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  1. Glad you're having fun. I don't get Estes Park, personally (in the same way that I don't get Vail).
  2. It's like that Eddie Murphy movie. The name you know. Jeff Johnson.
  3. By faith, she means the opposite of faith. But that's redundant, I know.
  4. Hopefully they'll reign in the preboarding as well. Jetway Jesus lives on SWA.
  5. Sounds like the 45% comes from the state's own statistics. Whether they are accurate I couldn't tell you.
  6. John Oliver did basically his whole show on Sunday about this. Wanna hear something funny? Texas is the only state that tracks crime by immigration status. Native born citizens commit 45% more crime, on average, than immigrants do.
  7. He won't beat any sense into him, but a good, solid ass whooping would be fantastic.
  8. Trump is dialing it back by distancing himself from Project 2025 even though he's clearly behind it.
  9. Must have been some good pizza.
  10. You bumped a 4 year old thread to say this?
  11. What rates are you guys seeing for an owner occupied jumbo mortgage?
  12. I gotta admit, I figured we would have heard about a new one on the way by now.
  13. How long until flatirons are as expensive as ribeye? Probably my favorite cut of beef. Lean and tender.
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