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Everything posted by bamachine

  1. Trained under Kyle "I am too stupid to just run to setup the game winning kick" Shanahan. Not the greatest job recommendation.
  2. Boy bands without dancing are horseshit without dancing.
  3. This is where I am at. As a fan of no NFL team, I can enjoy them no matter what happens.
  4. 3rd and 2, trying to milk clock, throw deep, get away with it
  5. This returner has taken one too many hits, whether to the head or bong hits.
  6. He had it then, it just was not used much by Tennessee. He was too impatient at Bama or you might have seen it there.
  7. Should have been flagged. It is illegal. Now, I don't think he did it out of frustration, like they are saying, he just is not used to being a tackler.
  8. That Panthers chick looked like she did not have her false teeth in.
  9. Tune in next week for BB Nutlicker and the Smegma Triad
  10. Video was the aftermath of a few Surlyasshole's trip to Tijuana.
  11. Thx for the reminder. While I hate most current country music, I do love the blues based country of old.
  12. I can answer that one for you...Brodie Croyle. Of course, he was made of glass.
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