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Everything posted by bamachine

  1. The key to keeping the police from killing dark skinned folks, when they call the cops out, make sure there is already a dead dark skinned person on site. That way they feel like they don't have to fill their quota for that day. Otherwise avoid the cops at all cost.
  2. ^Yeah, I also would not doubt that Logan's brother was part of this from the beginning, sending Greg in as a plant. The whole "threat" to cut him out of the will was staged to get Logan to trust Greg more, have him at key meetings.
  3. It being a home game is not necessarily a bonus for Bama. Bama always plays LSU better in BR than in Tuscaloosa. Most of the wins LSU has in the series are in Tuscaloosa. Bama has a winning record both home and away but a higher win percentage away.
  4. I know it is not using the ground as a primary propulsion mechanism, while at height. Still, whatever is below likely plays a small part(just like prevailing air streams), especially once it gets low enough. Hence a constantly changing and moving surface would make it that much harder to control an already wonky system of flight. Then again, I am not an aeronautics engineer, so I may be way out in left field. I also get that is not what happened to this particular jet. You can see some form of explosion before it hits the deck. Just an observation about adding more difficulty to controlling an already flaky piece of equipment.
  5. Both teams have a bye before that game. Still, this defense is not what it has been in prior years. Last year they lacked a pass rush other than right up the middle with Quinnen. This year, they are starting like 5 freshman in the front 7. thanks to preseason injuries. It will likely be a stressful game for fans of both teams.
  6. The Harrier is not the most stable over actual ground, seems even more stupid to try and hover over liquid,
  7. Hatred...ants Fear...none really, some are creepier than others.
  8. Will just have to click it to see it. Not sure how to embed mp4 on here. https://i.imgur.com/Wi2vaGP.mp4 Best play of the game.
  9. They are probably all of his fantasies of living a different life than a career criminal/killer.
  10. That includes an all new identity, a new home and vehicle, in a far away place. A lot of money is fine but eventually you are going to need to produce an ID for some reason or other. It is far better it be one without any flags on it.
  11. Yeah and they also came full circle with the scene in the kids playground. His friend complaining about the type of restaurants and the brother being just the type to go frequent those places.
  12. Oh yeah, neither are the hero of this story. Was just giving them their true monikers.
  13. I would hope the dickhead got his nuts cut loose, by the door glass, so he could not procreate.
  14. Wimpy younger dude tried to make him flinch, then when he failed, he did the chickenshit, leg trip push and run. He did not want any part of fat, old, dontgiveashit dude. He would likely have owned him in a brawl, unless he ran out of breath or had a heart attack.
  15. Twice in one week to see him gunned down.The American Sean Bean, maybe?
  16. Obviously not a Baptist gospel singer, far too many eyes might see you drink that beer.
  17. That is exactly how we went from being the place that no longer matters to the Surly.
  18. I think he just quit, in this last episode. They went from being an entertaining look at athletes excess with boobs to trying to get messages out there while playing fast and loose with reality. Only watching these last few because they are the last few.
  19. I don't sure exactly and already deleted the episode but I seem to recall the "prophylactic" being metaphorical.
  20. I was thinking the last season ended with Angela getting murked and the whole "need to send Elliot a message". Then again, been too long of a gap for me to be sure but seems like I saw those scenes before.
  21. That should be counted as a sack. His knee hit before he got rid of the ball.
  22. Haha, although, not all of that is on Faker.
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