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Certifiably Surly
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  1. His message may have been broadly about the casualness of quitting marriage. But he did specify violent marriages. Nobody put words in his mouth or is disingenuously interpreting his message. Suggesting women (or men) should stay in violent marriages for the sake of the kids strikes me as insane.
  2. I may hit it up for lunch today. Never been.
  3. Are there sugar substitutes that don't cause bad gas and other stomach issues? I'm pre-diabetic and buy sugar free sweets to sate my sweet tooth and some of them do a number on my stomach. Some don't. I need to be better at tracking which particular sweeteners do this.
  4. I'm no expert, but I don't see why you couldn't just sister another board of the same size to the broken joist. There's a ton of how-to youtube videos on doing it. A quick ai google search says to get a board of the same size and run the full span to where it connects to a beam on each end.
  5. Whole families or groups waiting together with their luggage to pick up a single food order at a crowded airport. You only need one person there goddammit!
  6. I was in a somewhat similar boat. I used Twitter pretty intensively for a few years beginning with the 2020 election. Early last year I deleted it along with Reddit and Instagram. I felt a bit naked (no pics) without the constant barrage of the newest news and opining. After a couple of weeks, though, I completely forgot I had ever used Twitter or any of the social media sites (I'll never quit Surly, fight me!). All that negativity and obsessive need to be in the know took a mental/emotional toll on me. I feel much more at ease not having been on social media, particularly Twitter, for the last couple of years. I'm not saying you should the same, but you should definitely do the same.
  7. Just a heard a bunch of horns honking and people yelling down on the street next to my apartment in Palermo, BA. I guessed Argentina scored.
  8. What a weird forum. Are they not allowed to say fuck? Every other post has "frick" in it. Fucking weird.
  9. Haleiwa Joe's and Maya's Tapas & Wine in Haleiwa are both really good. Haleiwa Joe's has a really nice view of the water and mountains. There are a ton of food trucks in Haleiwa and close to Turtle Bay in Kahuku if you want something more casual. Seven Brother's at the Kahuku food truck park (it's more of a sit down place with outdoor seating) has great burgers. The poolside bar at the Turtle Bay hotel (it's open to the public) has an amazing view of the water and solid food.
  10. Anyone done a longer cycling tour in the Northeast? I'm exploring a two week scenic ride somewhere in the NH, Vermont, Maine area in September camping where I can. I'm looking at different routes here https://cyclingnewengland.wordpress.com/bicycle-touring/.
  11. Didn't see a topic on the city. I went a couple of weeks ago and thought it was a really fun city with good to great food, friendly people, and some of the most beautiful scenery I've seen in an urban setting anywhere in the world. I stayed in the tourist section of the city where Copacabana and Ipanema beaches converge. Despite being winter, the weather was high 70's to low 80's throughout the week and the beaches were packed everyday. I avoided the favelas and never felt unsafe, though I didn't explore the nightlife. The prices for most things were pretty inexpensive by American standards. The highlights for me were a sailboat cruise with spectacular views of the city and lots of beach time. It was a 9 hour overnight flight from Houston, so not too bad a trek to get there. The trip was a last second add-on to my current month long stay in Buenos Aires where I'm working remotely, but I'd definitely recommend Rio as a stand alone trip.
  12. I ain't going down there. Cold as shit right now.
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