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Posts posted by bamachine

  1. 2 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

    The little boy from the Tulsa opening has a note from his mother that said “WATCH OVER THIS BOY”.

    I’m fairly certain the Lou Gosset character (old black man in a wheelchair who killed Judd) was holding that same note when Angela found them.

    (He also said some stuff in the preview for next week but I don’t know if y’all consider previews spoilers)

    I thought he said he did not kill him, just hung him up at the tree.

    As for Drifter's query, the movie was not critically acclaimed nor did it do well at the box office but it became kind of a cult hit.

  2. 5 hours ago, Tom said:


    This isn't a remake. It's a sequel with different characters set in a different part of the country.  The comic book/movie takes place in 1980's NYC and the Kalvary/white supremacy thing wasn't a part of it.  This is present day Tulsa.  So far Ozymandias is the only character from the original who has appeared on screen. 

    This series looks like it's following the comic over the movie from the scene where they're driving home in the rain.  

    Yeah, I did not think it was a remake. I knew it was more of a sequel. I was just not sure if the Kavalry thing was part of the comics or something made up for the show. I do know the opening Tulsa thing is based on a real event.

  3. This may be much closer to the comics, don't know, only seen the movie. I don't recall the racist stuff from the movie. Mostly I just recall it being a dystonian future and them setting up a character as a foil to bring thw world closer together. Not getting into specifics, for those who might want to watch the movie but have not done so yet.

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  4. 2 hours ago, HOOKEM4 said:

    That shit isn't real. That is the girl who does those handstands and walks down the stairs. Also a bunch of parkour/flips bullshit. She makes over 2x what a cop does just from posting those videos for the thirsty fuckers who like fit girls with faces only a mother or a THujone could love.


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  5. 2 hours ago, NorthLoop said:

    Shit I completely missed that. I need to watch movies like this on a bigger screen. 

    Yeah, he took two guns out of the family safe. The other looked to be a .38 maybe. I figured that showing the .22, he had something planned with the .38. I thought he might just have in behind his back, then had to rewind to see he fired from his jacket pocket.

  6. On 10/8/2019 at 9:32 PM, TwiceHorn said:

    I don't think people are watching this video.  A goat, a monkey, a pair of mongeese, and a special surprise.

    It's made for surly.

    It is not showing up for me. I see most of the tweets on here but the one you linked starts to show up then just disappears completely.

  7. ^Spent a summer near there, in apartments on Riverbend. My oldest brother lived there for work. I spent the summer between HS and college in Athens. Some highlights of that summer, got high with some REM roadies, "dated" one of their daughters, went to a party at Stipes house(boring party, sitting around talking philosophy, left early), got caught "dating" the roadies daughter by the roadie, he did not care.

  8. Yeah there were good moments throughout. It just got silly on the Strasmore character and his reach. It was far better when he was just a former player struggling to make it as a financial adviser to current athletes.

  9. 5 hours ago, Wade said:

    Going pretty far down the rabbit hole with this one.  The old man threatened Greg with no one else around.

    They were on the veranda at a party, with tons of people around. They were not down in the middle of the crowd or anything but people were walking by them. Maybe not right when he said that. I said it might be, not that is was a thing. I also doubt he was sent in there as a plant from the jump but after he had stared working at the office and drove his grandfather, back in season one. I think that might be where the plan was hatched. They made a point of showing it was a long drive, no music allowed and I doubt that was only to show how cantankerous his GF might be. They established that in other scenes.

    It is not a sure thing, unlike how we know Greg is helping Kendall now, but just a thought on a possibility.

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