go blue, with AZ being the only current toss-up going to Trump (I will not see GA or TX as toss-ups until the election is called, too good to be true), and unless something drastic changes I think PA, WI, MI, and MN are safely blue.  As of now you really really have to squint to see any reasonable path for Trump to win.  It includes him winning ALL of GA, TX, FL, AZ, NC, OH, AND pulling one of MN, PA, WI, or MI.

    BUT obviously Biden and his team and his voters would be utter fools to buy into the idea that this election is decided.  The virus could wane.  Biden could gaffe.  An international conflict could arise or spiral.  Interference could be rampant.

    I could see Mark Kelley voters pushing Biden over the top in Arizona. 

  3. Cross posting from DT thread 
    I’m about 30 minutes in here. I heard Jocko a few times before. He’s an intense dude. Anyway, had some great ideas for how to address police force issues. For those that don’t know, he’s a former Navy Seal Commander 
    1- defund the police is the exact opposite of what they need. But it’s not more cops, it’s more extensive training. He suggests every fifth day being set aside for it. Basically a bunch simulations running through all the different situations they may encounter, how to handle different types of citizens. A lot of reps. Like they do in the military. Not to militarize them, but so that when they’re in the field and encounter someone combative they are able to de escalate and neutralize in a more calm fashion. If you’re training is limited and someone lays their hands on you, people usually panic and then decision making suffers.
    2- “community outreach”- my air quotes, but he likens it to counterinsurgency efforts.  You can’t just roll through town in your armored car with windows up and have people in community respect you or want to work with you. There need to be greater efforts to get to know citizens and vice versa.  Humanizes people more.  People on both sides have dehumanized each other to an extent and we see the result there.
    3- continuous psych assessments- like on tours of duty, people burn out at different rates as cops.  It’s a stressful occupation and if you’re more on top of their mental health many of these incidents could be avoided.
    anyway, enjoy.
    But they receive a ton of training as it is and this shit is still occuring. There is something more insidious involved than a lack of training. Police should not be armed outside of a small armed response unit. If the 911 call is for a violent situation, send the armed unit like the Brits and a lot of nations do.
    • Like 1
  4. I am a single data point in that green section. 36, college, white, male, suburb, independent, Pennsylvania. I am a big reason we’re stuck with what we are because I didn’t think bunker bitch had a chance to win. 
    I don’t show up in polling because I don’t have a land line and I don’t answer calls from numbers I don’t recognize. 
    I hope there's a lot of your type this time around going to the polls.
    • Like 1
  5. Demings has been getting criticism for her history....... an ex-cop from a department with poor ratings in racial profiling or enforcement and her support for the Blue Lives Matter bill a couple of years ago.  That alone may cool her chances.  Kamala has her own very serious issues around ignoring police brutality issues as a DA.  These things don't automatically disqualify either, but it complicates things for them, especially as Biden seeks to distance himself from the DeFund the Police movement yet balance his platform with trying to be empathic to the civil unrest.  Still think Harris is the safest choice, Warren the best choice, and Demings maybe having the most electoral upside.  I read somewhere that Baldwin may be running up the list.
    I love Baldwin. Met her a while back and just an exceptionally kind and smart lady.
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  6. 200.gif
    But seriously where are these officers going to find a job with the same pay and benefits with the added bonus of assaulting and killing people of color without legal ramifications?
    Yeah, I laughed at that. I've got a high school degree and no skills. I'm going to leave my $70k a year job because I don't want to be held accountable. Go for it fucktards.
    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. If a Democratic Congress and Senate pass some version of MFA, there is no chance in hell that Biden wouldn't sign it.

    BT believes Biden has an ideological problem with MFA. He doesn't, he has a pragmatic issue with it. He doesn't think it has the votes to pass and that it would harm Democratic candidates in the election. If the electorate shows greater support for MFA, Biden will evolve on the issue.

    • Like 8
  8. 1 hour ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    1) Cheering from afar as he goes after public unions. 

    Just out of curiosity, do you feel this way about police and fire unions as well? Not that you wouldn't, but I've noticed a lot of anti-public union folks often carve out an exception for police/fire which I find maddening. I'm generally anti public unions as well but will admit inconsistency depending on the union. 

  9. He's not going to pick a young mayor when everyone is expecting his eventual pick to take over for him. That would be a pointless hail mary pass when you're ahead 14 points late in the 4th

    It's going to be someone safe, experienced, and widely regarded to be capable of taking over for Joe right away if need be. That's not a young mayor or a state legislator. That pretty much leaves Harris or Warren. Demmings possibly but I don't think she's well enough known.

    • Like 1
  10. Republicans don’t love Trump in spite of these things.  they love him because of these things.  that’s how you own the libs.  
    Exactly. They are cruel ugly hearted people. I have a few uncles like this that I've shut out of my life. I don't need that hateful aura and don't want my kids exposed to it.
  11. He will forget whatever they say within 2 minutes.  He’s got dementia.  And it’s very sad his family hasn’t started guardianship proceedings.  
    I'll take a Dementia Joe surrounded by a brilliant administration over a literally evil Trump surrounded by incompetent grifters. It's not even a close choice.
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